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  1. Hello 0A.D community Here's another map, hope you enjoy and feel free to use it in anyway you want. Map size is from a height map of 483px by 483px. Not sure what map size the height map relates to but should be a large map size. Italian Peninsula (6).pmp Italian Peninsula (6).xml
    2 points
  2. There is a patch that eventually will allow swimming animals (and other units), though I'm not sure we have the right to commit it anymore. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1332 @Itms might know. From an historical point of view I don't know what percentage of the population knew how to swim.
    2 points
  3. we always wanted 1v1 but i never could find the time till now TOTAL SMASHHHH commands.txt metadata.json (ps not nub game like with jc, many comebacks here,worth seeing !)
    1 point
  4. Splitted from the original topic.
    1 point
  5. Can you tell us a bit more about yourself ? In a different thread. Do you have examples of your work You can try to improve existing buildings, (better uvmap) more details etc or as Lion said work on the mod Delenda Est to improve their Roman faction. I guess a few things are responsible for this. First textures are old, and of a different style as you mentioned. LordGood always make his textures more vibrant and a little more cartoony which has to do with the way he makes them Enrique's style was different more constrast and generally more realism. So I can see why they would stick out. I'm learning to make new improved textures with Substance so it might be a while before I have work in game but I'm working on it. The biggest advantage those textures will have is that they'll be modular and adaptable.
    1 point
  6. Sure, at work i have some time free, (not always) btw going to upload this here for download later in work. Content has the previously mentioned material.
    1 point
  7. Mostly die Drowned. An example in battle of Trasimene
    1 point
  8. Hello 0A.D. community, Here's a map for anyone who wants to use it. The map is based on a temperate biome with lots of trees, stone and low metal. The main design for the map is more of an U shape. Country Side (2).pmp Country Side (2).xml
    1 point
  9. I was wondering why we can't swim on this game heh I think that would be great to have battles in rivers or crossing them by swimming,and also if your ship gets destroyed in a battle,and instead of garrisoned valuable fighters dying with the ship, you can jump out and swim to shore. Your enemy is on the other side of the river,and you have your archers shooting at them as they attempt to swim across,and they don't care about losing some soldiers as long as they have some get across that river. Also with swimming you have to watch out for dangerous water creatures,imagine a shark in the ocean and you are way out in the middle
    1 point
  10. The Iron Age in western Spain (800 BC–AD 50): an overview https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/1468-0092.00100 Warfare, redistribution and society in western Iberia https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/2051314/Warfare__redistribution...__BAR__2005_.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1540473846&Signature=vouylUZ8R3oEstGz%2FkPypNhPsn8%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B filename%3DWarfare_redistribution_and_society_in_W.pdf
    1 point
  11. Good then, his wood procedural is good for trees and shields.
    1 point
  12. Hehe! Then would that require, fishing example... to have fish schools placed closer to the shore to be able to use spears; I can't somehow see the game offer swimming mechanic for gatherers to go far into the sea and hunt food... for good
    1 point
  13. This should not be a big problem. The weather simulation can take that into account, for example by assigning a climate to each map (predefined template of advanced settings). To account for edge cases, we could have advanced settings. The settings could include things like temperature, rain, humidity etc. By using a little bit of science, such as if temperature less than 0 -> we have snowfall. In addition, if the temperature is less than 0 after x days, water will be frozen and soldiers can walk over a lake. I am almost certain that we could simulate weather and seasons very well using a simplified scientific weather model.
    1 point
  14. All the ones I keep coming across have lousy games. Looking for stuff like insurgency or counter strike. Blake Games (blakegames com) is the only one I've been able to find, but they seem to be new, has anyone played there or have any other suggestions?
    0 points
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