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  1. Some small aesthetic adjustments: - Show civ emblem, team number when > 2 players - Phase progress below phase indicator - Pop count in front - Click on phase or emblem to move to player cc location Props to @mysticjim for great feedback! monitor.pyromod
    2 points
  2. There have been issues wherein the host of a match disconnects from the main lobby and all or most of the players disconnect from his match. The host's game does not crash and continues to run but nobody can connect to the match. Please upload any replays of matches that seem to be affected by this.
    1 point
  3. There are issues with the possibilities of cheating, the game is open source, so with enough technical knowledge, you can run a custom game client that gives you unfair advantage such as by implementing automatic troops micromanagement or to exploit the latency-compensation mechanism. Also, the network code, from my understanding is written in such a way that every player simulates the whole map, so that means that a cheater can remove fog of war and see what other players are doing. Cheaters won't be able to alter unit stats, that will get them out-of-sync. But I don't think these should prevent one from running a competitive gaming scene. Sportsmanship and some level of trust is necessary, and you can't always rule out every form of cheating in any game. This is not unique to 0AD, even commercial games have exactly the same problems to varying degree. Just don't make the prize pool so large that people becomes monetarily motivated to cheat, and action reported cheaters promptly. If you want to run a competitive scene with large monetary sums, you will need to run an offline competition, so that you can control the gaming machines and ensure that players can only use an unmodified version of the game. (actually, I suspect that if you actually try to deliberately make cheating hard and try to implement various rules to make cheating hard, that will probably just invite people who would cheat just to show you wrong; so you either has to go all the way to prove that they're wrong, or rely on sportsmanship)
    1 point
  4. I've changed the forum locale from English UK to English GB. It's using a 24 hour time format now.
    1 point
  5. /ban help /ban add <playername> /ban remove <playername> /ban list /ban auto <on/off> (Bans could be a blacklist to prevent certain friends from joining games. Alternative to 'ban list' could be having other than a "friends" list such as a "watched players" list)
    1 point
  6. The rotating millstone, maybe not. The oldest finds are from North-Est Spain and Southern France, close to the Pyrenees. Hard to tell if this is Celtic or not, this is an area between several influence spheres. http://www.archeologiesenchantier.ens.fr/spip.php?article156 The scythe, yes it is really plausible. The oldest find, at my knowledge, is from the 3rd century BC in central France: https://www.images-archeologie.fr/Accueil/Recherche/p-3-lg0-notice-IMAGE-Faux-en-fer-retrouvee-dans-une-fosse-IIIe-s.-avant-notre-ere-Chevilly-Loiret-2006-2007.-Sur-une-surface-avoisinant-4-ha-un-grand-etablissement-ca_aeeae7f9c004d194d5b9c984a4ee7e74-31856147.htm?&notice_id=3022
    1 point
  7. Discovery of extraordinary Celtic vestiges in Bulgaria Extraordinary remains recently unearthed make it possible to trace the presence of Celts on the eastern margins of Europe, where the ancient Thracian kingdoms were located. https://www.nationalgeographic.fr/histoire/2020/09/decouverte-dextraordinaires-vestiges-celtes-en-bulgarie The destiny of the Celts: history and decline For seven centuries, this mysterious people reigned over vast stretches of Europe before being defeated by the Romans. Who were the Celts? And why did their remarkable culture decline? https://www.nationalgeographic.fr/histoire/2020/09/le-destin-des-celtes-histoire-et-declin Culture and industry: what we owe to the Celts Invention of the plough, creation of fortified towns, mastery of wood architecture, abstract art... Zoom on the contribution of the Celts in Gaul. https://www.nationalgeographic.fr/histoire/2020/09/culture-et-industrie-ce-que-nous-devons-aux-celtes
    1 point
  8. Most players outside this forum won't know what "Odrysians" are, so I think Thracians works best, just based on the Odrysian kingdom and also some traditional Thracian units as your roster indicates. Thracians and especially Dacians should for sure be added. I will reiterate my opinion that Empires Ascendant should just go ahead and add the later "Part 2" civs to the game. "Part 2" being so far away, it would essentially be its own game and then you might as well go with a different time period, like Medieval or Bronze Age.
    1 point
  9. Why not allow unban if possible?
    1 point
  10. Can add proof of concept in autociv if wanted
    1 point
  11. /ban current_player_in_game should ask for a conformation or be something more complex like /ban! or so to avoid accidental bans and therfore end of the game. This can happen with auto completion and i saw it at least 3 times
    1 point
  12. hotkey overlay A optional hotkey overlay would be nice to learn the hotkeys fast. In particular atm. I am thinking about "add first, second etc. unit type to queue". This might be memorable for the CC, as the first is a women and 4th a cav, but when adding a barrack to the selection the hotkey changes for the unit (as it is not the 4th anymore). So in game one could easy see the first 2 times, ok in this building-group makes cav on "V" and in the third time you don't need to look anymore. This is also good for newer players to learn hotkeys like next Idle worker is ".", not just the button. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select all wounded units Alt + O should select all wounded units on the map. Alt + . already selects all idle workers on the map and mouse selection + O selects wounded. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ team line style Indicate teams with line style on the border. E.g. Team 1 full line "---------", Team 2 dashed "- - - -", Team 3 "- . - . - . -" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selective panic Alarm mode for selected units instead of one bell for all units. The bell makes no sense when one has more than one CC or even one bigger divided base. Just select units near your current raid and raise a alarm that sends women in houses and men in next tower/cc/fort. This should only give the one command and don't need a "stop bell" In almost any situation a bell makes more problems than it solves. Lets say A gets a cav raid. Bell would affect all workers and the player would never financially recover from ringing the bell. For civs with 3 women house capacity its almost impossible to micromanage "select 3 women - send in one house".
    1 point
  13. I've played almost every day since I downloaded the game a year ago, and so far there's only one design feature that bothers me: it takes 6 CLICKS to exit the game. Menu Exit Confirm Continue Exit Confirm UI design should almost never include confirmations. They give a false sense of security and according to (I believe it was him) Jared Spool (or his buddy Jakob Nielsen) more data is lost when tools use confirmations than when they simply accept the input. If those are killed, we're down to 4 clicks. If I want to see the stats screen (where I have to click 'Continue') I can go look at it. Why is it a required step to exit the game? I understand there may be a desire to exit the game being played, but not terminate the application itself. Perhaps 2 menu items, 'Leave Game' and 'Exit 0A.D.') Then it's only 2 clicks: Menu Exit 0A.D. If not, at least it's down to 3 steps Menu Exit Game Exit 0A.D. which is heaps better. Thanks for a marvelous game.
    1 point
  14. I think Mythos stated that there will be no dismounting in 0 A.D so maybe you can do It by creating a mod
    1 point
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