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….since I last played 0AD. It has come a long way. The engine is excellent and the artwork is truly stunning, beautiful. By far the prettiest of this genre of game I’ve ever played. The amount of clever thought that has gone into the game overall is amazing, so many nice little features such as being able to use the I key to select idle workers out of the middle of a mob. And to be able to queue tasks for workers, that’s so handy. Last time I played 0 AD there was only 3 civilizations and one of those didn’t have it’s own art yet. And there were 2 different AIs to choose from. I never play online, Petra Bot has become everything I could want in an AI, with all the different options available as well you can play whatever sort of game you feel like. There’s still a few things that could use a little more work, but this game is turning into one of the all time great classics that people will play for decades to come. My main computer had an industrial accident and I’m using a very low end laptop until it gets fixed, the game plays really well up until it starts to get a bit busy, then it can’t cope. So I’ve been practising different game start strategies instead, seeing how quickly I can get up to battle readiness. I like playing as the Mauryans, I love those worker elephants. And my wish list of areas that could do with a little more attention: The mini map could do with a bit of a tweak to it’s colours and shades, it’s not the easiest to read at a glance. The path finding is a bit awkward. They find their destination unerringly but may wander considerably wide of a straight line to get there. This is unhelpful when you’re trying to flank an enemy without being seen. My memory might be playing tricks on me but I thought you used to be able to set waypoints when sending armies across the map. Or is that feature still there and I just haven’t found it again yet? The current path finding also seems to cause formations to behave quite strangely at times, as well as creating situations where so many workers/soldiers are tripping over each other that the CPU becomes bogged down with continuously reassigning paths for them all. And I wish there was one more option under the graphics section of the settings – to be able to alter the screen scroll speed, on some low end graphics cards scrolling the screen or rotating it jumps too quickly to have decent control over what you’re looking at. The world editor seriously needs some more thought put into it. Did it used to be called Atlas? For a lot of people, making maps and scenarios is every bit as much fun as playing them, but the world editor is an awkward beast to use and lacking a lot of handy features such as being able to lock out buildings and technologies. If the same work went in to that as has gone into the main game it would be truly wonderful to use. Cheers, Andrew.2 points
This is my first custom made map. Looking for people to test it out and give suggestions and/or criticism. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PfOcfxo It is a little heavy due to lots of structures, units and vegetation. Anyone who can optimize/beautify it without loosing the essence of this map is really appreciated. Essence of the map: 1) Player 1 is advanced and has lots of structures and treasures inside the city for scarcity time. Protected by the impenetrable wall. Comparatively low natural resources inside city, so dependent on resources externally, in order to save reserves against a siege. 2) Player 2 has lots of units, ready army, lots of resources and can launch a siege against player 1. 3)Player 3 & 4 are smaller but crucial. The player 1 and Player 2 have to maintain diplomacy with these smaller "nations" in order to survive and have access to external resources out of their country. Which they will require to launch an insane campaign to kill the huge opponent. 4) You can play as Player 1 defending against a siege and defeating Player 2. Or the other way around. You can even play as smaller "trade" nations in order to define the balance between powers. 5) Best enjoyed 2v2 or 1v1vCPU [player 1 and player 2 as manual] The inspiration is being saturated with the same rush to resources, upgrade, reach new ages and win. I wanted more strategy and diplomacy. Hope you guys have the patience to put up with a first time publisher. Have fun! Epiphany_v5.xml Epiphany_v5.pmp2 points
Hi, I'm a fan of 0AD! I have such a small request, a sneak peak, that the Hoplites from Sparta have more differences than the Athenians, after all, the Athenians are not associated with this formation, and the Spartans rather bragged about war and fighting most of all Greek polis, right? Additionally, I will ask if you have any plans to add some mythical units? Minotaurs fighting with some creatures from other mythologies (I don't know creatures from other mythologies except werewolves: D). Or at least as a challenge on the map with treasures or something :)1 point
Buenas ; Aspecto para las mujeres Tracias ; Por la información que encontré , las mujeres tracias gozaban de mucha independencia e incluso eran combativas y lo más interesante , poseían tatuajes al igual que los hombres ; Reseñas en cerámica griega ; (noten se los tatuajes en brazos y piernas) Referencias actuales; Eso me inspiró para las posibles Bonificaciones de los Tracios ; -Bonificación de Civilización; 1."Kurta "-madera-(La mayoría de los edificios al estar construidos casi en exclusiva en madera , son más rápidos de construir , pero más fáciles de destruir) 2."Dentusykos"-mujer tracia-(Las mujeres tracias luchan con más fuerza que las mujeres de otras facciones siendo capaces de subir los tres rangos al igual que la infantería ligera , pero aún estado en el tercer rango no serán tan fuertes como las "Mujeres guerreras tracias "o "Mokasokos Darsas") -Bonificación de equipos; 1."Sura Dentu "-fuerza tribal-(Cuando el jugador escoge a la facción Tracia , si se alía con otro jugador/IA que también sean Tracios , sus unidades y la de los aliados son un "X" porciento más fuertes , cuantos más aliados tracios estén juntos , más fuertes serán cada uno , solo mientras dure la alianza ) 2." Mokasokos Darsas"-mujeres guerreras-(Cuando se alía con otra facción , esa facción consigue una bonificación que hace más resistentes a sus mujeres) -Tecnologías especiales; 1." Skálmē"-espada -( las unidades de infantería y caballería tracia armadas con la espada curva y larga sujetada con dos manos , dan su primer golpe a la unidad enemiga con mucha más fuerta que los siguientes golpes ) 2."Hromphaia"o "Peltasta" -jabalinas (Menos los mercenarios , arqueros y espadachines con espada larga de dos manos , las demás unidades Tracias de infantería y caballería poseen dos armas , la propia de la unidad y jabalinas) (ejemplo; Guerrero con hacha y con jabalinas , unidad de héroe con jabalinas , caballería ligera (con hacha , espada, lanza...) y con jabalinas, campeón tracio con jabalinas , mujer y mujer guerrera con jabalinas ...) Disculpen las molestias*1 point
That's not really war waggons but yes they used waggons on the battlefield at one occasion.1 point
@user1 My user: PurpleMotion Offender User: tingeltangelbob (954) He quit after I destroyed his Town Center and was cleaning up. commands.txt metadata.json1 point
Interesting enough, Arrian of Nicomedia described the use of war wagons by some Thracian tribes. Source; The Thracians 700 BC-AD 46 (Men-at-Arms) by Christopher Webber and Angus McBride, 2001, ISBN 1-84176-329-2, page 101 point
I recently came across a very rare photograph of a decorative Meroitic period stone cut window featuring some kind of figurative lattice work, from Qasr Ibrim, which was in itself a pretty interesting architectural feature that I was unaware of. It's is a figure of a man, carrying an elephant on his shoulders, comparable to a mural from the royal city in Meroë, with noticeable Hellenistic influence and possibly represeting a Nubianized Heracles: The mural from Meroë? More cool shots of Qasr Ibrim:1 point
Para crear a la facción de los Odrisios; Importantes líderes del reino Odrisio (Para la "IA"); Nombre Fecha Original 1.Teres I (480 a. C.-450 a. C.) Τήρης 2.Esparádoco (450 a. C.-431 a. C.) Σπαράδοκος 3.Sitalces (431 a. C.-424 a. C.) Σιτάλκης 4.Seutes I (424 a. C.-410 a. C.) Σεύθης 5.Amádoco I (410 a. C.-390 a. C.) Ἀμάδοκος 6.Hebrizelmis (390 a. C.-384 a. C.) Ἑβροζέλμης 7.Cotis I (384 a. C.-358 a. C.) Κότυς 8.Cersobleptes (358 a. C.-341 a. C.) Κερσοβλέπτης (pongo el nombre en griego antiguo por quien sepa descifrarlo y poner su fonética) Lista de otros reyes odrisios menos relevantes y más débiles 1.Berisades (358 a. C.-352 a. C.)-------Bηρισάδης 2.Cetriporis (352 a. C.-347 a. C.)------Κετρίπορις 3.Amádoco II (358 a. C.-351 a. C.)----Ἀμάδοκος II 4.Teres II (351 a. C.-342 a. C.)---------Τήρης II 5.Seutes III (331 a. C.-300 a. C.)------Σεύθης III 6.Cotis II (300 a. C.-280 a. C.)---------Κότυς II 7.Raizdos (ca. 280 a. C.)---------------Ροίγος 8.Cotis III (ca. 270 a. C.)---------------Κότυς III 9.Rascuporis (240 a. C.-215 a. C.)----Ραισκούπορις 10.Seutes IV (215 a. C.-190 a. C.)------Σεύθης IV Posibles unidades ; Héroes ;(3) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1." Teres I ";-------------------------------------(Τήρης ) 2." Sitalces";-------------------------------------(Σιτάλκης) 3." Kotys I ";-------------------------------------(Κότυς) Fuentes de los reyes odrisios; https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reino_odrisio Disculpe me las molestias*1 point
Buenas , aquí tengo un boceto sobre las unidades y estructuras ; Unidades ;(28) Infantería ;(5) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles") 1.Lancero;---------------------------------------------------------------------(Taruthin ) 2.Escaramuzador(con espada corta);------------------------------------------(Skálmēsinas ) 3.Espadachín(con espada curva y larga sujeta con dos manos;---------------(Rhompháiatinos ) 4.Arquero ;--------------------------------------------------------------------(Romfeai ) 5.Guerrero con hacha;--------------------------------------------------------( Pelekusoris ) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles "y "centro urbano") 1.Lancero;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------( Taruthin ) 2.Escaramuzador(con espada corta);-------------------------------------------------( Skálmēsinas) *Posibilidad que toda la infantería menos arquero , tenga dos armas , la X y las javalinas, y los escaramuzadores tengan espada. Infantería campeona;(3) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Campeón tracio;----------------------------------------------( Zibythides) 2.Jefe tracio;---------------------------------------------------( Poris ) 3. Mujer guerrera tracia;---------------------------------------( Mokasokos ) Infantería mercenaria ;(2) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Mercenario dacio(genérico);--------------------------------(... zenis) 2.Mercenario ilirio(genérico);---------------------------------( ...zenis ) Infantería campeona mercenaria;(1) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Mercenario Hoplita griego ;----------------------------------( ... zenis ) Caballería;(2) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Caballería ligera (con hacha , espada...);-------------------( Khōra mezēnai ) 2.Escaramuzador a caballo;-------------------------------------( Khōra Hromphaia mezēnai ) (Reclutados en ;" "y "centro urbano") 1.Caballería ligera (con hacha , espada...);-------------------( Khōra mezēnai ) Caballería de élite;(2) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1. Jinete campeón ;-----------------------------------------(Zibunthides mezēnai) 2. Jinete escaramuzador campeón;----------------------(Zibunthides Hromphaia mezēnai ) Caballería mercenaria (no de élite);(2) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Caballería griega (con lanza);----------------------------(...zenis mezēnai ) 2.Caballería celta;-------------------------------------------( ...zenis mezēnai) Caballería mercenaria de élite;(1) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Arquero a caballo escita (con arco) ;-------------------( ... zenis mezēnai ) Civiles;(3) (Reclutados en ;" centro urbano") 1. Mujer;------------------------------------------------------------(Dentusykos ) (Reclutados en ;"Mercado ") 2. Comerciante;----------------------------------------------------(Paraoris) (Reclutados en ;"Templo ") 3. Sacerdote;-------------------------------------------------------(ktístai ) Armas de asedio;(1) (Reclutados en ;" fortaleza") 1.Ariete;--------------------------------------------------------------( Thurd-ide ) Arma de asedio mercenaria ;(1) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Catapulta macedonia ;----------------------------------------( ... ) Navíos ;(2) (Reclutados en ;" Puerto") 1.Balsa pesquera;----------------------------------------------------( ... ) 2.Navío mercante;---------------------------------------------------(... parai ) Navíos mercenario;(1) (Reclutados en ;" Puerto") 1.Navío militar griego;-----------------------------------------------(... zenis ... ) Héroes ;(3) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1." Spartacus";-------------------------------------(Σπάρτακος / Spártakos) (Llevó exitosas campañas de liberación de esclavos en la República romana) 2." Dromichaetes";--------------------------------(Δρομιχαίτης /Dromichaites) (Dromichaetes humilló a Lisímaco de macedonia y a las colonias griegas) 3." Hales";-------------------------------------------(.../ Chales) (Dirigió un gigantesco ejército tracio que venció a los atenienses en el sur de Tracia) Importantes líderes Tribales Tracios(Para la "IA"); Nombre Fecha Original 1.Olorus (siglo V a.c) Ὄλορος 2.Syrmios (siglo IV a.c) Σύρμος 3.Bergaios ( 400 – 350 a.c ) Βεργαῖος 4.Dromichaetes (300 - c. 280 a. c) Δρομιχαίτης 5.Diegylis (siglos III-II a.c) Διήγυλις 6.Zibelmios (siglo II a.c) Ζιβέλμιος 7.Mostis (130 a.c-90 a.c) Μόστις 8.Abrupolis (200 a.c -170 a.c ) Αβρουπόλις Estructuras ; Edificios comunes (15); 1.Centro cívico;-----------------------------------------( Dava mēr) 2.casa;--------------------------------------------------( Sarpos ) 3.Almacén;----------------------------------------------( ... ) 4.Alquería/granja;---------------------------------------( Khōra) 5.Corral;-------------------------------------------------( ...) 1.Oveja;----------------(... ) 2.Cerdo;---------------(... ) 3.Cabra;---------------(Búzas ) 4.Gallina;--------------(Génton ) 5.Toro;----------------(Bonassos ) 6.Vaca;----------------(... ) 6.Torre de defensa ;---------------------------------------(Mossun ) 7.Cuartel;--------------------------------------------------( ...) 8.Herrería;-------------------------------------------------(... ) 9.Templo;--------------------------------------------------(Thrakē dón ) 10.Muralla;-------------------------------------------------(Didza ) 11.Huerto;--------------------------------------------------(Strambas) 12.Mercado;-----------------------------------------------( Para ) 13.Puerto;--------------------------------------------------(... ) 14.Fortaleza;-----------------------------------------------(Disza ) 15.Torreta de defensa pequeña;---------------------------(Paurakis Mossun) Puerta de muralla;----------------------------------------(Dero) Edificios especiales (5) 1."Maravilla" ;---------------------------------------------(... ) fuentes; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rulers_of_Thrace_and_Dacia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spartacus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Thracian_kings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hales_(king) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thracian_warfare Las traducciones las saqué de las fuentes que me trajo @Genava55 (A quien le doy las gracias) Posdata; La información está incompleta y es un boceto , pero con ayuda y unas semanas estará lista(eso espero , y gracias) Disculpen las molestias *1 point
1 point
Could also use a Griffin like in EB: Also my understanding is that Parthian domes were rarer than in later periods and used for more important buildings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Persian_domes#Pre-Islamic_period1 point
This looks sweet! I am into competitive maps but love these detailed big simcity maps, well done!1 point
@user1 Just finished a game with stckpkr7000. He was the host and I joined under his conditions and played. I was clearly winning the game and he decided to quit without resigning. My lobby name is PurpleMotion Replay attached: commands.txt metadata.json1 point
my game id is methhead and i was playing with pinus when he was about to lose, he quit without resigning.....after that i continued the game and won but didn't get my points below is the game file @user1 commands.txt1 point
Definitely, there was a lot of Hellenization in Thrace, especially the Odryssian Kingdom, but I don't feel like going full Hellenistic is the right choice. It's my impression that outside of a few royal centres, Hellenistic modes of living weren't as pervasive as you'd expect from truly Hellenistic states. Hellenistic influence seems to be much more of an elite thing, hence it's relevance for elite structures, but Thracians weren't highly urbanized and these Hellenistic style displays of wealth and power probably aren't representative for all of Thrace. So I'd propose of mix of rural Thracian style (lots of wood) for non-elite structures, and Hellenistic influence in elite structures.1 point
@user1 My username: chaos5 Offender username: RICKY14 Left the game while I was finishing him off(his CC was already destroyed). commands.txt1 point
For the mythological part, I know that 0AD is on the strict historic (slightly exaggerated) side. So I don't see those creatures come into play. But that would be a nice mod. I have some models of those, and I kinda like there vibe. Animation would be the big part of the work.1 point
While discussing a quirk of the common AI API on IRC Stan suggested to take a code coverage measurement on the existent simulation components, since I had the toolchain already set up for AI development. I took the challenge and now present first results. However, I decided to not attach this to the already running jasmine-thread since I consider it an independent topic. To reproduce the measurements: Attached to this posting is a zip archive. Unzip it to binaries/data/mods/public/simulation. A new directory CoverageMeasurement will show up. Inside that directory, the subdirectory instrumented already contains the results of an instrumented run. Load the jscoverage.html file into a fully-scripting-enabled browser to see the results. They will look somewhat like this: To rerun the analysis, launch the runcomponenttests.sh shell script from the CoverageMeasurement directory. That script requires that the zip archive has been unpacked at the particular destination and 0AD fully compiled (SpiderMonkey shell is compiled via the update-workspaces.sh script). Observations during analysis: The test scripts are normally run from the pyrogenesis test script file test_scripts.h via the cxxtest subsystem. This means the scripts can enjoy the full Pyrogenesis environment, which is not available when runcomponenttests.sh runs the test scripts via SpiderMonkeyShell. For example, I had to manually define all interface identifiers IID_XXX in the jscover-driver.js file which contains the actual 0AD-specific analysis logic. Since I just faked the missing Engine functions, the logic of some test cases might not work, giving improper coverage results. Still, I found some component methods which seem to be not tested. My homebrew driver script runs all test scripts in the same JS environment without resetting the global scope. This caused SpiderMonkey errors when const values were redefined. To overcome this, the shell script wraps the content of each test script into a "(function () { test script })()"; encapsulation using an sed script. Some test scripts still caused errors and I resorted to skipping them for the first draft. Error analysis seemed too cumbersome when it is unclear whether this approach is feasible at all. The skipped test cases are marked in the CoverageMeasurement/jscover-driver.js file. Code coverage measurements are taken via the JSCover tool (not the most recent version). This tool is originally intended for web development and so relies on running a JSCover server in the background, while browsing the reports. I hacked the JSCover main script to allow browsing the results without the server running, as this was needed to integrate the JSCover results into a JSDoc documentation site. The hacked jscoverage.js script is found in the CoverageMeasurement/JSCover directory. Any comments or questions welcome. CoverageMeasurement.zip1 point
Importantes líderes del Imperio Parto (Para la "IA"); Nombre Fecha Original(enpahlavi) 1. (Arsaces I ) (247 BC -217 BC) (Aršak) 2. (Tiridates I ) (246 BC-217 BC ) (Tīridāt) 3. (Phraates I ) (176 BC -171 BC) (Frahāt) 4. (Mithridates I )"the Great" (171 BC -132 BC) (Mihrdāt) 5. (Artabanus I) (127 BC -124 BC) (Ardawān) 6. ( Gotarzes I ) (91 BC-87/80 BC) (Gōdarz) 7. (Orodes I ) (80 BC-75 BC) (Wērōd) 8. (Surena )"General" (84 BC - 52 BC) (Rustaham Sūrēn) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Parthian_kings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiridates_I_of_Parthia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surena https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surena1 point
Estructuras ; Edificios comunes (15); 1.Centro cívico;------------------(šahryān ābag )-/Literalmente "La casa del governador"/ 2.casas;----------------------------(Kadag) 3.Almacén;------------------------(Hamābēr) 4.Alquería;------------------------(āsyab)-/Literalmente es un "Molino de agua con noria"/ 5.Corral;---------------------------(Pahast )-/Literalmente es un "Aprisco"/ 6.Torre de defensa ;-------------(Burg ) 7.Cuartel;-------------------------(Zay ābag)-/Literalmente "Casa de las armas"/ 8.Herrería;------------------------(āhangar ābag)-/Literalmente "Casa del Herrero"/ 9.Templo;-------------------------(Hēbedestān) 10.Muralla;-----------------------(Dēwār) 11.Huerto;------------------------(ābādanīh) 12.Mercado;----------------------(wāzār) 13.Puerto;------------------------(Kaštig ābag)-/Literalmente " Casa de Navíos"/ 14.Fortaleza;---------------------(Drubušt ) 15.Torreta de defensa;---------(Gišnag burg) Edificios especiales (5) 1.Maravilla ;/palacio de Ctesifonte/;-----------------------( Tisifōn darbās) 2.Mercado ruta de la seda;-----------------------------------(Caravasar ) 3.Embajada;----------------------------------------------------(Bayaspānīh) 4.Establos;------------------------------------------------------(āxwarr) 5.Palacio;--------------------------------------------------------(Darbās) fuente; http://www.rabbinics.org/pahlavi/MacKenzie-PahlDict.pdf1 point
Buenas ;Les traigo vocabulario ;(idioma arsácida) (tiene varios fallos , pero espero que sirva como base orientativa) Unidades ;(28) Infantería ;(4) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles") 1.Lancero;-------------------------------------------------(Nizagan-î Eranshahr) 2.Arquero;-------------------------------------------------(Shivatîr-î Dêhbêd) 3.Hondero;------------------------------------------------(Shûbân-î Fradâkhshânâ) 4.Escaramuzador con hacha;----------------------------(Kôfyârên-î Verkhânâ) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles "y "centro urbano") 1.Lancero;-------------------------------------------------(Nizagan-î Eranshahr) 2.Arquero;-------------------------------------------------(Shivatîr-î Dêhbêd) Infantería de élite (mercenaria) ;(2) (Reclutados en ;"Embajada ") 1.Tureóforo griego ;-------------------------------------(Parthohellenikoi Thureophoroi) 2.Infanteria romana;------------------------------------(Nizagan-î āyīg ) Caballería;(4) (Reclutados en ;" establos") 1.Caballería ligera (con hacha , espada...);----------(Asabaran-î Pahlavânîg) 2.Arquero a caballo;------------------------------------(Shivatîr-î Pahlavânîg) 3.Escaramuzador a caballo;----------------------------(Asabaran-î Hauravatish) 4.Dromedario arquero;---------------------------------(Uštaran-e Shivatîr ) (Reclutados en ;" establos"y "centro urbano") 1.Caballería ligera (con hacha , espada...);-----------(Asabaran-î Pahlavânîg) Caballería de élite;(4) (Reclutados en ;"fortaleza ") 1.Catafracto (con lanza);--------------------------------(Pahlavân-î Grivpanvâr) 2.Arquero catafracto ;-----------------------------------(Shivatîr-î Zrêhbârân ) 3.Dromedario catafracto con lanza;-------------------(Uštaran-e Zrêhbârân) 4.Comandante catafracto;------------------------------(Pushtîghbânê Shâhigân-î Pahlavânîg) Caballería mercenaria (no de élite);(2) (Reclutados en ;"Embajada ") 1.Caballería persa ligera (con lanza);----------------------------(Asbaran-î pārsīg ) 2.Caballería árbe ligera (con espada , hacha...);---------------( Asbaran-î Tāzīg ) Civiles;(4) (Reclutados en ;" centro urbano") 1. Mujer;-----------------------------------------------------------(Bānūg ) (Reclutados en ;"Mercado ") 2. Comerciante;---------------------------------------------------(Wāzāragān ) (Reclutados en ;"Templo ") 3. Sacerdote;------------------------------------------------------( āsrôn) (Reclutados en ;" Centro urbano") 4.Dromedario logístico(como el elefante Maurya);---------(Uštaran-e peškār ) Armas de asedio;(1) (Reclutados en ;" fortaleza") 1.Ariete;-----------------------------------------------------------(warzān) Arma de asedio (mercenaria);(1) (Reclutados en ;"embajada ") 1.Elefante maurya (indio) ;-------------------------------------(Pīlban hindūg ) Navíos ;(3) (Reclutados en ;" Puerto") 1.Balsa pesquera;----------------------------------------------(Makôg ) 2.Navío mercante;---------------------------------------------(Kaštig-īh) 3.Navío militar ;------------------------------------------------(Kaštig ardīkkar ) Héroes ;(3) (Reclutados en ;"Palacio") 1."Mitrídates" primero de Partia ;------------------(Mihrdāt) 2."Tirídates" primero de Partia ;---------------------(Tīridāt) 3."Arsaces" primero de Partia ;----------------------(Aršak)1 point
1 point