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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Auxiliary troops. [east] The helmet is not very accurated. Or with archeological evidence. Dacian campaing. Maybe exception for cavalry. Cretan Auxiliar [Caesarian legions - Gallic wars] Pompeyan Miles (Soldier) Cools Mannheim TRAJAN Auxiliary calmery.
  2. No, that was where foind your image using reverse search by image.
  3. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Alexander said yes with this Cheruscii pikemen animation.
  4. ok then we can continue. Only I can be sure you speak my language.
  5. Vi un comentario sobre este mod. A menos que lo vieras desde la pagina fan de facebook.
  6. @Obskiuras la sacaste de aqui? Tengo la sensación de haberte visto en mi canal. https://arrecaballo.es/edad-antigua/invasiones-germanicas/los-pueblos-germanicos/
  7. Or wacky can add some color. I suggested before but someone else doesn't agree. @wackyserious
  8. I need it test it, not in my computer right now (like mostly of time).
  9. An screenshot because I haven't this problem. But I havent this in A24.
  10. Abres el con un editor de notas el archivo default.cfg Buscas el apartado "hotkeys". Luego buscas la seccion de comandos comandos que deseas sustituir por ejemplo "idlewarrior" substitute la tecla de soldado inactivo. copia la sección relevante que quieras cambiar en tu archivo de configuración personal y ajusta las teclas asociadas. Luego salvalos como archivo local.cfg La ruta del archivo varía según el sistema operativo. Por ejemplo. C:\Users\JohnDoe\AppData\Roaming\0ad\
  11. Its just only change default resolution in Windows and the the monitor.
  12. all Euroasian nomads used same tactics. https://koryvantesstudies.org/archery/
  13. I hope that, no much interest in this mod.
  14. As you want... But the view @Atenmeses52 and mine was that. We havent enogh volunteers so any patch is welcome, but this can be added for Millenium.
  15. The original "propose" was adding not "excluding" This is one of more poor art sourced mod. Because lack of interest and I'm not sure the state of actual gameplay vs document design.
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