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  1. Agree. There are already units like this. But I'd really like to get away from the "introduce a new unique unit" for each civ as a means of differentiating. Playing the same with every civ until you spam one, unique unit for that civ at min 15 is a pretty boring meta. Now, if the unique unit creates a unique build order, like free champs, siege, or something then that's a different story. I would just like to see civs play more differently than each other.
    2 points
  2. added flare messages and more v1.0.17 add flare messages disable ggWpIcon-replacments by start word Uppercase to easier ping seldom username fixed. Ha => Han is correct, before it was Ha => hand prevent conflict with seldom username add synonyms for communittymodtoggle update icon match for <3 add remove icon delimiters by double [tab] add synonyms iconsall for allicons for the fuzzysearch add alliconsAll add option use to remove all Unicode characters from chat. icons are Unicode. Some users don't use a keyboard that support this icons add autoenabe some mods for lobby when modProfile showAutoFixModsOrder is enabled. needs a restart add timezone to game name suggestion for start in full half hour add game sugestion for start in the next full half hour add ARK for 1 to 9 Minutes add TTYL to fuzzy
    1 point
  3. sparta vs arcer cav is super interesting, very asymmetric gameplay. If you play well arcer cav, you should win.
    1 point
  4. Hoplites struggle if they fight a mix of pikemen and ranged units - if they need to defeat the pikemen first they will suffer a lot of damage. Furthermore, Sparta has no champion cavalry so it will struggle against this type of unit, especially if its ranged. Carthage could try to go for Elephants or infantry sword mercenaries, if they face only hoplites.
    1 point
  5. I hope you are back soon leopard. I hope you find a better job
    1 point
  6. yeah, i'm not worried about nomads--those should be pretty unique by virtue of being nomadic.
    1 point
  7. yeah, I think they should be unique in various ways. Ive just put together some cool ideas for the nomads civs in terra magna but there is still plenty of missing art for those civs.
    1 point
  8. Indeed, if the Romans don't have theatres in game, the Macedonians, Seleucids and Ptolemies should not. It should be limited to Athenians.
    0 points
  9. nomads.zip @wowgetoffyourcellphone @borg- @chrstgtr I made some major gameplay revisions for the two nomadic civilizations in terra magna, Scythians and Xiongnu. Horses can't build buildings must be in own territory nomadic civ bonus where buildings decay 5x slower. Ovoos are a weak but cheap territory root that may be built in neutral territory, available p1. Stone upgrades are back in the storehouse. Scythian women promote to maiden infantry. Maiden cavalry are available from the temple in p2 and are a fast, weak, high damage raiding unit. Skilurius has a cavalry discount and can directly train maiden cavalry. Scythians have p2 access CS javelin infantry and in p3 unlock champion spear infantry using a tech.(with a new mixin merc_inf_champ) xiongnu start with axemen and access swordcav and spearmen in p2. xiongnu yurts can upgrade to royal yurts in p2 which train 3 warlords for each royal yurt. warlords start as high damage, vulnerable axemen that can weopon switch to a cavalry archer which is only slighly slower. Royal yurt limit of 5 means total of 15 possible warlords warlords cost extra food and metal and provide a damage and speed aura for surrounding units Xiongnu can access 'Han diplomacy' from the CC in p2, which allows the construction of the han embassy (academy). In p2, the embassy can train mercenary crossbows. in p3, the technology unlocks catapults and medium warships, as well as allowing champion chariots and spear infantry from the embassy. I think this is a great framework from where we can proceed, but a few things are still needed: Xiongnu 'heavy cavalry' spearcav champ (use icon from warlord, which was a spearcav) Warlord needs a new icon featuring an axe. Royal yurt = bigger yurt with more bling. some really basic ships for xiongnu/scythians. I think even some raft style vessels will suffice, but they have to have some navy. here, I toyed with the concept of a 'mercenary' chinese ship for the xiongnu. The stable needs some structure: some small yurt attached, or a shed-like structure. For the scythians, split the corral from the stable (my opinion) Ideally, they should also have some sort of siege workshop and dock. lastly, figure out what is going on with technologies and civ bonuses. You will see that there are a lot of duplicates in the civ bonuses part of civ overview. I deleted these, but they remain :l I also deleted the special yurt based phase up for xiongnu since it is OP, but this also remains unfazed.
    0 points
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