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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2020-05-26 in all areas

  1. Hello guys, thank you again for creating such a fantastic game. I have modded the random map "gulf_of_bothnia" a little bit (inspired by the fantastic, incredible map "Sahyadri_Buttes_(5)" from LordGood) ... absolute fantastic graphics ... Once again thanks, that you all did it free of charge and in your freetime.
    3 points
  2. Think I can come up with a unit roster since no one called for such: (Specific names are Old Japanese orthography followed by Modern Japanese, if former cannot be read as such) Village (Mura) phase: Civic Center (Nezirö/Nejiro) Japanese Woman (Womina/Omina or Onna) Militia Spearman (Pokotuki/Hokotsuki), "Pikeman" Citizen; wields a two-handed spear, has shorter attack range than the Hellenistic counterparts and a bit more than the usual Spearman Militia Archer (Ite), Archer Citizen Barracks (Sikömiba/Shikomiba) Militia Spearman (Pokotuki/Hokotsuki), "Pikeman" Citizen Milita Axeman (Onodukapi/Onozukai), Axeman Citizen Militia Archer (Ite), Archer Citizen Spearthrower (Nagëtuki/Nagetsuki), Skirmisher Citizen Dock (Tu/Tsu? literally "harbor") Fishing boat (Turipune/Tsurifune) House (Ipe/Ie) Japanese Woman (Womina/Omina or Onna) Storehouse (Kura) Farmstead (Makïba/Makiba) Farm (Nora) and/or Rice Paddy (Ta/Tanbo) Corral (Wori/Ori) Outpost (Mönömi/Monomi) Sentry Tower (Yagura) Palisade/Wooden Wall (Kupi/Kui) Palisade/Wooden Gate (To) Town (Mati/Machi) phase: Temple (Yasirö/Yashiro) Shrine Priest (Nusi/Nushi) Shrine Priestess (Miko) Bellringer (Kanetuki/Kanetsuki), like the Gaulish Carnyx Siege Workshop (Takumiba) Battering ram (Pasiradataki/Hashira-dataki), for gameplay purposes Market (Iti/Ichi) Merchant (Akinapi/Akinai) Dock (Tu/Tsu?) Trading ship (Akinapibune/Akinaibune) Light transport ship (Pune/Fune) Mercenary Chinese warship (Karapune/Karafune) Smithy (Kanutiba/Kajiba) Defense Tower (Yagura) Wall (Kabe) Gate (Kïdo/Kido) Wall Turret (Mönömi) Ainu Village (Kotan), special building; embassy-port hybrid Ainu Hunter (Isonbe), Spearman/"Pikeman" Mercenary; no shield Ainu Chief (Ottena), Priest Mercenary; maximum 3 per village built Ainu fishing boat (Aritaomap) Ainu transport ship (Cip/Chip) Hilltop Fort (Casi/Chashi), special building Ainu Hunter (Isonbe), Spearman/"Pikeman" Mercenary Jōmon Slinger (Isinagë/Ishinage or Tabute/Tsubute), Slinger Mercenary City (Kuni) phase: Civic Center (Nezirö/Nejiro) Himiko (Pimiko), Healer Heroine Keikō (Opotarasipiko Osiröwakë/Ōtarashihiko Oshirowake), Archer Hero Wousu/Ousu (Yamatötakëru/Yamatotakeru), Swordsman Hero Fortress (Kï/Ki) Armored Spearman (Yari Tupamönö/Yari Tsuwamono), Spearman Champion Armored Swordsman (Turuki Tupamönö/Tsurugi Tsuwamono), Swordsman Champion Guard Archer (Yumi Tupamönö/Yumi Tsuwamono), Archer Champion Dock (Tu/Tsu?) Mercenary Chinese medium warship (Kara Opobune/Kara Ōbune) Fire Ship (Hïbune/Hibune) Hilltop Fort (Casi/Chashi) Ainu Poison Archer (Akno), Archer Champion/Mercenary Wonder, probably Izumo Grand Shrine (Idumo Opoyasirö/Izumo Taisha) or Ise Grand Shrine Empire (Opokuni/Ōkuni) phase, for Delenda Est: (Suggestions? Kofun era? A stable that hires Champion/Citizen cavalry spearman and archer?)
    3 points
  3. Hello guys, since 2-3 days the game randomly increases the gamespeed, then, when this happens, the fps freezes, and the screen doesn't refresh after screenshot-messages or other messages (see picture). Normally after making a screenshot the message disappears after few seconds. Also the workload of the GPU slows down, in my case down to 53% (normally it's up to 100%). Also, i'm not sure, but i mean, after this happens, my whole WINDOWS runs faster (open word, explorer, firefox etc.). After quitting the game and reload, all is fine. Also since 2-3 days, the game randomly crashes and quits without any message. This never happens before. I use 0 A.D. SVN-Revision 23700, i update every day. I'm sorry about my bad english, i try my best ;-) - please excuse me ... Greeting from Germany, and pay attention to your health in this bad times! Keep on your fantastic work , and ignore stupid opinions from people who mean, they know everything better than you experts ;-)
    2 points
  4. Jomon mercs could be featured indeeed, i think it might be better to use a separate mercenary camp; two handed swords (As posted by Genava above) first appear in the Kofun era and are not used by Jomon peoples. Alongside with priest and spearman, perhaps a Jomon Poison Archer or maybe even make the slinger a mercenary. Maybe a ''Korean'' (Baekje kingdom, who allied with Japan according to some sources) mercenary camp as well: Baekje pirate swordsman Unlocks mercenary medium ship (I'd say light ship does not need to be mercenary, the Yayoi had at least some naval capacity to be able to migrate from the mainland in large numbers). If cavalry needs to be included for balance, a tech at the Baekje camp unlocks light horse archer. Kumaso could be used too but we know very little about then, other than that they had some relation with bears due to their names (A few theories say they were Austronesians, or may have been a branch of the Jomon with the name coming from bear worship like the Ainu.)
    2 points
  5. Militia Axeman (Onodukapi/Onozukai), Axeman Citizen Jōmon Slinger (Isinagë/Ishinage; literally stone throwing, any better name like Tabute/Tsubute?), Slinger Citizen Revised Hero Breakdown (all choose the 3 to be recruited in Civic Center, rest can be for Scenario/Herocide): Jimmu (Kamuyamatö Iparebiko/Kan'yamato Iwarebiko), Archer Hero Keikō (Opotarasipiko Osiröwakë/Ōtarashihiko Oshirowake), Archer/Swordsman Hero? Ousu/Yamato Takeru (Wousu, Yamatötakëru), Swordsman Hero Jingū (Okinagatarasi/Okinagatarashi), Swordsman Heroine Himiko (Pimiko), Healer Heroine "Jinmu" and "Jimmu" spellings are correct, but let's leave it to the modder. Suishō or one of the above not used can be a catafalque unit. Kofun can be a separate faction, thanks for the advice. Will wait for Part 2/Delenda Est proposal(s). Can the chashi be an embassy for Ainu/Emishi mercenaries? They could be an Atlas mini-faction. Ainu Mercenary Spearman Ainu Priest Chief ("priest" that can also have a damage boost for nearby units) Ainu Champion Mercenary Two-Handed Swordsman?
    2 points
  6. pay for @go2die 's spreadsheet training.
    1 point
  7. Do you mean you won't engage any further provided you get the last word? Because your "reasonable opinion" might not be recognized as such by others. What exactly is "quality of life" in this context? I guess my life could be of a higher quality if I could just win every game without any skills. Anyway, even this final opinion of yours wasn't what we were starting with. At first it was like "any mod should be allowed because they are available to anyone", etc. I don't want to extend on this particular topic here either. I mostly only gave it as an example of how you take your opinion as the reasonable one and say you'd like to avoid drama. What if I told you that the rules were made to avoid any drama? Aren't you causing the drama now? I think that by suggesting to remove a rule that is accepted by most of the hosts and adding that "people cry too much", you are actually causing the drama.
    1 point
  8. OH MY GOD NESE THAT WORK thx bro is so much for my thx thx thhhhxxxx
    1 point
  9. Hey abdel. Essaie de désactiver GLSL et postprocessing dans les options
    1 point
  10. I usually dont see @ValihrAnt dancing, only when others dance him
    1 point
  11. I'd replace the citizen swordsman with a citizen axeman, maybe also have a slinger (Jomon used slings). Third hero could be Yamato Takeru Maybe replace Jinmu with king Suisho or emperor Keiko; Jinmu may be a bit out of the timeline since he is said to have been born at 660 b.c (Yayoi period is usually said to have begun at 300 b.c, but some argue for 800 b.c or even 1000.bc). I am not sure if Kofun should be the same civ, since Imperial Romans are a separate civ from Republic. For the fortress you would have to speculate a little, it could be a hill fort with a earthwork palisade: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_castle#Early_fortifications https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chashi
    1 point
  12. I know this may be controversial, but I think the current SpecificName scheme adds a minor amount of confusion, or at least a better scheme may add some more clarity where currently there is little. So, for example: <GenericName>Gallic Champion</GenericName> <SpecificName>Soliduros</SpecificName> This is actually a Swordsman, along with whatever that means to the game, but you don't know that from the name of the unit. What I would suggest is something like this: <GenericName>Champion Swordsman</GenericName> <SpecificName>Gallic Champion</SpecificName> <EthnicName>Soliduros</EthnicName> In the UI, it would show: Gallic Champion (Champion Swordsman) Likewise: Spartiate Hoplite (Champion Spearman) This now gives you a much better idea what "kind" of unit it is. The <EthnicName> "Spartiátēs" and "Soldurios" would show up elsewhere, likely in the Information viewer. Extended, we could give the player the option of what they want to see in the UI and tooltips.
    1 point
  13. Hi, I (zfy) was playing against andremf(1664), just before I took over him, he left the game without resigned. Could I get the points back, thanks. and please punish him for offence the rule. Thank you so much. @user1 commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  14. Finally made a quick video to show the weird flipping the snapping feature does to buildings. I noticed too that this is visible in the original posted GIF by @vladislavbelov. The feature is about 90% perfect.
    1 point
  15. I was also wondering if we want to make some new "base" nude body textures baked from the new meshes.
    1 point
  16. Yeah, mine are just basically kitbashes from existing textures.
    1 point
  17. Release candidate (0.19): - Added map preview to Slopes - Wood, hunt and fish adjustments to slopes If there is no playtesting, this will be release version. balanced-maps.pyromod
    1 point
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