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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I think, there in our trac are a ticket open with this issue.
  2. we have our own compositor, the guy that you did the mention is very good and some of us are using their work in our mods. But he need be volunteer , and create the tracks for us.( his tracks are some standar, need be more custom)
  3. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameplayFeatureStatus You can bring there mostly of them
  4. start with S and represent a timeframe( 500 BC - 1BC) name or word
  5. pre colombian civs are very exotic theme for any game where will be represented / portrayed.Many guys from Latin America were ask me for them in 0 A.D, but in both cases will be/must be included in a future releases.
  6. This video is interesting , but how he did that? I mean move the troops like Total War, an entire formation
  7. Ok but is in agressive behavior what happen with defensive and passive or stand ground stances?
  8. Hmmm is very weird behavior but I have long time without use passive behavior. You can add image/pic or a video to see what is the exactly behavior, looks like aggressive behavior.They chase them ?
  9. They next step is create the train templates per biome middle eastern units for a middle eastern biomes And for each biome have 2 or 3 combination of units, I was create a basic list you can combine them --- My idea is train 4-6 different units per mercenary camp Balanced between ( basic) cheap vs elite x 2 or Basic vs Advanced vs Elite x2
  10. ok that the answer, but I must confess I never imagined they would crate that tag in this early stage.
  11. We can give it (for now) an over HP more than a Billion or Trillion of HP(is possible create a number to much high) They need don't be destructible in most of instances
  12. Now we have a new expansion , the african factions and a posible new expansion for AOM with Celt, Chinese and Midfle east Cultures. But still the same game.
  13. Very reasonable price I will buy, but I'm not sure, I will play?, not much time to expend in a videogame for this months
  14. Thanks a lot I will try to download and put it in a folder ( may be temporal) I'm mostly interested in props and textures because I'm not sure how deal with animations right now.
  15. You can import it to the game?
  16. Player vs environment huh? Like treassure guardians / creepers (AOE III / Warcraft III)
  17. Gaia is a non-playable player/team on Age of Empires series and 0AD, to which all the natural environment units found around the map belong.
  18. You can use the trac and open as ticket( your idea) and submit as diff/ patch file http://trac.wildfiregames.com/
  19. But if the Mobile game/browser is bad, give to our game a bad look( negative feeling), if the people don't know nothing about us.
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