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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-08-23 in all areas

  1. Hi These days we have to wait long time to play a game Because of lack of good players Many good players kinda left the game In the past in a23 and even a24 which was the worst version we had more players These days Almost there is no good 1v1 game Some good players are banned Some good players keft the game because some players (mods) leaked their ip and accounts. We have few good players. Should not make them run. Many players left because of no upgrades or no new version. 0ad is a good game. Should not something like that happens. If that is opensource then opensource is failed.
    4 points
  2. idea: "Anonymous Replay Challenge: Guess the Players!" concept: replacing player names with numbers and the challenge of guessing the players while watching the replays. That sounds like an funny idea - right? It could add an element of mystery and challenge to watching replays. It would be fun for the moderators to try and guess the players based on their gameplay style or strategies. It could also make the replays more accessible to viewers who may not be familiar with the specific players. Overall, it could be a fun and engaging addition to the replay-watching experience.
    2 points
  3. Ah, if we only had AI image generation 20 years ago. Cool pics. I see a little Braveheart / Mel Gibson in the eyes of one there I wonder if AI could be used to generate textures?
    2 points
  4. Even if a game is not competitive its still important to have game design depth that allows players to continue to improve. Improvements in some areas are needed: civ differentiation: more to learn for each civ melee/ranged re-balance, and unit specific upgrades: more complexity to upgrade valuation and choice of unit composition. performance upgrades: games will run faster with less lag and will make it harder for a slow player to keep up with the multitasking of a fast player multiplayer oriented, strategic, balanced maps, option for fixed positions. Maps designed for gameplay with diverse focuses and different dominant strategies. From what I've heard and seen there is work underway in almost all of these categories. I don't think the future for 0ad is that bleak to be honest. Thanks to all the devs and contributors who've put in time for 0ad!
    1 point
  5. Vercingetorix died before reaching his 40s.
    1 point
  6. What you propose king ?
    1 point
  7. honestly I think that opensource is a good mean, and it's not failed at all, in fact you can notice nowadays how many cutting edge project are still being released with OS licenses. But it's a mean, not a goal. The way our world works, OS is not the beast mean for making games and there is little point in trying to make a game that is completely OS just for the sake of it. This completely random opinion said, because 0AD is open source, it will never die. Anyone can revive it anytime. If there is interest, things will happen. Otherways, they can still happen later on, as long as there is someone that wants to make them happen.
    1 point
  8. I am not sure how range ties are handled or how frequent they are, but in theory when selecting the closest unit, one could round ranges to integers or to two significant figures and then choose between the ties randomly.
    1 point
  9. Hi all, Hi @seeh, autocivP mod has helped me a lot to improve my hotkey usage (for Unit/Building selection, Formations etc.), and therefore to strengthen my game. It also brings some cool commands e.g. to handle the lobby and game settings smoothly. For me the autocivP is a great experience and I can recommend it especially to players who are working to improve their hotkey selection and trying to get to the next level. Definetely a good choice on the path from nub to OP player... thank you @seeh
    1 point
  10. You can configure them under options -> hotkeys
    1 point
  11. Some examples of how aoe2 units decide to behave in combat. Maybe you find this useful.
    1 point
  12. Plantain chips are very op
    1 point
  13. The need for sniping to win an engagement in 0ad a26 doesn't come from overkill. There are numerous ways to reduce and induce overkill that aren't sniping. Sniping originates from the lack of combat value of melee units (some champions can be valuable, but not very). Hopefully @real_tabasco_sauce's melee rebalance can deprecate sniping when compared to traditional micro exampes like @Atrik mentioned. While everyone loves to hate sniping, just everyone loved to hate the meat-shield meta before it, automating it will not fix the underlying balance issues that are the root cause. Anyone remember the formation spam micro from a23? I for one really appreciate how far we've come from those days.
    1 point
  14. for me is the same to share a difficult frase by some dead person or food, and im not sharing it w u, here take some paella
    1 point
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