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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19226&p=311092 other think to considerate is "break the meta" in this example environment rush. here is a playlist to take ideas how we can help to game "break the meta" what I mean, learn how others play RTS games different from the average player. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOZFzqxtvtxcJCwEaszs3BaW2C_enZxe7
  2. is this an Assyrian Infantry, are you interesed in our mods?
  3. Ok sorry for three replays. But I think some. The thing is as you say Wraitii, give more interesting the phasing, more difficult , may be survive to the environment inmerse into a no man's land. First Phase or Nomad More predators, Gaia hostile units ( creepers in Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne) protecting or treasures or near to a resource, the only danger is the enemy, but the environment can be hostile, specially the first phase. You have only single scout/ or more if are foot explorer. In nomás a kind hero Explorer like AoE 3 ( an example of Ancient Explorer was the carthaginian Hanno) The first phase we will get soldiers from the second de as starting because they are protecting the settlers from mainland ( May be because they are founding colonies in Sicily from Athens) but are few. The Second Phase The colony is growth, so the danger from environment and enemy player requires train solders as citizen home, so if are Greek start to train Pezhetaroi or if are Classical Greek are hoplites, but they have only basic armor even not helmet for all, so they unlock or research the techniques to crates a blacksmith and forging weapons. Now they have weapons, so they need religion, because aren't great city but need their believes to protect them from this hostile environment , so they research health and bonus festival for their farming, this get bonus too for hp for human units, but they are only infantry, they need development of cavalry, to explore more the map. ( may be scout was killed) and development the hunters. The second phase is that is about diversity. Is a long path to unlock religion, unlock political institution, protect the colony, improve the palisades, even include small stone walls( without turrents) The first stone towers improved by wooden defenses. So citizen increase gold and stone productions and need more richness so they unlock market, having the market they found the first territorial expansion a new CC. Now the homeland put their attention on their settlers and they. The Third Phase Unlock more technologies with them [third phase] so they are in a open war with another civilization, so they need specialize their in to politician ( support unit with abilities may be they can creates embassies) or the citizen can be assassins or can be spy ( with black ops) to try destroy and avoid enemy defenses. Finally the last phase the siege engines, the war is very destructive and the enemy will deserve be punish even vanish from that land. The Last Phase Creates siege engines and the ultimate warriors(Elite Soldiers) will be trained, even a Heroe rises to protect their people, their faction. so they need be the proud of their Civilization build Special buildings and/ or The Marvel. This the concept its like the life itself about evolve and speciality to the humans to survive and destroy, and leave a legacy , the glorious history. ------ About the enviroment. in this enviroment the settler, citizen will be found, wild animals, Cattle, even abandoned buildings(Neutral Capturable buildings), mercenaries (Mercenary Camps), abandoned settlements like (AOM), Wells to heal nearby units, discovery ruins, take reliques, hunt trasures, may be found group of gaia native tribes, and may ... i say may be, control rare resources to boost the economy.
  4. don't forget less military efficiency , like initial militia in AoK, and train men as workers,ncitizen solders will come next.
  5. Yes I'm thinking the same about city-building, but can be nice have a evolving visually these building. And interaction between building for example in Grand Ages Romes you able to place to Romans houses to form other more complex. Or attach building to speciality that building like Starcraft Terran building, attach a mill to a farmstead for example or and little archery range to barrack, these are examples.
  6. the community forums don't let upload files without be compressed in.zip extension.
  7. I agree with wowgetoffyourcellphone The first phase i suggest no military soldier only a scout/ minted or dismounted. With some citizen as starting units but you unlock, remember they are settler in the first phase. 4 military infantry mele and 2 ranged and 3 females. Low LOS. We need more tech to give sense to phasing. In second our villager need train the first citizen soldiers and scout. Need a research a tech to unlock cavalry( this way you save make a stable) The wooden tower can be improved individually to stone. Palisades need be cheap but worst. Sp1 you can research many thing like a university. We can have a each phasing with a kind governor in each phase, each phase unlock speciality units And embassies , so all mercenary historical can be trained there. Romans can unlock Marian reform but don't have yet legionaries with Lorica segmentation.( 3 phase) Other faction can perform their reform and evolve to more strong or cheap units ( weak) The factions without reforms evolving to mix with other Civs , example celtiberians and Iberians . Gauls with Germans. Carthage can recruit more mercenary and unlock technologies , by italiotes, Greeks , Iberians and celts. Persians can reform to give more Greek style and have a embassy with Scythians, Frigians, the other special building that they have in scenario editor only. Mauryans can experiment hellenization and have some kind Greek units( need to research in the web about this) Britons can create Druids that can combat and have aura like heroes. Is like Japan in AOE isolated can have Gaulish features may be. Seleucids can have many kind of archer and full roster of mercenaries me included Scythians, Frigians, Thessalians, Myssians, Iranians, Cretan archers , Thracian and ace men from. Asia ( Anatolia ) Spartans can create reform to have pikeman and walls and some Hellenistic mercenaries. The problem are not the phases, are the lack of technoloies.
  8. No. We must only limit the military units per class, and add basic military units. First phase a cavalry explorator male and female basic unit, the citizen soldiers should come in the second phase, but not all classes Skirmisher/ slinger , cavalry spear, cavalry ranged, spearman and hoplites/ swordsman for Romans limited the experience to reach. Third phase the rest of units and add a 4 phase. The first phase units can't build farms without a farmstead. Wooden towers The second phase only give blacksmith , and (barrack?)and market, towers and palisades Third phase give temple fortress and advanced defenses and special buildings 4th phase give the marvel and the second sp building.
  9. Ok, lo imaginé, gracias, i will tested soon. Thank for your time
  10. Ok, are visible en SVN? (Long time without logging into lobby .) may be a will to he next alpha.( release version)
  11. Now we need have in the lobby a protocol to teach to our user how report a user.
  12. i love the idea, the enviroment vs the player, and other handicap. can be used to "break the meta".
  13. Ok, this how works in AoM this we can named as de encyclopedia in game. The counters are linked if you watch careful. http://youtu.be/ZF7dvs6Di4A[\media]
  14. sorry suggest replace not doing it, the other anchor in rally point was made by me. you can register a user in our trac tom open ticket. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/
  15. yeah, is a place holder. You can open a ticket and substitute for a anchor design.
  16. is needed not only by charge or running, abilities need this, the mods need this (specially Fantasy) because Stamina is mana, energy, rejuvenation, ammo, power, gas. etc represent the energy itself. and yeah the ability from Zealot units is very like/similar to charge.
  17. Can be nice to see some layout, don't need be great art looking, only let us see how the info will be presented, or structured visually.
  18. The site is under construction, and don't have, a legal stuff. but we and me need preserve the article without alterations.
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