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  1. Not sure if it's just me, but capturing feels too easy with a27. The two other points I struggle with are ships being too weak and siege weapons packaging and movement being too fast. In a game I had serious problems countering siege weapons even with champion horsemen, because of how fast they've been able to get back behind enemy lines again.
    3 points
  2. yeah there are a few items from @Emacz's mod that fit with vanilla 0ad. We could certainly take inspiration from it and try things out. That's the beauty of the CTE approach.
    2 points
  3. why not PR some of the historical changes into community-mod instead of working on a totally new base stats rework?
    2 points
  4. Thank you @real_tabasco_sauce Although it really isnt my mod anymore I got it going, but i have now had a lot of help along the way, including from you!
    1 point
  5. you really dont need to split the community, you can just test things on historical Granted the base stats are the same. But tehre are a few different types of "eco" units if you want ideas/see how it could work. 3x counter already exists as well. What about Han gameplay needs improvement?
    1 point
  6. Ok, I have heard questions about this, so I'll answer here. We will do a community mod for a27, however there will be changes to how it works. In a26, we had issues where the mod would split the multiplayer community into mod players and non-mod players. Also, because the mod fixed a couple of bugs, development on the mod was a constrained by the requirement that each change be a clear improvement. This hampered experimentation. So the main change will be that each community mod version will be a clean slate, no changes from the last version will remain. What this means is that the mod serve the purpose of a "Community Test Environment", or CTE. Essentially, its a way for gameplay-oriented changes to be run by the community before being committed to the development version of 0ad. My hope is that we can make release turnaround fairly quick, and test a lot of ideas. Players can certainly continue to submit PRs, but I'd like to invite developers to submit their gameplay-oriented PRs too. Some stuff I hope to experiment with: capture vs destroy balance walls delete trees 3x cavalry counter added economic unit to address boom = turtle ship balance Improve Han gameplay
    1 point
  7. @technocratOne alternative is to use the AppImage instead: https://github.com/0ad-matters/0ad-appimage/releases/tag/v0.27.0
    1 point
  8. @real_tabasco_sauce Good thing you tried to make rams more maneuverable and durable. For the defense building debuff of -50% it seems to me a ridiculous overshot. Defenses were a good way to prepare for asymmetrical battles and the only thing that was needed was to better options to break through them. Increasing the cost and build time of sentry towers also feels sad, as often, building some early was already a sized investment. I would wish for a total revert of those changes. I rarely play defensive, but, it seems to me to decrease the 'viable' strategies and this is bad.
    1 point
  9. The Forge (blacksmith) is too cheap. Traders are too expensive. Forge Current Cost: 200 wood and 120 second build time It is the cheapest and most quickly built of the standard p2 structures required for going to p3. (forge, market, temple) In most cases it is the most critical p2 building to make. Because of this, many experienced players make a minimum of 2 forges but may make 3 or 4. They may not even make any other of the p2 buildings. All or most upgrades are processed simultaneously so there is little trade-off in terms of prioritizing upgrades. I suggest adding a significant metal cost so that the more blacksmiths you make the slower your p3 upgrade. Proposed cost: 200 wood 200 metal. Traders Current Cost: 100 food 80 metal. They have a significant cost and are vulnerable. They're more difficult to protect that regular eco units that have a central work area. For the maps that competitive games are played on the main reason (imo) to make them is to unlock the diaspora tech, not the trade income. Changing the trading system has been discussed but there's not been any consensus on how to do it. @real_tabasco_sauce admitted he has no idea what to do with traders. Based on those points, for the time being, I say just make them cheaper. Proposed cost: 50 food, 10 metal.
    0 points
  10. There are no armor upgrades for towers or fortresses, or any buildings for that matter, i wonder if that would make things interesting.
    0 points
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