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  1. That's some gui coding that should be relatively easy to do. Currently it isn't supported, but that is because so far nobody wanted different resources there. It might also need a few checks in the engine related to tributing resources, and possibly looting things. @s0600204 might be interested in improving the resource modding support even more. But hacky solutions do have a tendency to break, I guess I don't need to tell you that. So striving for proper code does help with reducing the maintenance work going forward.
    3 points
  2. Hi @Ell and welcome to the forums. First thing first you are going to need to download the latest developpement version. If you haven't already I'd suggest you clone the svn repository. You can find more information on how to do this here in https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions the section acquiring the code. Sound files are assigned to units in template files you can find under binaries/data/mods/public/template/units . Template use a sort of parenting, which means they inherit stuff from one another. In those file you'll be interested by the soundgroup section defined as follows. <Sound> <SoundGroups> <attack>attack/weapon/arrowfly.xml</attack> </SoundGroups> </Sound> You'll then need to make an actor file for your sound in xml format (If you are not sure feel free to ask for more details I'll be happy to help) in the following subfolders binaries\data\mods\public\audio\actor The file will look like something like this. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?> <SoundGroup> <Gain>.3</Gain> <Priority>100</Priority> <ConeGain>1</ConeGain> <Looping>0</Looping> <RandOrder>1</RandOrder> <RandGain>1</RandGain> <GainUpper>0.5</GainUpper> <GainLower>0.4</GainLower> <RandPitch>1</RandPitch> <PitchUpper>1.2</PitchUpper> <PitchLower>0.8</PitchLower> <Threshold>100</Threshold> <Path>audio/attack/weapon/</Path> <Sound>arrowfly_28.ogg</Sound> <Sound>arrowfly_20.ogg</Sound> <Sound>arrowfly_21.ogg</Sound> <Sound>arrowfly_22.ogg</Sound> <Sound>arrowfly_23.ogg</Sound> <Sound>arrowfly_24.ogg</Sound> <Sound>arrowfly_25.ogg</Sound> <Sound>arrowfly_26.ogg</Sound> <Sound>arrowfly_27.ogg</Sound> <Sound>arrowfly_211.ogg</Sound> <Sound>arrowfly_29.ogg</Sound> <Sound>arrowfly_210.ogg</Sound> </SoundGroup> For some reason that file is in the wrong folder. I don't know if it was done on purpose. See the above xml it seems archers do have sounds. then you'll need to add your sound in .ogg format in the following folder groups depending on what sound you have made binaries\data\mods\public\audio\attack\weapon Notes : - Sound files are not hotloaded which mean you'll have to restart the game each time you change something. - SoundTags include <walk>actor/human/movement/walk.xml</walk> <run>actor/human/movement/walk.xml</run> <attack>attack/weapon/sword.xml</attack> <death>actor/human/death/death.xml</death> You can also have 'build','gather_fruit', 'gather_grain', 'gather_wood', 'gather_stone', 'gather_metal' Not sure all are actually getting called though. Maybe @feneur will correct me, but the one who will review your sounds will be @OmriLahav Also maybe if nobody wrote a guide like this before this should be pinned or added to the wiki.
    3 points
  3. Delenda Est might have a hacky way to do something like that. A nice implementation might need some work. Well, in that case, all mods be a little hacky. Although, I will pat myself on the back here and say that the way Glory works by praying at statues is quite ingenious in using the engine how it currently is to make something like that possible. In short, you just make the unit's capacity for that resource 1, and then make that statue a dropsite for that resource only. In practice, it looks instant when the "resource" is dropped off. You don't even see the resource show up as 1 in the UI, it just gets immediately dumped to the dropsite, the statue the unit is already at. So, in this way, praying for Favor at Temples, ala Age of Mythology, is already 100% possible in the game's engine as-is. In fact, all ways possible to gain Favor in Age of Mythology are already possible in 0 A.D.'s engine. I do all 3 for Glory. Praying at statues -- Greek Favor; Killing enemy units -- Norse Favor; Statue trickle -- Egyptian Favor. One could easily make an Age of Myhtology mod for 0 A.D. right now. The only major problems would be some UI stuff and the God Powers.
    3 points
  4. Hi everyone, I stumbled on this game a week or so ago and would love to be involved with some of the development. I finished uni a couple years ago with a degree in Audio for Games & Game audio programming but haven't put it to use since, so I see this as a perfect opportunity to be involved with a great project while brushing up on my programming & sound design. I was wondering if anyone could let me know what the deal is on the development side of things? Is there a particular person involved with the sound side of things or do I just crack on and make some noises? If I just crack on what noises are needed? If there's any other information you guys think I should be aware of please let me know :)! Cheers guys, Ell
    2 points
  5. At the moment we don't really have someone who has the responsibility for audio. I think @Itms and possibly @Pureon as well have some opinion on it as least, but ideally we would find someone who can focus on it So you are definitely welcome @Ell
    2 points
  6. Perhaps I should separate the house actors, that yellow roof doesn't mix too nice with the Seleucid tile roof. A bit big for 5 pop houses too. Im thinking adding hellenized buildings, maybe just houses get way too visually hectic way too quickly
    1 point
  7. I like the idea of different resources, you can see with Precolumbian faction their gold is the Cacao seed. Mayas gathering cacao instead of iron. Or collecting gold.
    1 point
  8. The game when you uses "'" for example in Íberos the sort puts on bottom of sort, that is incorrect i and í are exact the same. @fatherbushido this must be fixing. The game don't be sort the vowel on bottom of the list. á,é,í,ó,ú. Must be in same order than a,e, i,o,u. The sounds is the same. discritics don't be placed at end of alphabet https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diacritic
    1 point
  9. That's the comment that made me confused. Sounded like you were going to convert Athenians to Doric Order just because the Parthenon was of the Doric Order.
    1 point
  10. Hmm, good Wonder for Dominate Romans.
    1 point
  11. Needs a small amount of code. This is related to the other damage tickets (which by now provide a relatively nice basis for this) #1909 #1910 #1911 #1912, which are being worked on by a contributor, so having a user for a few of those things will help with getting this written. Ah, #2951 paying off. You just have to change what a corpse is. Corpses are "corpse|template" template names, which means the special corpse filter (the file named corpse.xml) in templates/special_filter defines what happens with the original template. So to make them selectable just add <Selectable merge=""/> to that template. For repairing/raising them from the dead you could take some inspiration from the foundation template and play with the initial health in addition to some health decay (negative regeneration or something). For eating this sounds like something that was done at some point in the past, however that code was more of a quick hack to get it working and might need some updates to actually work. Also it has the limitation of preventing those units from gathering at all, possibly more limitations it has been a while. Adding another bar is easy. Having some shield should also be somewhat easy if the health component does check if that is present and first does damage to the shield and only afterwards decreases health. For just firing multiple projectiles that is what buildings and ships do. But the code that does that is somewhat hacky. So currently doable by using workarounds. Projectile bouncing would need code. If showing up for specific civs means just them being able to gather it, then yes, just don't specify any other resources in those ResourceGatherer tags for that civ. If we care just about not taking damage this could be doable by modifying cmpDamageReceiver to just ignore a few attacks randomly. Or we modify it to also get some information about who is causing the damage, which would allow some more fine grained possibilities, then implement a custom cmpDamageReceiver (eg cmpDodgingArmour or something) and use that for those dodging units. With that slight modification to the DamageReceiver interface to pass the attacker information along another implementation can just do a few fancy things: attack back (though one would have to directly reduce the health, else two such units fighting with each other might cause strange issues), something vampire style, etc. With a little code, yes. I guess one could place actors there that have some decal based on territory. That seems like a somewhat strange approach, however currently there is no (or maybe no nice) way to set the terrain texture. There's cmpHealth's SpawnEntityOnDeath. That's just for a single unit though. In some way, but it would most likely run into lots of issues and be a bad experience. There is a Loot component that in conjunction with the Looter component does something when an entity is destroyed, though that isn't quite what you asked for. Delenda Est might have a hacky way to do something like that. A nice implementation might need some work. Could be done with a trigger and a range query. So not right now but the code for that (apart from figuring out how to nicely hook that to the rest) should be quite simple. One of the early patches that added healing worked like that. So it depends on what abilities you'd want, and if actually having buttons for those is the best way (which it might be if there are a few). if (cmpTerritoryManager.GetOwner(pos.x, pos.z) == cmpOwnership.GetOwner()) cmpPosition.JumpTo(pos.x, pos.z) Or something along those lines, and with proper checks for conditions that should be handled. There currently are no auras based on territory, if that gets added this should be quite easy, for now you might have to make do with range auras on territory roots. Should be a roughly 3 line diff, maybe slightly more to make that behaviour changeable based on templates.
    1 point
  12. Did you read the thread? The point was that there were a few exceptions. If/when I give the Athenians a once-over I'll add/keep ionic columns where they're appropriate. I wasn't making the case that they shouldn't get Ionic columns
    1 point
  13. Sentry towers I dunno, I'm pretty fond of these tiles. Romans are kind of pinkish, i want a nice red for sparta. the different faded color tiles are nice too. The normal maps are fine, they just got messed up in translation i guess? I can restore it easy enough in the gimp file
    1 point
  14. 1) It’s possible, but it hasn’t been coded I think. 2) Corpses are by default made unelectable, but I think that might be overridable. Not sure if C++ or simple template editing 3) Not yet, there are tickets about it but it hasn’t been implemented yet. 4) It’s doable but not implemented. 5) Same codable adding a component such as stunnable, which adds a particle effect to the unit, and set their move speed to 0 or trigger a flag that would prevent them for moving. 6) Yes, just add a particle props, see the blacksmith building for instance. 7) Yeah, there is a tech that does that, you could auto research it. 8) It has been done for capturing, so it would have been somewhat an extent of that, then again it’s not natively supported 9) I’m not sure but I think towers can do that not the bouncing though 10) Adding new resources is possible, Wowgetoffyourcellphone, and MuteLovestone did it. Restricting it to civs, I don’t know 11) You can define the range of the attacks 12) You’d have to add a new component for dodging. Maybe an aura could do the trick but I’m not sure 13) See current implementation of temple auras 14) If you set the aura radius to be the size of the territory it could work, but won’t be precise 15) You can only add decals to buildings (as props), so if it is big enough, it could do what you want. 16) You need an extra js component to do that. 17) Not yet, but there is a patch 18) This would require change to how capturing works but it could be done 19) This requires changes to the pathfinder, I’m not sure it can be done as is 20) I’m not sure. 21) This is planned, not sure the ticket has been issued 22) Same as being dealt damage when attacking special unit, it has to be in attack.js, or in another component 23) Tweaking a component could do the trick, and it could be mutualized with the spawn unit on death. 24) Might work by adding resources to a building, but I’m pretty sure that isn’t that easy 25) Needs a new component, but it could be done 26) I think you could set a building to ignore trees obstruction, but I think that requires pathfinder changes. 27) No I don’t think it’s implemented. There is a patch for multiple attacks somewhere, you could also make your unit upgrade to a new one that casts fireballs and then somehow on the first attack make it upgrade back. Nice way would be to add another type of attack 28) Would maybe work with a special component, not sure. 29) Every debuff can be achieved through auras 30) 31) Needs change to the attack.js file 32) Not sure, but I guess that’s related to 28 33) Could be done but it’s not implemented. Adding repairable to a unit, and making it so it collapses from let say 10% of the health, could work 34) That’s the purpose of ticket #2577 which I was never able to finish.
    1 point
  15. lol not quite sure myself, stone going higher up the walls to deter theives, smaller higher windows, more shutters to keep out the noise of the city, awnings for pedestrians that sort of thing
    1 point
  16. About the existing history tooltips, it was decided that they should be carefull reviewed and edited before they are sent to the translation teams: #4505. Since we're talking about #3212 for displaying them, we might want to ask @s0600204 directly how to organize the History strings ideally.
    1 point
  17. Stones "cheaper". "the" death of Athenian "defending" not depending. The sentence with his death needs to be reconstructed and can be made simpler. " however" seems not appropriate. Though he was re-elected the following year he died ( if needed"date") from plague that devastated Athens during 429 BC.
    1 point
  18. Hello everyone, In order to include Pericles information in the game, the grammar must be correct. I have already corrected some errors (including those that Itms has marked me) but certainly I didn't notice many other errors. I will be very grateful to anyone who will inform me of any mistakes in order to correct them and be able to provide a high quality work to 0 A.D ! Periklēs (c. 495 – 429 BC) Pericles was one of the most influential Greek statesmen and the predominant leader of the golden age of Athens. Appeared in the political scene as the most active member during the trail against Cimon (463 B.C.), Pericles political activity lasted for about forty years during which he held the strategia for at least fifteen consecutive years. While under Pericles political predominance the Delian League (constituent base of Athenian Empire) reached its zenith, however, the politician is mainly remembered for his building program, which aimed to transform Athens into the cultural capital of the Hellenic world. Pericles program of public works focused on a first stage on defensive buildings with the construction of the Long Wall between Athens and the two demos of Piraeus and Phalerum. Hero Aura: When garrisoned in a structure, he galvanizes its defenders, +2 garrison raged unit To carry on the urban planning works in Athens, Pericles summoned artisans and artists from cities of the Delian League. Monuments as the Propilei, the Odeîon and Telesterion are testimonies of Pericles commitment in the public sector aimed to affirming the Athenian supremacy. Builder Aura: Building construct 15% faster within his vision. Anyhow, the major contribution given to Athens was the commission of temples as that of Athena Nike and the continuation of works on the Parthenon. Acropolis Aura: Temples are 50 stones chipper during his lifetime. Pericles political parable was that of a democratic leader able to control dêmos but who, over time, had to face a block of opposition that convinced public opinion to condemn Pericles circle of collaborators (Phidias, the sculptor appointed by Pericles to decorate the Parthenon, will die in jail before his sentence). Though opposition struck hard Pericles, only in 430 B.C. a real conflict with dêmos, exhausted from sacrifices of the war, led to the removal of the political leader from the office of strategós. Even though he was re-elected already the following year, however, the plague that spread in Athens during 429 B.C. hit the statesman who died in October of the same year. With the death of Pericles, came the death Athenian Hegemony over Greece. Instead of pursuing his shrewd strategy of controlling the seas while depending her walls, Athens, at the urgings of demagogues, set out on a disastrous campaign into Sicily that led to her eventual defeat by Sparta. Thanks
    1 point
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