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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-09-12 in all areas

  1. Buenas tardes a todos. Escribo este post para agradecer a todo el equipo de 0 A.D. su tiempo y también a la comunidad por la cantidad absurda de horas de disfrute que este juego me ha brindado. Creo que ya es hora de cambiar de aires y dejar el juego ya que no me aporta nada mas. Han sido bastantes años en los que he estado jugando en los cuales he aportado mi tiempo y dedicación además de nubear juegos contra @borg-. No tiene sentido seguir jugando a un juego el cual ya no me motiva a seguir progresando. Solo me queda agradecer a todos aquellos jugadores y personal de WFG por todos los buenos momentos y horas de entretenimiento que hemos pasado juntos. Con algo de tristeza pero con ganas de empezar un nuevo ciclo me despido de todos vosotros. Pero con la alegría de haber hecho amigos. Solo queda desearos a todos que os vaya genial. Estaré jugando AoM Retold intentando llegar al top, si alguien tiene el juego y quiere desafiarme por mi genial .
    2 points
  2. Big update! New structure: Braziers! Ranged units near it will shoot flaming projectiles and apply burning. Can be toggled on or off. While on it consumes 1 wood per second. Han civilization is working Arcing projectiles! (thanks to @BB code with some of my own modifications to it) Improved rearm aura code Numerous prop & animation fixes Code cleanup Better flaming projectiles Walls can be built on top of tree's (tree's will be destroyed upon completion) Improved tooltips (added ammo and energy stats to them aswell) Unit resistance corrections Pikeman and spearman cav bonus fixed Add bleed status effect to the game (dogs have this now) Envoirementals like sandstorms! (just sandstorm for now). They will spawn randomly throughout the game and move around and dissapear after some time. Sandstorm effects: Slowly damages organic units caught within and heavily reduces vision range. sandstorm maps: atlas valleys, butana steppe, crocodilopolis, death canyon, egypt, golden oasis, hindu kush, libyan oasis (2p, 4p), median oasis (2p, 4p), saharan oasis (2p, 4p), sahel, syria, team oasis, tarim basin (2p, 4p) Probably other new stuff i forgot to note down along the way. sandstorm.mp4 sandstorm showcase arcing_fire_projectiles.mp4 brazier & arcing projectiles showcase Updated orignal post download links. @Stan`when you have time can you take a look and approve on modio? Also why is my orignal post hidden after edit?
    2 points
  3. It needs to be signed first. You can download it manually though.
    1 point
  4. Congrats @Grapjas I'll see if I can take a look soon Else @Itms will have to do it
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. The amentum https://github.com/indoptogopt/GUI-page-for-0ads-encyclopedia/pull/5 Also, I heard some people are pushing towards more unit-type-specific armor and damage upgrades... the amentum would make for a really good one.
    1 point
  7. It is a git workflow, on a single repository. SVN is still used as a storage solution for two things, but not for storing the development history, i.e. it is not our VCS anymore. We still have some bundled libraries for building the game, they are stored in SVN but we'll get rid of that over time. It's a bit arcane and as a contributor you should not be concerned about it. Additionally, we continuously deliver a nightly built version of the game so that players can test the latest version without any knowledge of git. This uses SVN because our community is used to it by now. SVN allows users to update their nightly build incrementally, without having to re-download everything daily. Release bundles will also be automatically packaged using the nightly build.
    1 point
  8. Thanks for that huge migration work. So it's a git+svn workflow? Does that mean the game files are now spread across two repositories? On part on the git repo and the rest on an svn repo?
    1 point
  9. That’s how I see things. Although indulge me a brief moment of fantasy— I’d love to get the articles verified and reviewed by historians so we know completely for sure that things are true, id hate to have something I wrote spread misinformation
    1 point
  10. yes, and it seems to be fixed in your recent mod.
    1 point
  11. 0 points
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