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  1. I'm glad to announce that the Tips and Tricks page will be part of Alpha 27! The pull request has been merged this morning. See commit 1792f0d065.
    2 points
  2. @Vantha That is exactly what I wondered years ago. So I created an animation "framework" that works on-top of the UI code. If you know some javascript I'm sure you can extend what I did to support your use case of animated sprites. Here is the link to the code. https://github.com/nanihadesuka/autociv/blob/master/gui/common/animateGUIManager.js You are free to modify however you want. A good thing about the link, the class list the full extend of what you can possible change UI wise from the JS side. In my time, I did some deep research in the c++ UI engine code. (maybe some things have changed in 4 years)
    2 points
  3. community-testing.zip Ok, here is a testing version of the next community mod. A little bit of multiplayer testing will help us avoid the crashes we experienced last time.
    1 point
  4. Good job @nifa. You now have 2 great art assets that'll go into next release. Looks great^ So much better than the old statue.
    1 point
  5. We don't because unlike Snap we don't have someone devoted to it @oSoMoN works on the snap. We the question arised, it would have inevitably fallen on my (weak) shoulders. Now that being said those things seem to cause a lot of issues compared to distro packages, (bad video drivers, crashes and other issues) so we alway recommend building from source if it's not available on your distro and that's possible.
    1 point
  6. Flatpak maintainer here (not of 0 A.D. but other app) Don't worry about it, the app should still work, it just means the 0 A.D. flatpak runtimes should be updated to a new version. Yeah, don't do that. It's not a flatpak issue. They're just depreciating something. It would be a problem with the flatpak manifest if anything I'm also going to use this and get on my Soapbox, Wildfire Games, take control of the 0 A.D. flatpak, people use Flatpak a lot, (some systems now even only do flatpak), and we might as well give it official support. Wildfire Games takes over the flatpak, I'll be more than happy to help set up maintenance of it and if people don't want top deal with another build system I should be able to tell it to just steal the snap package and turn it into the flatpak. (Though I still don't understand why we support snap and not the wider used flatpak)
    1 point
  7. My understand is that 6948 was just meant to deal with the building vs. unit issue. A unit will still be high priority (despite not being hittable) if it is within min range. In checking that a higher priority unit exists, this unit would also have to be in the allowed range, so I think a single solution could solve both these issues.
    1 point
  8. Sieges engine shouldn't be usable as main units in army, instead they should be tactical units to add to a combo. In vanilla a26, bolts fulfill this role, also because of it's limitations (pack time, min range), but with good stats (good damage and range). Instead of seeking to make bolts spamable superchamps, sieges towers could have been balanced to reach this status too, with for example a capture aura buff or something instead of hit and run op arrows. The more tactical units you can use for combos, the more micro that isn't the classical 'snipe and dance' will add and make battles more interesting. If the issues is that microing too much unit type is too hard, then maybe adding features to ease base micro can improve players experience. Well I already know the trend will go exactly against what I say above as it have been explained to me enough times.
    1 point
  9. Here I am going to leave ideas for generic statuses of gods that are worshiped in many cultures and sacred beasts( myths). The 7-headed serpent. The Seven-headed Serpent (from Sumerian muš-saĝ-7: snake with seven heads) in Sumerian religion was one of the Heroes slain by Ninurta, patron god of Lagash, in ancient Iraq. Its body was hung on the "shining cross-beam" of Ninurta's chariot (lines 55–63[1]). Lotan (ltn) is an adjectival formation meaning "coiled", here used as a proper name;[7] the same creature has a number of possible epitheta, including "the fugitive serpent" (bṯn brḥ) and maybe (with some uncertainty deriving from manuscript lacunae) "the wriggling serpent" (bṯn ʿqltn) and "the mighty one with seven heads" (šlyṭ d.šbʿt rašm).[4] Lotan (Ugaritic:LTN, meaning "coiled"), also transliterated Lôtān,[1] Litan,[2] or Litānu,[3] is a servant of the sea god Yam defeated by the storm god Hadad-Baʿal in the Ugaritic Baal Cycle.[3] Lotan seems to have been prefigured by the serpent Têmtum represented in Syrian seals of the 18th–16th century BC,[4] and finds a later reflex in the sea monster Leviathan, whose defeat at the hands of Yahweh is alluded to in the biblical Book of Job and in Isaiah 27:1.[4][3] Lambert (2003) went as far as the claim that Isaiah 27:1 is a direct quote lifted from the Ugaritic text, correctly rendering Ugaritic bṯn "snake" as Hebrew nḥš "snake".[5][6] The myth of Hadad defeating Lotan, Yahweh defeating Leviathan, Marduk defeating Tiamat (etc.) in the mythologies of the Ancient Near East are classical examples of the Chaoskampf mytheme, also reflected in Zeus' slaying of Typhon in Greek mythology,[8] Thor's struggle against Jörmungandr in the Gylfaginning portion of the Prose Edda,[9] and the vedic battle between Indra and Vritra (from Sanskrit , vṛtrá, meaning enveloper, cover and therefore obstacle) who is accused as a dragon of hoarding the waters and the rains, as a dasa of stealing cows, and as an anti-god of hiding the Sun,[10] concentrating on Vritra several demonization processes, the pattern of good versus evil, darkness versus light (hiding the Sun), and comparisons to forces of nature and monsters whose tentacles span the earth. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lotan Sacred bull from the Middle East. Winged snakes. Chimeras. According to Hesiod, the Chimera's mother was a certain ambiguous "she", which may refer to Echidna, in which case the father would presumably be Typhon, though possibly (unlikely) the Hydra or even Ceto was meant instead.[4] However, the mythographers Apollodorus (citing Hesiod as his source) and Hyginus both make the Chimera the offspring of Echidna and Typhon.[5] Hesiod also has the Sphinx and the Nemean lion as the offspring of Orthus, and another ambiguous "she", often understood as probably referring to the Chimera, although possibly instead to Echidna, or again even Ceto. God of thunder (Baal, Zeus, Thor) Mother Earth (mother goddess)
    1 point
  10. How I would like to see a Colossus of Rhodes or the one Nero had. Sorry off topic.
    1 point
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