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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-03-25 in Posts

  1. How about having a constant ping on the map, but an occasional sound? MINIMAP_ATTACK.mp4
    2 points
  2. An attempt at proto-germanic building names (using Wiktionary). House: Hūsą Farmstead: Hufą (Estate, farm, hall) Kurnahūsą(Granary) Field: Fuldō Civil Center: Fulkasrēdaz(Tribal Council) Corral: Hagô (enclosure, yard, pasture) Storehouse: Skattasfriþuz (shelter of riches) Outpost: Staupilaz (tower) Defense tower: Warīnīzstaupilaz (defense tower) Statue: Gudasbiliþī (God image) Market: Kaupôsmaþlą (Merchant's Gathering) Fortess: Burgz Dock:Habanō (Harbour, Haven) Wall: Wallaz Palisade: Tūną (Enclosure, Fence) Barracks: Druthislegra (War band's camp) Stable:Stallaz Temple: Hailagastadiz (Holy place) Smith: Smiþjǭ Arsenal: Wēpnasfriþuz (Weapons shelter) Great Hall: Kuningashallō (King's hall) Possible wonder: Kuningasgrabaz (King's grave), Samnungozbarwaz (Semmnones' grove), Þunrassūliz (Pillar of Þunraz), Grautazhaimaz (Great House)
    2 points
  3. I don't mean to put you down but I don't see this as something to remove
    2 points
  4. Posible "Símbolo de facción"; "Mascarón de estuco". -Su uso estuvo muy extendido durante este período , la mayoría de ciudades contaban con ellos, algunas veces con rostro humano , otras veces con rostro animal y el resto de veces con formas de seres míticos o medio humanos y medio animales. -Se construían en los muros de las partes más bajas de los edificios y normalmente a los laterales de las escalinatas, con tamaños imponentes (Los de Nakbé ,El Tigre y El Mirador fueron los más gigantescos) y la mayoría hechas de piedra caliza y recubiertos de estuco blanco y a menudo coloreados parcialmente con cinabrio rojo. -En algunos casos pudieron ser decorativos , pero era común su uso propagandístico como legitimización de la realeza local o por motivos devocionales/religiosos, de hay que se suelan ver en templos ,palacios y en los grandes monumentos. Referencias; Disculpen las molestias*
    2 points
  5. Initial structure thought for a special construction (town or city phase)=> Santuario Tower, it can provide bonus in health and "morale" for troops and units around, based on sources initially provided by @Sundiata The structures are being made and gradually updated, I'm a little tight on time because I'm finishing my studies and changing my profession XD, but modifying the 0ad is my best way to pass time (apart from hanging out with old friends from high school and drinking cheap beer playing 2000s games). --- Any help on textures for the units would be appreciated. ---
    2 points
  6. I've recently fixed the Scythian civ on DE's git repo: Fixed Actors. Scythian Cavalry can now build structures, just like infantry can. Scythians start matches with Cavalry replacing Infantry, so: 4 peasants 2 Cavalry Archers 2 Cavalry Axemen 1 Cavalry Scout 1 Captured Horse (Capturing Horses gives a bonus to cavalry training) Scythian peasants now use bows and arrows to hunt and defend themselves.
    1 point
  7. What about adding as requirement that the outpost is garrisoned to get the ping?
    1 point
  8. Good Evening @user1, Lobby username : Beaugoux Offender username : chillgame (1111) when I destroyed his town center, however disconnect without resigning. Thanks a lot! commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  9. Almost all your configuration is in ~/.config/0ad/config/user.cfg, not just hotkeys if you'd use a local.cfg you should know
    1 point
  10. @user1 offending player Wolfrahm and again, are this behavior part of a botfarm that tries to resell high rated accounts, or what? metadata.jsoncommands.txt
    1 point
  11. The Tashebinsky Palace https://siberiantimes.com/home/sent-to-siberia/a-palm-tree-on-mars/ Possibly an example of Xiongnu architecture inspired by Chinese style, others associate it with their ally a Chinese usurper called Lu Fang.
    1 point
  12. I think Briton chariots should be different from archer chariots. Maybe Mauryan chariots should function different than scythed chariots. What I would like to see is to make the Briton chariot a unit that can carry infantry (or priests) without further benefits than speed. This gives the player the ability to quickly do guerrilla strikes with infantry. Every chariot would have fighting capabilities similar to an elite rank CS jav cav, but when produced it also comes with a free infantry champion garrisoned in it, so you don't need to tediously load the chariots. It would have the major advantage that the infantry are now a mobile force that unlike cavalry do not take a bonus damage from spearmen.
    1 point
  13. Killed by its master. fscaleOUTPUT.mp4 EDIT
    1 point
  14. is this guy jerking off?
    1 point
  15. Avances en algunas unidades, Aristócrata ;--------------------------------------------- (Bahkab) (Con la inestimable ayuda de @wackyserious) -Estos peinados y las barbas no las llevaban los mayas , pero ayuda mucho a visualizar la textura para esta unidad. Proposiciones para esta unidad; Quitar barbas o vello corporal. Aplicar los peinados mayas. Aplicar tocados y adornos mayas. Sustituir armas. Tocados ,adornos y armas para esta unidad; (Dos variantes, una con lanza ) (Segunda variante, en la que la unidad puede cambiar de arma , como el jinete campeón Xiongnu) Texturas; -¿Ustedes qué opinan? @Lopess, @Lion.Kanzen, @Stan` , @Ultimate Aurelian , @Radiotraining , @DIYARAKUZA , @ImmramAtani , @wowgetoffyourcellphone , @maroder , @kul , @nani , @Grapjas , @AIEND , @Genava55 , @soloooy0 Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  16. I'm adding the assets created for the Japanese civ to the main mod, making it easier for everyone who wants to help. https://github.com/0ADMods/yayoi_japan
    1 point
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