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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. There are an old patch about cycle between buildings if you press a hotkey, but never was implemented http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1899
  2. Excelent, a guide to build units. like Starcraft and AOK
  3. Can be Useful later... source http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?topic=307086.30 art by Christos Giannopoulos
  4. can be nice Add a messages to player about how much had received by looting
  5. In sourceforge are all versions even first pre alpha.... I will search the link for share I'm not sure if all building version are in atlas, can you confirm that?http://sourceforge.net/projects/zero-ad/files/releases/ For if you are interested in a specific version.
  6. New alpha 18 have new level of difficulty. try to create units to collect wood and food and expand pop capacity before reach second phase, in second phase create an army to hold on the first AI attack.
  7. Is posible searching The files in old version and renaming for new version
  8. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/query?status=!closed&keywords=~Animal&order=priority&report=18 If you like start with animals here are some If you want know actual art list, is there http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17730&page=3 If you want open your own 3D project for us like eyecandy list is there Official list http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16959 For other special buildings and marvel http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15540&page=21
  9. Welcome. Show us your art to us. May be can you take some art tickets to start to contributed if you are interested in dø it of curse
  10. Here is a ticket from those http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1970 I never seen before but can be helpful to know what say game desing
  11. Actually there is a patch by Scythetwirler to turn on turn off formations I'm testing it, don't need custom build.
  12. If you are experiment Lag that is normal for now, the pathfinder creates huge lag some times especialy with many units in map
  13. to get next fase you need build 5 buildigs nd have enoiugh resources
  14. ok in order to avoid register in Ubuntu forum I post the image above here Reply: is sheep I didnt understand your question in Ubuntu Forum Which Symbol, the gear ? means the time to need to wait before have the sheep
  15. There is not ramming attack yet, naval battles are not full implemented
  16. i agree as a turtle-rusher player, the buildings are perfect for example : the cívic centre is easily to destroy with 12-15 sword cavalryThe elephants can be have trample and garrison archers
  17. I have one weird bug about Seleucid Faction but I think can happen with any other faction. I play Against Seleucid but their Units are from Athenian Faction (Hoplites) I was Fighting with Antiochus I have a Warning before Loading this RAndom Map. I think this was the problem.
  18. I Understand is not fully supported but i got these Map: ENglish Channel Random Carthage Vs Carthege 1v1 Max Pop 200 this issue create excesive lag (freeze my PC) with Naval units
  19. oh man that is awsome you can post more even a video or upload the mod to get that, is this a new level to ship battle give boost to naval battle even I can imagine raft battle with archers.
  20. Nice report plumo , somebody know about pathfinder rework or any progress related?
  21. May be rare resources like RON you controlled a rare resources and it gives a bonus I'll can search about how work in RoN if somebody is interesed, but work like relics in AoM given bonus to the civ.
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