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Pedro Falcão

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Everything posted by Pedro Falcão

  1. My preferred civ is The Iberians and i don't see them there.
  2. The attack command button has the same effect as right-clicking an enemy unit, but can also be used for the attack-move command, by clicking the ground instead. There is a ticket related to the attack-move feature and some minor discussing about it, but i haven't seen no one talking about the button itself...
  3. Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, is a term widely used in the software developing world to tell the program is currently on its early development stages. Beta, which is the second letter of the Greek alphabet, is related to the testing phase of the game, the moment when the game is already developed, but still needs some testing to correct most of the bugs in the game. 0 A.D. is currently under development (12th Alpha version). And the trac wiki i talk about is, roughly speaking, a list where the developers keep track of the features of the game, including those already done. You can have a peek at it in this link: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/query
  4. Not true, AoM's unit responses are in greek, only the cinematic dialogues and mission instructions are in english.
  5. LOL! My father used to listen to the portuguese version of this music...
  6. Short Answer? As soon as all features currently planned for part 1 are implemented. You can check the trac to see how many are yet to implement.
  7. Currently, they only have some different techs, but i think the team plans to make them feel really like another civilization (slightly different buildings, different heroes, maybe even different units).
  8. Hallo, Darklorder. Und wilkommen in unserem Forum. It was planned to have 6 civs: Romans, Hellenics, Iberians, Persians, Celts and Carthaginians. But then the Mauryans were added and the Hellenics and Celts were split (into Spartans/Athenians/Macedonians and Gauls/Britons, respectively). It is still possible to add more, if certain prerequisites are met (mainly manpower).
  9. Sincerely, i'm tired of so many moba games. They require time and patience, both for the creator and for the players (to learn the new items, heroes, etc.), and even if someone has them, another great attractive would be needed, since there are more popular choices with all the attributes a common moba needs.
  10. IIRC there is a way to do this via command line, i can't remember the command, though. I think Alexander (fcxSanya) said somewhere how to do it.
  11. When i was younger, i used to watch my father and my older cousin play AoE and Starcraft. It was love at first sight. Now I've been through AoK, AoM, EE, SC2, AoE3, Populous, Black & White, C&C, RoN, D&D Dragonshard, Warcraft 2 & 3, Warzone 2100, etc., but i still suck at them, i only beat Hard AIs on most of these. I guess though i like them all, i didn't get the talent to be the best in any of them.
  12. Isn't Pureon doing something like this?
  13. I would rather have the "first to get to the sheep" condition as the main condition, else it'll be annoying to see scouts kidnapping your sheeps within your base ---Warning--- The lame joke ahead may give you cancer
  14. The "neutral" state of which Jonathan speaks about was already proposed before (in fact i myself proposed it once). Let's call it "contested", instead of 'neutral' and Ta-Da: it makes much more sense! Ha ha!
  15. According to Michael, only cavalry should capture women, while infantry would just kill them. Yes, elephants, camels and horses may be leashed to a stable, but citizens should be able to kill elephants for food, too. I'd suggest a cap for this training cost reductions, it makes no sense to train horsemen for free, they need the armor, weapons, riders and the food, too, not just the mounts. About buildings, i think it doesn't make sense to to have houses being captured the conventional way. I mean, it would be extremely messy to have a bunch of houses being captured around, not to say annoying for the owner to have the population limit varying so often, it would be more acceptable if they could only be captured by other buildings in range.
  16. I think animals should be captured instantly, like AoK's sheeps. As long as no enemy unit comes in range while the animal is alone, the animal will still be yours. And about the dogs, since they're war hounds, they shouldn't be capturable.
  17. These wooden walls look cool, in fact too cool to be palisades, but too wooden to be fortified walls, IMO...
  18. To be honest, guys, i think this model is perfect as it is now. Too compact buildings aren't cool, a market above all else. Remember this is a market, not a single trader's tent.
  19. Are there any records of ancient civs planting trees to chop years later?
  20. I think colored tooltips are overwhelming. I have nothing against the icons, in fact i like the icons, but please, don't add colors!
  21. Excuse me, sir, but this forge is from World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King's instance "Utgarde Keep". They aren't mythologic, they are somewhat based on norse mythology, but otherwise totally fictional and shouldn't be considered for a historically-based game like 0 A.D. Though everybody here agrees no game can be too faithful to history and still fun to play, adding mythological/fictional elements isn't the way we should go, imho.
  22. I'd like to add that once running is implemented, trampling (an ability only available for mounted units) will do bonus damage on impact, and this will be the key to some victories. And yes, cavalry will run unproportionally faster than foot units. Right now, cavalry's worth is mainly to scout and to gather meat from animals (they are much faster at it than common foot citizens).
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