we have our own compositor, the guy that you did the mention is very good and some of us are using their work in our mods. But he need be volunteer , and create the tracks for us.( his tracks are some standar, need be more custom)
pre colombian civs are very exotic theme for any game where will be represented / portrayed.Many guys from Latin America were ask me for them in 0 A.D, but in both cases will be/must be included in a future releases.
Hmmm is very weird behavior but I have long time without use passive behavior. You can add image/pic or a video to see what is the exactly behavior, looks like aggressive behavior.They chase them ?
They next step is create the train templates per biome middle eastern units for a middle eastern biomes And for each biome have 2 or 3 combination of units, I was create a basic list you can combine them --- My idea is train 4-6 different units per mercenary camp Balanced between ( basic) cheap vs elite x 2 or Basic vs Advanced vs Elite x2
We can give it (for now) an over HP more than a Billion or Trillion of HP(is possible create a number to much high) They need don't be destructible in most of instances
Now we have a new expansion , the african factions and a posible new expansion for AOM with Celt, Chinese and Midfle east Cultures. But still the same game.
Thanks a lot I will try to download and put it in a folder ( may be temporal) I'm mostly interested in props and textures because I'm not sure how deal with animations right now.