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  1. live version at https://replay-pallas.wildfiregames.ovh
    5 points
  2. Hello everyone, Today I would like to share a project that's been in the back of my mind for a while. Sharing replays has always been a mess and annoying and I wanted to address that a bit by providing a centralized address so that all replays you want to share can be uploaded there. I made a proof of concept Using Svelte & Fastify and it's now using React instead of Svelte. I'd like to hear your feedbacks about what you'd want the UI to look like, what filters would you like to see etc, details about the match (we don't have the possibility to get all the info) Here are some screenshots (Keep in mind the layout isn't set in stone, just wanted to have a convenient way to test things out) For security reasons there will be no direct upload button there if it gets online. You'll need to be approved by me or another administrator first. One can upload a zip containing a replays or containing multiple folders with replays, or just the commands.txt or the commands.txt and the metadata.json. There is no e-mail confirmation. LIVE AT: https://replay-pallas.wildfiregames.ovh/ Sources at:
    3 points
  3. At @Vantha's request, I rewrote his article for the Han temple and addressed some of the problems raised by @AIEND. https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/114
    3 points
  4. Share replays here if you have any good ones, I will post some occasionally if I can find any good ones.
    1 point
  5. A debate that comes up from time to time and the best way to do it is to make an open and general topic where we can talk about the different ways in which 0 A.D. can be perceived. Names almost like a person's personal name is something that in a way defines him or her. We are discussing that in German the name null A.D. sounds very cool. But we had to take into account how a null value is perceived in other languages or if there is a possibility of an alternative. Topic is not to change the name of the game. It is mostly to think about the possibilities of translating the name or different names.
    1 point
  6. I absolutely agree! Let's focus on other, more important topics!
    1 point
  7. Noooo! I did not intend to start a discussion about the name of the game! There are really more important things to address - "Zero A D" is fully ok! (apologies for bringing this up)
    1 point
  8. Ah. I looked a bit but didn't find it. I think "null cee ee" sounds even better.
    1 point
  9. https://play0ad.com/game-info/project-overview/ 0 A.D. (pronounced “zero-ey-dee”) is a free, open-source, historical Real Time Strategy (RTS) game currently under development by Wildfire Games, a global group of volunteer game developers. As the leader of an ancient civilization, you must gather the resources you need to raise a military force and dominate your enemies. But I like the German "Null 0 A.D." better too.
    1 point
  10. Simply means "zero" in german - i dont see the problem here ?
    1 point
  11. It was a literal translation, yeah. We can call it "Taixue", since that is an actual institution. It's not a military academy, but it's an opportunity to teach something about the Han.
    1 point
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