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  1. I have added a $35 bounty (a kind of donation) on this feature. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3653#comment:15 Once there will be a version of 0 A.D. with a working "isometric view" mode, the developer who coded it will be able to claim the bounty.
    4 points
  2. Well I got all of Ordona Province's buildings done
    4 points
  3. Michael Schultheiss, SPI treasurer, wrote me yesterday:
    3 points
  4. Yeah, most of us aren't prepubescents playing a free game we found in the cereal box anymore...
    3 points
  5. Am I the only one who doesn't want AOE4 to be a "classic" RTS? "Classic" RTSs are supremely clunky in today's age. The world of gaming has moved on. RTS has moved on. Give me something new and interesting. Take the AOE style and continue to push forward.
    3 points
  6. Under GDPR all data that relates to a directly or indirectly identifiable natural person is personal data. For instance we only have one player with 2200 score and we can identify the natural person behind that account using the svn repository or forums. The online time, number of rated games can also indicate to WFG and possibly to the public which accountname the data relates to. That's why you see privacy policies treating all processed user data as personal data. Anonymized public release by Wildfire Games (WFG) team members" from the Terms of Service from 2014 would be very narrow, like "5000 players were present in June", but not "one unnamed player played every day at 20h CET in June", nor a pseudonymized copy of the raw database. "Private analysis by Wildfire Games (WFG) team members and their affiliates." allows only WFG to "crunch the data". At least that's the contract that the previous guy had put up. I do agree that the rating data could be presented to players in a much more entertaining and conclusive way. For instance browsing the leaderboard and such statistics graphs on a website of Wildfire Games, or browsing the statistics of a particular release of 0 A.D.. The purpose of the personal data processing would have to be added to the Terms if it wasn't laid out to be implied in the previous ones.
    3 points
  7. It simplifies matters in one way but complicates matters in other ways. It can easily turn into a competition between developers for funds. I don't think this bodes well for cooperation and collaboration on this project
    2 points
  8. I also wonder about this... I sometimes execute my units for their insubordination. Simply can't allow such insolence...
    2 points
  9. Guys, I experiment with the local.cfg settings and come up with some good settings to try out isometric view. ; Isometric View view.zoom.min = 2500.0 ; Zoom needs to be this far because of low fovview.zoom.max = 2500.0 ; Zoom needs to be this far because of low fovview.zoom.default = 2500.0 ; Zoom needs to be this far because of low fovview.rotate.y.speed = 0.0 ; This prevents camera rotationview.rotate.x.speed = 0.0 ; This prevents camera tiltingview.fov = 2.0 ; This is what gives the nearly isometric viewview.near = 32.0 ; Near plane distance increased to prevent z-fighting Result: Compare with 45 fov: The isometric view is very easy to see when moving camera, but harder to tell difference in static screenshot. Guys it is like night and day. These setting disable rotating and zooming for real classic feel. I personally think the true 3D 45 degree FOV is better (everything to me in iso games look like they are sliding down the screen, and I think game world in 45 fov look more expansive), but maybe have this for game option in Alpga 20? Should be simple to add and could be fun to showcase when release. Some pros: Some people like this view and might find it easier. I get +15fps in this view. Could help player with low rig spec. Would be even better perf gain if game had alternative asset optimized for this view (back faces remove etc). A couple of problem: Action sounds cannot be heard. Camera zoom is too far away. Distance fog very heavy (again because zoom is very far). Clouds need to be disable in this view too. Anyway can be fun to add for Alpha 20 and maybe capture some of aok audience attention.
    1 point
  10. Delenda Est has the same problem, because each civ has male/female citizens and slaves in the same unit. I feel like audio stuff should go in the actors, but there's probably a good reason its in the templates. Just need a way to differentiate male/female voices for the randomized actors and I think that would need to go in the actors. Anyone else have any thoughts? Is there a ticket for this?
    1 point
  11. I've got a bit of a question, is it possible for a unit to have different voices depending on the type of model that is spawned? I really want Ordona Province's worker to be randomized between male and female like the villagers in Age of Empires 2, but I'm sort of stuck with one voice.
    1 point
  12. i agree.. you need a lot of units to protect catapult. these units could be protecting archers instead.. if you hit fortress with catas then distance between catas and fortress is very small, enemy can make one or two ram or elephants and send them to your cats, and you need at least half of your army to protect from it before catas get hit (note they die for 3 quick ram/ele hits lol). u can hit rams with catas but if they come too close ur catas will start to pack and that time could be spend hitting enemy army) (lets not forget ur units need to stand between catas andfortressall the time if u want to defend them, if fortress is garissoned that will make big part of your army dead and/or very damaged. but if you dont stay between catas and fort they will die before u reach enemy that will pop out of fortress, simply because u need slightly more time to kill ram/ele than they need to reach and kill catas). while rams, u just send 3 to fortress and continue attacking enemy base from other sides, dont need to defend anything (at least not this much)
    1 point
  13. If you are host, end the game (preferably ban before). If you aren't, just leave with Alt F4/ I'll be back button.
    1 point
  14. Those platforms take a share 5-10% or something. Also SPI has 501 (c) (3) non-profit status "means that all donations made to SPI and its supported projects are tax deductible for donors in the United States". An online API to SPI that gets information in realtime about donations is what seems missing to leverage that.
    1 point
  15. IIRC that was Liberapay's problem with its own payment processor; My concern is that SPI doesn't work with Patreon (yet). It can accept small (and perhaps recurring) donations through PayPal, for example. No problem.
    1 point
  16. Changing how deleting buildings work. Instead of how it now make it so you use your citizen soldiers to deconstruct/salvage. You could even add a sack option so it would be destroyed faster but you would not get any resources back. What do you think
    1 point
  17. In high level games players are not used to capture catapults because you firstly risk to lose many men under they attack, and secondly they need a lot of time to be captured, so it's better to destroy them. In general catapults are good cause you can deal a great damage to the enemy army, but are difficult to protect, and lose only one causes you a lot of resources wasted. Rams are more dynamic and fast to attack/run away from buildings. They also have a great life (obv not against sword)
    1 point
  18. What I really can't stand when I am playing a MMO/RTS/RPG online with English speakers is they ask me "why don't you speak perfect English" ? To start I can speak enough English to have a conversation with an English speaking person. I learned English in school from the time I was little, but I didn't feel it was necessary to learn "perfect" and "all" English because I am Norwegian,and I live in Norway,and I do fine around here in this little village of Hordaland lol Who else lives here ? Yes we do have a diversity of people that live here now as I am not full Norwegian myself,my mum is full swedish {Yes I can speak Swedish also}. I am a 50/50 lol So I get rude players telling me the only good thing about my accent is it is cute. So I start talking my language and their shocked at how powerful/valiant/and crisp I really speak lol I still don't know every word on English perfect,and sometimes I have to ask "what is that word you say in English that means "to be arrogant" ? I don't have my vowels down perfect,and why should I ? So yes there are the people that call you "Euro Trash" when you don't agree with them lol What does "Euro trash" mean anyways ? Last time I looked in the mirriour I seen a very clean,and hard working Norwegian.
    1 point
  19. I would actually suggest that individual developers set up semi-official Patreons themselves, that way it wouldn't complicate things for SPI, and it could probably help make it more apparent that the patreons would be helping an actual human being and not just a faceless organization =)
    1 point
  20. How to boom with Britons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWX8tzh2FKM How to boom with Gauls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3ab_Si0UHQ The strenght of celtic civs is absolutely not in the defense. If you are doing a turtle game you will probably lose. Their strenght is in their army: they are aggressive civilizations, not defense one
    1 point
  21. Many people just pause the game and annoy them to quit. I am not sure if he really managed to pause the game to win because there is a possibility that he might only fight against newbies to win. Because some people are to weak to show even some competation to even newbies as they are rusty or to noob to learn. He might have won some matches against those and became so proud to lose that he started pausing GB the game. And you can't ban him as he didn't quit. You should have taken serious and ban him earlier ( you did well to ban) but little earlier was better. And many people are like that guy banning them is the only way.
    1 point
  22. And you think Alekusu could counter a cav rush? He would have lost his units at wood He has no men to counter a rush at beginning Minute 4: a good player can rush you with 10-15 cavs. Minute 5: they can be 15-20 cavs. Minute 6-7-8-etc the player will do more units (cavs or not), so with deadline for a rush I mean that if you are lucky not to be rushed at minute 4 having no men (as you can see in Alekusu video), you can be killed later with even more units to counter I used 15 cavs to suppose the easiest attack to counter: you prefer 30-40 men minute 6? Already said he can't counter a rush To conclude, I make you notice he makes the first men at minute 5 and we are talking about 2 different civilizations, britons and gauls (with britons is easier to counter a rush). Do you prefer a video with britons and no berries? Here you have, man
    1 point
  23. Kids these days. imagine forints and other shooters. too much 4Chan.
    1 point
  24. Jeez, so many weirdo's... I haven't been playing alpha 23 online, but I played a bunch of MP-games the previous alpha, and my lord, so many weirdo's. I had lots of fun as well of course, but literally more than half of my 1V1 games, the host cut the connection when I was overrunning their base... The games often start out casual enough. A little chit chat... Nothing out of the ordinary, and then when they start loosing, they go quiet... You still see them making moves, trying not to get slaughtered, and then bam, connection lost... It's not like I was only playing noobs. Sometimes I did, but I'd help them, even if they were my opponent, I'd give them tips on what to do and what not, some insights into the mechanics, and I'd play casually, allowing them to build and attack. We'd both end up having fun while the newbie is learning. But the ones that are all about the rating sometimes start out arrogant, trying to trigger you... When you stay calm and don't respond to the trolling, they get even more upset, and then when they see they've lost, they really loose it... I've had a lot of weird experiences. People would ask me where I'm from, then ban me the moment I answer... This happened often. Maybe they assumed slow internet, which could happen, not lying, but almost always, lag was coming from another player, and when I play with guys with good connection, I hardly ever have any problems at all... I've had some N-words thrown at me (although that didn't happen often) and I've had people unhappy about "allowing an African" in team-games. I remember annihilating a guy like that in a team-game, he got even angrier about an African in the game and started saying no-one should allow Africans in their games because we "eat cats", and then ranted a little about muslims... I don't eat cats by the way (nor do I know anybody personally that does), and I'm not muslim either, although I don't understand what would be the problem. I know plenty of delightful muslims. Either way, totally irrelevant, right? I've played in games where the host bans his own allies because they weren't playing the way he wanted them to play... I mean, jeez... Or those guys that change the settings last minute right when every-one else clicked stay ready, to suit their own personal preference. Or those simpletons that blame everyone else for their own short-commings and start hurling insults in all directions. I wonder if they cry themselves to sleep after checking the summery statistics... It's amazing how uncivilized some people can be, playing a game of ancient civilizations... Anyway, I guess that's the internet for ya... One of the reasons I'd like to see more in-depth SP mechanics. The AI has much better manners.
    1 point
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