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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. army mercenary camp is a Gaia building in my concept is not able to build and yes for controlling by players.
  2. You can set in default config your custom config, i don't the problem there, but change minimum res. not im opposing to that
  3. I have a idea to in order be more active why not create a schedule and write a serie of goals per project ? One weak or two per project
  4. We need keep togheter Rada, we need you.we are few, and our projects are big, we sincerely do not end up separating.even we need increasing our members
  5. Ok see it,nthsnk you, I have problem with git hub and is hard to update the local repo.
  6. can you show as isometrcal view
  7. What you think about create mod in order we can test your propasals? Actually the mod selector can charge easily any change in main game and without change SVN files.
  8. I'm not sure but is diff extension file. they testing and get some reviews first and then they commit into official SVN.
  9. Only Devs can commit , I suggest you make a patch and upload to trac
  10. I worry a lot, lacking of wood in some maps like Anatolían Plateau. Other lacking is cívic techs like as we can found in a governament center. (AOE)or library (AOK), laws, aristocracy reforms, historical festivals and religious tech that affects other units beyond than healers. Some ideas: After life. (Soldiers def. bonus) Fanaticism (soldiers attack bonus) Divine ancestry (hero defense bonus) Holy war (experience bonus) Destiny ( hero attack bonus)
  11. I suggest add message when the Ai reach a new phase like AoK. Is not a great suggestion but I want to know how fast is now the Ai. And I have a question about commands what is new for A17, the attack move have new options right? how can I use? How work the new balance? Playing I see the economy now is faster I like how faster is Other suggestion why not create a pasive Ai good to defense but slow to expand and to attack(rush) , the actually Ai is rush and good defender but why not focus in some aspect like AoM you can select the Ai and give personalities. I'm happy with Petra now is time to start give some diplomacy may be dame tribute to avoid attack or stop
  12. hehe long time without test the mod. Guys post screenshots hehehe.
  13. Thank you a other alternativas to siege warfare specially to destroy fortifications ??
  14. hmmm but the palisades are pasive not have turrets to attack and the size is minor related to the space where is set to be placed.
  15. The new tech are some expensive especially maps like Anatolian Plateau.
  16. I agree with that , I knew about siege walls but are not same the palisade are avaible in I phase.----------- Why the first age cost wood? In Aok the first age pass cost food (500) and the second cost food and gold
  17. Rada all we are happy work with you, I see our mods like a laboratory a place where we make our own perspective of 0 A.D and Pyrogenesis engine. I let you experiment with freedom Aristeia and I'm sure niektb let you same with Millenium. Your project is big and more than main game. I don't see why you think that. All mods are for all and by all I don't see Aristeia as my mod.
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