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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-07-23 in Posts

  1. There is no terms of service on this forum enforcing the rule of one account for person. So anyone can make as many accounts as they want without breaking the rules of the forum.
    4 points
  2. @Atrik I totally agree that spamming alt-clicks to win a fight is not a good place for the meta to be at, but I think adding automated tools that are optimized for the best results don't just remove clicks, they also remove the game we enjoy. This stands in stark contrast to the default unit and structure behavior which is not optimized and needs player engagement to get better results, meaning that players need skills to execute strategies as opposed to choosing them from a menu. I think the best case scenario is that we have a successful melee/ranged rebalance effort that makes alt-clicking less powerful.
    2 points
  3. Ah see my perspective here would just be to let it come down to opportunity cost. You can only afford so much attention in different areas, so you have to choose (for example between micro techniques, or between managing army or managing eco). When you add automation you also lose some of these choices the player must make on how to spend their attention. I say no need to force a solution when the root cause can be addressed. I expect my rebalance to make sniping useful about 15% of the time compared to about 80% of the time currently.
    2 points
  4. How can you identify which mods a player is using in a TG? Isn't this info only available for the host of the TG? Edit: I also think the level of automation that is starting to pop up is starting to kill the game. With this auto-train feature (not auto-queue) players can spend all their time focussing on microing their units without having to check up on their eco and unit production. I'm only really able to tell who is using this feature when I'm spectating a game. It's frustrating realizing afterwards that a player I lost to in a 1v1 was using this mod when I wasn't, even though it was an unrated game.
    2 points
  5. Why is Norse editing the comments of others? This seems like a misuse of mod powers.
    2 points
  6. Why? I was recently having discussions with some smart community members. I shared with them my reasoning: Sniping is definitively not, following 0AD vision on Repetition - "If you find yourself doing the same action over and over without thought, then we need to either eliminate or automate such an action. Linear repetitious procedures are meaningless and boring." Manual sniping is as today, very clearly on the very repetitive end of the spectrum. Testing if this would be OP A mod in development from a very smart community member, gave me the opportunity to emulate some kind of "auto-sniping". I was surprise to find out it was indeed very effective, and beating by far a top player sniping skills: NoobDude (That I have 0 chances to beat normally). I was very surprise because my expectations was that it would make little difference compared to player manual sniping. So I though about just putting the idea into a hole forever... ... But since my initial reasoning was still holding true, and smart members were agreeing that it was, in theory, undesirable to have to have to spam so much clicks to control a very simple behavior, sniping still feels like a problem needing a solution. How could this be addressed unit_action.js, already have a kind of class filter for "attack-move". Another way I found to get a sens of what would such feature could feel like. "attack-move": { "execute": function(position, action, selection, queued, pushFront) { let targetClasses; if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.attackmoveUnit")) targetClasses = { "attack": ["Unit"] }; else targetClasses = { "attack": ["Unit", "Structure"] }; Implementing a stance, or hotkey, in main game that would help players "attack weakest unit in range" or another similar feature may change the meta. But this "sniping" meta of is arguably not most rewarding mechanics you can hope for a strategy game. TLDR: No script publicly exist for (practically) sniping in a multiplayer game. I think we should however seek to fix the compulsive clicking required for sniping. This won't end 0AD, but may give way to the implementation of more interesting mechanics, and game-play metas. Also the unfair advantage that this could provide may deter any moders to do it. The best approach could be to have it in native game.
    1 point
  7. What's the historical justification of that one?
    1 point
  8. Thats bullcrap. Here are current "Terms of use" everyone agreed on: Registration Terms × Forum Terms & Rules Please take a moment to review these rules detailed below. If you agree with them and wish to proceed with the registration, simply click the "Register" button below. To cancel this registration, simply hit the 'back' button on your browser. Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this bulletin board. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this bulletin board.
    1 point
  9. Exactly. So Norse_Harold is enforcing rules that do not exist, hence an abuse of moderation powers. Two innocent people have been harmed by this abuse: I have evidence of him griefing people's forum accounts. You can also prove that these users were not me by checking IP access history. 1. NitroVicky https://wildfiregames.com/forum/profile/39571-nitrovicky/?tab=field_core_pfield_17 This user was attempting to make improvements to the AI and Norse banned them half way, just after they published some kind of improved bot. We lost a potentially better AI due to mere suspicion. 2. inzhu https://wildfiregames.com/forum/profile/40829-inzhu/ look at all of their signatures. Since when is discord outlawed by WFG? In addition I saw this inside a 0ad discord server: at least 2 new players are being persecuted just because Norse suspects they are me. as far as i know there was no trial or hearing of any kind. Norse always claims to have evidence to me on Element but never presents anything. I am 100% certain that he is lying about the evidence because these 2 accounts are fundamentally not mine. I would urge other moderators @Silier @Itms @Dunedan @maroder to step in and review the cases. If these people (and more that I wasn't aware of) are indeed guilty of something then sure, do what is necessary. However, committing libel on people and disrupting their accounts without any solid proof or virtual court is the act of dictators in authoritarian regimes, which is not what we want in 0ad. It's even worse to hold back evidence. Due to the absence of any other moderators, Norse Harold has unchecked absolute power, and there is no way to for any of these innocent people to appeal. These players were likely contributing something useful and Norse just turns them away simply out of his own suspicions. We are losing the already small player base and staff base. This kind of authoritarian, paranoid moderation is much more destructive to the game development and its future than a few smurfs popping up (not even certain if they are smurfs, maybe some AoE players learn quickly) .
    1 point
  10. In French, but there are some useful info: - Yayoi have used extensively the sling. - Yayoi did used the shield and the bow. - Yayoi people were divided in small chiefdoms, often fighting against each other. - The horse was introduced lately and was not used for warfare until the 4th century AD.
    1 point
  11. Well, name me one other rts game where at the beginning the units move automatically to the resources and the micro is automatic. SC has insane micros/clicks, and not really there is automatic micro.
    1 point
  12. How is this different from an aimbot in counter strike for example? I'm totally against it.
    1 point
  13. Yekaterina, you recently sent me a copy of a similar "goodbye" message that you wrote to weirdJokes in 2021. It clearly wasn't the truth. I think it's not the truth in this case either. I think that you will try to create duplicate accounts with different names. You said that you were found out in the past, and the longest you went without being found out was a month. New duplicate accounts will just be merged with Yekaterina again. So yes, you're here forever. In order to correct the real problem (lack of trust of Yekaterina) I recommend that you do restorative justice, which involves apologizing, accepting responsibility for, and righting all of the wrongs that you have done through restitution, community service, etc. We will then celebrate Yekaterina's new, strong moral code. We ensure that accusations that you're Shyft are irrelevant because the new Yekaterina has such a strong moral code that there's no question that Yekaterina is a pillar of the community and definitely not Shyft. Eventually we will figure this out together with everyone and the truth will float. After the process of restorative justice is complete, I advise that you stick to the name Yekaterina. Restorative Justice - Why Do We Need it • BRAVE NEW FILMS (BNF) The habit of "Oh, I messed up and made people angry. They found out that I lied and they don't trust me now. I'll just create a new identity and hope they don't know it's me" DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE. People can sniff you out a mile away. Stop doing it. Just play under Yekaterina and face the bleeping consequences of what you did, and apologize to people and engage in restorative justice, so that they no longer are angry at you and you can play as a reputable and upstanding community member. Meanwhile we will invite the others to engage in restorative justice for the wrongs that they committed...
    1 point
  14. https://github.com/bparkis/0adbuildoptimizer It's a simplified 0ad simulator where you tell it a build order and it instantly tells you when you're going to run out of pop or resources, or have an excess of resources. See the README. It will be a lot more useful to you if you happen to know Python. I think the best explanation of how it works would be an example of what a build order looks like with this. # set up the map. addForest(10, 0, 5000) means there is a forest at coordinate (10, 0) - which is 10 seconds of walk time away from the CC - with 5000 wood available. # 5000 is around the amount of wood you would chop before you would need a second storehouse. addForest(10, 0, 5000) addForest(11, 0, 5000) addForest(12, 0, 5000) addForest(13, 0, 5000) addForest(14, 0, 5000) addForest(15, 0, 5000) addBerries(-5, 0, 1000) addChicken(0, 0, 400) setCiv("Mauryas") setSummaryPeriod(1) # show a summary every 1 second debugEnd() # always throw an exception when we finish, to allow pdb debugging of the detailed state. e.g. with python3 -m pdb boom.py builds/maurya1.txt # This will report the first time when wood went over 300 # and stayed that way until the end. Useful for deciding when we are # able to build stuff without interfering with any other production. reportSurplus(0, 300, 0, 0) # men chop with elephant dropsite, women make berries farmstead, horse on chickens, elephant makes a house at wood chop(selectWorkers("male")) build(selectWorkers("female"), "farmstead", pos=(-5, 0)) walk(selectWorkers("elephant"), (10,0)) # walk ele to forest chicken(selectWorkers("horse")) berries(selectWorkers("female"), queued=True) # The elephant's house is queued meaning it will happen after the # elephant walks to the wood. A non-queued order will just # replace any existing orders. build(selectWorkers("elephant"), "house", queued=True, pos=(10,0)) # train 4 initial women at the CC train(cc, "female", 4) # train batches at the CC that are "maximum batches," as much as food and pop allows, up to a batch of 5 # Do this "repeating," i.e. repeatedly make batches until the order is canceled # also queue it behind the previous train command train(cc, "female", 5, queued=True, repeating=True, maxBatching=True) # Set a schedule for what the women will do after being produced. # Women produced from the CC will go to berries between population 11 and 12. # between population 13 and 27, they will chop wood. # between population 28 and 41, they will build farms and start farming # between population 42 and 46, they will be idle (we'll give them orders then) # after population 47 they will chop wood. setWaypointSchedule(cc, [(11, ((-5, 0), "berries")), (13, ((10, 0), "chop")), (28, (None, "farm")), (42, (None, "idle")), (47, (None, "chop"))]) # wait until 28 seconds into the game, because now the farmstead is done and we can research the berry upgrade time 00:28 research(selectBuilding("farmstead"), "up_gather") # At 0:44 the elephant has made his first house # and at 0:46 we have just enough wood to start a second time 00:46 build(selectWorkers("elephant"), "house") # at 1:17 the elephant is done with the second house. There's not # enough room for the elephant to make more than two houses while # still being a wood dropsite and leaving enough space for the # elephant to get out, so we'll take a man off of woodcutting. The # man will make unlimited houses as a repeating order. (All of these # houses will be at 10, 1) time 01:17 build(selectWorkers("male", num=1), "house", pos=(10, 1), repeating=True) # also queue up an order for berries women to go onto farms farm(selectWorkers("female", "berries"), queued=True) # at 3:23 we have 500 spare wood. We'll transfer 5 women off of wood # and onto farms, in preparation for the first barracks. time 03:23 farm(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=5)) time 03:28 # These are two women just produced from the CC build(selectWorkers("female", "idle"), "barracks", (3, 3)) time 03:49 # four more women just produced from the CC to help build houses and the barracks build(selectWorkers("female", "idle", num=1), "house", (10, 1), repeating=True) build(selectWorkers("female", "idle"), "barracks", (3, 3)) time 03:53 research(selectBuilding("farmstead"), "up_farm1") time 04:35 # barracks is done # we need another house builder. She can help the male housebuilder at (10, 1) farm(selectWorkers("female", "idle", num=5)) chop(selectWorkers("female", "idle")) train(selectBuilding("barracks"), "male", 1, repeating=True) setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks"), (10, 0), "chop") time 05:47 # enough wood for another barracks build(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=5), "barracks", (3, 4)) farm(previousWorkerSelection(), queued=True) time 06:05 build(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=5), "barracks", (4, 4)) farm(previousWorkerSelection(), queued=True) time 06:38 # barracks done # selectBuilding will get us the idle barracks preferentially setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks"), (10, 0), "chop") train(selectBuilding("barracks"), "male", 1, repeating=True) time 06:56 setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks"), (10, 0), "chop") train(selectBuilding("barracks"), "male", 1, repeating=True) time 06:36 # We've made 67 women. That's probably enough. Switching to men from the cc. train(cc, "male", 1, repeating=True) time 07:09 # forest dead, move on. build(selectWorkers("male female", "chop"), "storehouse", pos=(11, 0), queued=True) chop(selectWorkers("male female", "chop"), pos=(11, 0), queued=True) chop(selectWorkers("male", "walk"), pos=(11, 0), queued=True) setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks", index=1), (11, 0), "chop") setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks", index=2), (11, 0), "chop") setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks", index=3), (11, 0), "chop") setWaypoint(cc, (11, 0), "chop") time 07:27 build(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=1), "house", (10, 1), repeating=True) time 08:00 build(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=5), "barracks", (5, 5)) farm(previousWorkerSelection(), queued=True) build(selectWorkers("male", "chop", num=5), "storehouse", (12, 0)) chop(previousWorkerSelection(), pos=(12,0), queued=True) time 08:31 build(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=5), "barracks", (5, 5)) farm(previousWorkerSelection(), queued=True) build(selectWorkers("male", "chop", num=1), "house", (10, 1), repeating=True) research(selectBuilding("storehouse"), "up_chop1") time 08:51 setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks"), (12, 0), "chop") train(selectBuilding("barracks"), "male", 1, repeating=True) time 09:02 build(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=5), "barracks", (5, 5)) farm(previousWorkerSelection(), queued=True) time 09:17 build(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=5), "barracks", (6, 6)) farm(previousWorkerSelection(), queued=True) build(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=1), "house", (10, 1), repeating=True) farm(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=5)) time 09:36 chop(selectWorkers("male female", "chop"), pos=(12, 0), queued=True) chop(selectWorkers("male", "walk"), pos=(12, 0), queued=True) setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks", index=1), (12, 0), "chop") setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks", index=2), (12, 0), "chop") setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks", index=3), (12, 0), "chop") setWaypoint(cc, (12, 0), "chop") time 09:40 build(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=5), "barracks", (7, 7)) farm(previousWorkerSelection(), queued=True) setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks"), (13, 0), "chop") build(selectWorkers("male", "chop", num=1), "storehouse", pos=(13,0)) chop(previousWorkerSelection(), queued=True) train(selectBuilding("barracks"), "male", 1, repeating=True) time 09:46 setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks"), (13, 0), "chop") train(selectBuilding("barracks"), "male", 1, repeating=True) time 09:54 build(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=5), "barracks", (8, 8)) farm(previousWorkerSelection(), queued=True) setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks"), (13, 0), "chop") train(selectBuilding("barracks"), "male", 1, repeating=True) time 10:10 build(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=5), "barracks", (9, 9)) farm(previousWorkerSelection(), queued=True) setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks"), (13, 0), "chop") train(selectBuilding("barracks"), "male", 1, repeating=True) build(selectWorkers("male", "chop", num=3), "house", (10, 2), repeating=True) time 10:15 build(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=5), "barracks", (9, 9)) farm(previousWorkerSelection(), queued=True) time 10:31 setWaypoint(selectBuilding("barracks"), (13, 0), "chop") train(selectBuilding("barracks"), "male", 1, repeating=True) build(selectWorkers("female", "chop", num=5), "barracks", (10, 10)) farm(previousWorkerSelection(), queued=True) time 12:00
    1 point
  15. Cassivellaunus it is! Thank you!
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Incorrect. With no ratified rules then admins can enforce any rules they choose. Therefore choosing to enforce the draft code of conduct is a voluntary restriction on power. We need to prevent duplicate accounts in order to prevent ban bypassing. In the case of Yekaterina it's especially important. Yekaterina is very skilled at creating duplicate accounts. Yekaterina admitted to creating elaborate identities for several of his/her accounts in the past, including personal details, interests, personality, location, family and friends. Yekaterina wrote the information down and followed the script whenever playing as one of Yeka's characters. NitroVicky and inzhu have been confirmed by WFG staff, not just me, to be highly likely to be duplicate accounts of Yekaterina. This is ban bypassing. Please encourage Yekaterina to fulfill the requirements in order to get the ban lifted and Yeka's reputation restored. It's best for the community as well as Yekaterina. Yekaterina has complained many times to me privately about not being trusted in the community. That's karma for how much Yekaterina has lied. Restorative Justice would help to restore Yekaterina's reputation and resolve a lot of stress that Yekaterina has expressed (s)he has experienced about accusations of being Shyft_Sierra, others sharing Yeka's personal information against the rules, etc. Let's please act like a community that cares about not getting the lobby spammed with 500+ messages in a 20 second time period, every half hour, for 10 to 24 hours, every few months. Let's please act like a community that cares about growing the player base and supporting the WFG developers that have donated their time, money and parts of their lives to make a fun game for us. Let's please act like a community that cares about the well-being of Yekaterina and doesn't support ban bypassing, which increases the expected restitution time for being unbanned. Yekaterina's expected restitution time has been increased by 4 hours due to the recent ban bypass attempts. The total expected time is 52 hours. Yeka has completed a certain significant percentage of that time,.Please encourage Yekaterina to do the right thing, get back in compliance with the rules, and then live happily ever after.
    0 points
  18. @Norse_Harold He does this. He griefed people's accounts before and gives random warning. @Norse_Harold can you explain to me what are you doing? What do you want? Last night at around 1am UK time he was sending me random accusations like you often do. Then in the meantime MarcAurel was spamming me on Instagram asking me if I made new smurfs. To my understanding, Norse believes a player called inzhu is my smurf, so he took action immediately without evidence. Why am I sure that he has no evidence? Because I was away from the game for a very long time. I know what I have been up to these weeks and it's not anywhere near 0ad. I almost forgot about this hellhole until they harassed me at late night last night. The two of them ruined my sleep as this kind of nonsense gives me stress and forced me to remember the painful past. I have received countless ecomplaints about Norse Harold inappropriately banning and muting users. I didn't want to care but last night's harassment lasted for a long time through multiple channels. Norse accused me of random things (that are not related to me) via Element, whenever something goes wrong. He hopes that he can bait me into admitting something or exposing a friend of mine. But sadly I am more clueless than him as he has moderator rights to see more than me and I haven't been near wfg service often, especially not the lobby. To censor me, Norse Harold imposed a rule on my forum usage: I have to send text to him via Element indicating when I visited, why I visited and log out time. He also imposed that forum can only be used for restorative justice work. I want to ask @Stan` and @Itms is this your verdict, and is it justice? If you don't want me to use the forum why not just ban me or impose some technical limit? Or is this Norse Harold overriding you? @Player of 0AD this is why I couldn't reply to you, sorry. To mute his random accusations I deleted Element. On that platform, he called me a "bad influence" and coerced me into contacting random dodgy people on the internet to take down YouTube videos. All of these should be his job. But he coerces me to do it with the threat of increasing the amount of restorative justice work. @Stan` @Itms @Dunedan I ask you all again if you agreed to punish me this way. I feel enslaved by this so called restorative justice. I have decided to not waste any more time on this. It is his job to moderate the lobby and other WFG services, not mine. I will not become his slave. I do not have the responsibility to give him any information, not to mention that I don't know most of the people who he is asking about. However, what I am sure of is he is manipulating people to speculate each others' possible smurf account and report it. He also mutes any kind of complaints. And now you see people being banned just based on suspicion. How is this any different from a totalitarian regime? These methods were the ones used in USSR and North Korea. I suggest we set up a proper legal system where we can have a court or a hearing of some kind before sentencing anyone to anything. Seems like 0ad is becoming Norse Korea with just one dictator. There is no justice system. Many rules are hidden to the public in some draft code of conduct. Norse holds people responsible to that but it's not shown to new users when registering. The drafts are DRAFTS, not implemented ! They are also not in visible places of the forum or any other WFG services. So it's easy for anyone break one of those rules unknowingly. If the draft is approved, at least put it somewhere visible! But @Itms if you have not enacted the draft as new regulations, people must not be held responsible for it. There is no clause in the current forum code of conduct to register more than 1 forum account. Yet at least 2 people have been sanctioned just because Norse suspects they are my alts, without evidence! 0ad will just keep losing players with this kind of dictator in place. Seems like I should cut all communications with all players as well to keep my own sanity.
    0 points
  19. There is a pretty huge difference in elegance. It is logical and sometimes helpful that workers automatically go to near resources after building a new cc, and it is nice that farmers look for empty farms to work at. ProGui and the discussed autosniping feature are not very elegant, as they require additional modes, gui panels and settings to work (all requiring clicks of some kind). ProGui sits on top of 0ad and you have to learn it almost like a separate game. It would definitely feel out of place and overly contrived if it were a vanilla feature.
    0 points
  20. Hi @Stan` please don't delete this account I think it will be a good archive for future 0ad users. Just emphasizing. @Norse_Harold
    0 points
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