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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. and literally in war the soldiers cut down trees before besieging.
  2. Mayorcete always play the default map except if is testing a new civ.
  3. no, they should be treat same as the normal "I" with "tilde"(accent) as the same letter. I and Í are same letter. Is same letter long pronunciation or emphasis in that letter. We called tilde but wikipedia records different meanings. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilde https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_accent but the maximum authority in the language is the RAE (Real academia española). Not Wikipedia. https://www.rae.es/dpd/tilde It helps us to differentiate the sounds of the same words. For example: isn't same olvide ( you forgot) than olvidé (I forgot) same word but different sound. It is called tilde both the graphic accent and the feature or small stroke that forms part of some letters, such as ç, ñ, t, etc. An auxiliary orthographic sign with which, according to certain rules, the prosodic accent is represented in writing (→ accent, 1); for this reason, the tilde is also called a graphic or orthographic accent. In Spanish it consists of an oblique dash that, placed over a vowel, indicates that the syllable of which it forms part is tonic. The tilde must always be drawn from right to left, that is, as an acute accent ('), and not from left to right (`), a stroke that corresponds to the grave accent, which is not used in Spanish: camión, not camiòn. The use of the accent mark follows a series of rules(...)
  4. in times of peace it is fine, being a civilian a citizen and in times of war specializing soldiers.
  5. it is always useful to read the original idea. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/0AD_The_Vision
  6. it would be nice if the soldiers were only good in the first stage (basic rank). In the last one I could no longer collect more than food , wood and build. So slaves replaces in some faction laboral force.
  7. Both sexes should be workers not more women(only). Laborers. CS (citizen Soldier) must have little role as economic , help to worker to work but only a little. cavalry should be same.
  8. I have always said that capturing should be optional. No main feature. As you said, in peace, or quiet hen the zone of combat is clear.
  9. I'm not saying they are innovative but they inspire to improve what we already have. In the end, we are looking for more of the same, but with newer improvements.
  10. Some people dream with a company should sponsor us.
  11. I mean what changes are those that you see so hard to make? Or what / which changes do you see as must to be made?
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