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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2018-03-31 in all areas

  1. Started to clean the xiongnu files, soon they could be committed, for some reason the bow got broken but doesnt matter ill fix it fast the hardest task is already done cleaning all the caps and fixing the tabs on the actor files, the shoushe and crossbow are done for commit but i see the shoushe share a skeleton with other meshes so i will re export the animation and the meshes for avoid the gastraphetes bug with another armature.
    2 points
  2. For me the colors are okay. Would work even better with battalions.
    2 points
  3. Isn't high contrasted colors a mark of the game? Plus the design documents for the Gauls specifies that bright colors should be used for the Celts. @stanislas69 @wowgetoffyourcellphone These earth-toned textures should return the Elite spearmen and the other Celtic elite units to their original design.
    2 points
  4. Celtic gentlemen I'm going to upload the new cape textures in a separate post
    2 points
  5. Hello @SonOfStone and welcome to the forums, That's the good thing with open-source software, everything is doable. It would be a bit tricky to implement, but anyone with patience and some c++ and JavaScript knowledge should be able to pull this off. It might include significant work on xml files as well but since we use an inheritance system, shouldn't be more than 50 files to tweak to do what you want. You'll likely have to tweak UniAI.js. You might even not need c++ after all.
    1 point
  6. Very Seleucid...oh no.. Indo Greek. Kushan
    1 point
  7. i think its done, tell me if something goes wrong. @stanislas69 any chance this gets into alpha 23? this is better than the first commit, btw it has done the crossbow variant. Edit: Moved the archer attacks to the cavalry folder animations. Horse_update.7z
    1 point
  8. Very strong contrast... break easily my attention on them... Look like that dress named as Poncho, in this case the patterns.
    1 point
  9. In advance of groves, will you consider making the faction combats with auras using the enviroment ? For example i made some time ago a basic movement speed aura for every tree affecting the units and even more the cavalry, but if im not wrong the celtic factions werent good making ambushes in woods ? And arabic or ptolemaic faction resistant to desert. My point is add auras to some gaia objects and buildings to affect the speed or resistance of units in specific zones so the gameplay become more complex than just spam of the stronger, rome faction already have a civ bonus for combat in their territory, celtic could be in woods, africa and asia factions in the desert sands not just all the desertic maps like a huge desert whitout mountains and maybe even add techs for reduce the penalization of the enviroment
    1 point
  10. Yay the Kokiri buildings are done:
    1 point
  11. hola saludos de mexico , este grupo supongo que es de mongolia el otro dia los vi en la tele y me gustaron mucho esta cancion en especial tiene un muy buen ritmo
    1 point
  12. -El ejercito de Justiniano siglo VI: 1 Jinete tracio de los clibanarios Leones; 2 Infante de la Guardia; 3 guerrero irregular. Autor Angus McBride -Catafractas bizantinos tracios siglo V-VI, llevan el escudo redondo con el león, se puede observar las herraduras -Caballería bizantina siglos VI-VII. Se ve la división establecida por Belisario entre arqueros y lanceros -Belisario en Italia. Va seguido de un jinete lacero y arquero. Autor Johnny Shumate -constantinopla -Ejército bizantino siglo IX: 1 Jinete de la tagmata imperial; 2 Akritoi o jinete de frontera de un thema de Anatolia, 4 infantería ligera arquero a pie. Autor Angus Mcbride -Clibanario o clibanophoros bizantino de la tagmata imperial siglo IX. Autor Johnny Shumate -Tagmata bizantina siglo VIII: izquierda optimate (optimatoi), centro escubidor (exkoubitor) y derecha compañeros (heitairos) . Autor Christos Giannopoulos
    1 point
  13. This point sounds interesting. :....
    0 points
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