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  1. As a farmer's son I can assure you that the wheat in the picture is indeed fully grown (the ears are only developed when the plant has reached its final height).
    2 points
  2. Solutions that all can be implement: "Spies" or "Treason" tech. Cost 100 metal for every enemy unit (can be disabled with trigger). Reveals vision of enemy units. Capturing female citizens. This would make the end-game much quicker. AI realizes when it is time to resign. Asks for mercy and player can choose yes or no. Yes, ends game with player victory. No, game continues so player can hunt down rest of enemy units if she wants to. Just like in Age of Mytholoogy.
    2 points
  3. Basic_glow uses the specular map (defined by spec_tex) as a "self-illumination" texture, so you can use that to make your texture self-lit. We don't support actual glow maps as so far the engine can only handle one light, though I think with the bloom post-proc shader you'd get some bloom effect. If you need to, you could make your own custom material that uses the normal map too and still self-illuminates or something.
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Ha! i didn't know that Erik? Neat, I'm a farm boy too Like the guy in video was saying... modern wheat is different than ancient wheat. Erik is correct, what was shown in the gladiator footage was "full grown". Modern hybridized wheat is bred by design to shorter stalks, it provides a better stand for the heavy heads of grain (sometimes 4 or 6 rows). The idea being that the plant should spend more resources on making kernels than useless straw. Ancient wheat was a simpler variety that looked something like this: http://www.primegrains.com/prime-einkorn.htm They didn't have modern chemical fertilizers and irrigation either... so the density of the fields was probably much less. Their yields were probably a 30% of what modern farming techniques can do with the same piece of ground today.
    1 point
  6. I think there should be a way to get the look you are after. myconid was the last programmer (to my knowledge) that did some major changes/updates to the graphics engine. Here is the full evolution of his changes unfolding before your very eyes - post by post: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16022 You should be able to get a glow effect like this you see in the bottom image: http://imgur.com/a/oRHdk After reading this... try playing with the alpha layer of the spec map: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16022&p=242478
    1 point
  7. A celtic grave (but for between 850 and 450 BC) has just been discovered in France : http://www.lemonde.fr/archeologie/article/2015/03/04/decouverte-exceptionnelle-en-france-d-une-tombe-princiere-celte_4587484_1650751.html ! Some pictures of objects are available, if you're interested.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Can make an install option: All Age and Mature. 0 A.d. could have this too (All Age disable blood, nudity,etc.)
    1 point
  10. Top left women good ref fopr priestess or maybe hero queen type of units. Bottom middle looks more practical for female citizen.
    1 point
  11. Well here's a look at a new faction's building, the Jevoron's "Anchor" if you will: A quick question, does the engine support Glow maps? I'd really like the blue crystalline structures in this image to actually glow. At the very least does it support ambient maps so that the crystals can stay illuminated and not be shaded by shadows? There are a pretty big load of options:
    1 point
  12. Uh... Is anyone else seeing spam just there or is it just me? Why are you sending a whole load of antibiotic sites or is this just a virus I have?
    1 point
  13. I have seen that video already. That guy makes a lot of errors in his videos (for instant: he says hoplites fought with spears underhand, and could only fight with spears underhand, which is wrong; he even demonstrate and he makes fundamental error) and a lot of assumptions. He says road is for driving animals, but why this particular road? he never say why he just wants to make a half-point. I would say that because this road does not have a fence, it is not use for driving animals; instead of assuming that the movie is dumb because all roads obvious use for drive animals so all road shoud have fence (lol). Why is the wheat not taller than Mr. Gladiator? Maybe because it is not fully grown, would he ever stop to ponder explanations? Only thing he says that is 100% right is about the middle of the road that should be trod by draught animal.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Found it and fixed by reverting a broken commit. (r16406)
    1 point
  16. Fantastic sleuthing as always Lion
    1 point
  17. Sardinian Sea People
    1 point
  18. BTW, the reason for that is normally you only place actors on a map for decorative non-interactive things and they can get in the way of selecting/placing entities, which are the actual game objects (units, structures, resources, etc.)
    1 point
  19. What? not a major power! sssss perhaps a playstyle that emphasizes the Minoan flourish in trade and art, and their naval prowess, like Carthaginians without their colonization bonuses or walls they have a VERY unique architectural style too, it would be a shame not to add them. besides, I already made buildings and all that (if you could PM me your email Stan (or any councilor who wants these), I could send over the files along with the Mycenaeans so I don't forget them down the road.)
    1 point
  20. I'd like it if we add several more actor entities/props that were a lot bigger and could be used to plot, say, 20 bushes, more water lillies or about half a screen of grass at once. Since the game currently struggles with rendering many small entities rather than few big ones, it could be used to optimize our actor rendering and thus allow us to make our maps better. I'd like to have some "forest undergrowth" stuff too like they had in AoE 3, with some flowers, bushes, small trees perhaps added. Note that for efficiency it'd have to be a single mesh, not several props. Should I make a task for this?
    1 point
  21. This reminded me a lot about something I posted 10 years ago. I'm not able to make the thread visible for you (it is in some private staff forums), but it might be a fun read for you if a moderator could move the thread. http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1064
    1 point
  22. I'm from Brasil (I know you people call our country Brazil, but we write Brasil). I'm a Arch Linux user (and Debian). Trying to help this game with translations or other stuff.
    1 point
  23. Also, eyecandy stuff is made to be placed in the scenario editor. So it's nice if there are many small eyecandy pieces, so the scenario designer can choose the placement of those things. Else you get too many repetition over the different maps. I don't know if you mean this as a single eyecandy object, but IMO, it would be better to split it up in a few.
    1 point
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