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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2017-07-03 in all areas

  1. Norse defense tower 4 props Mesh redone, only i keep is the concept and the props. the Wood pillars are better organized and more symmetrical. Screenshots Blender file >>Norse Defense Tower[Finalizado].blend<<
    4 points
  2. Yes, because of player input. I don't think the game should do everything for you.
    3 points
  3. Put a unit queue in the upper right next to the tech queue, with the same functionality.
    2 points
  4. Please put in some of the cool stuff that's just laying around Trac.
    2 points
  5. Idk if this is an issue previously and corrected in A22 but zooming out needs to go farther IMO. I also don't know if there's a difference in zooming out between windows and OS X but seem that windows can zoom out farther. Or maybe the more bigger screen you have the less likely you can zoom out farther. I think there is a minimum/maximum zoom in and out and hoping that zooming out can have more. Currently I'm using I guess 24 " screen and it's quite better to use in multiplayer but if you're doing sim city on single player zooming out can't show very well your built empire.
    2 points
  6. Things I agree with 1. Women-only Bell (not multi-level), Tower Bell, and Market Bell 2. Garrisoned Units should also be aware of the Alert. What I'm on the fence about: Alerted units should drop whatever resource they're carrying. (Gameplay vs. Realism) What I don't agree with: Garrison Traders on Allied Market. What if you ally wants HIS traders inside there? Something I got curious about: [Z] Women-only Bell, [X] Military-only Bell (Same Sample-only Hotkeys for their Unring). This one is not for the Civic Center. But for the ironically named Military Colony that is able to train Women Citizens.
    2 points
  7. Maybe we can now actually serve a valid cert for releases.wildfiregames, which someone might have complained about a few months ago...
    2 points
  8. I suggest a cross beam above the door called a lintel. lin·tel ˈlin(t)l/ noun a horizontal support of timber, stone, concrete, or steel across the top of a door or window.
    1 point
  9. Simulation: Organizadamente y distribuido específicamente en cada carpeta se va a encontrar subdividido de la siguiente manera: Data (Aquí puedes especificar cierta información como): Auras (Las auras que se le asignan a entidades como templos, estructuras, o héroes) Civs (Aquí se creara la facción, asignándole un código como por ejemplo para los Godos le puedes asignar sencillamente este mismo "Godos", en caso de ser nombres largos puedes crear abreviatura para no alargar tanto escribiendo el código.) Settings (Aquí podras ubicar un archivo llamado player defaults donde mediante código RGB puedes cambiar los colores que usan las facciones si deseas darle un toque mas realista de vestimenta o colores a tus facciones) technologies (Como el nombre indica aquí crearas los archivos XML donde determinaras tecnologías únicas para tu facción o para las facciones en general que se las desees agregar.) Templates: (En esta carpeta se localizan las entidades, por ejemplo las estructuras con X atributo Y Costo Z Obstrucción, icono, nombre, facción, actor, etc.) Formations (En esta carpeta determinas formaciones especificas para tu facción, de no ser asi, usaran las predefinidas por 0 ad) Special (Estructuras o elementos especiales apartados) Structures (Como el nombre indica, aquí ubicaras todas las estructuras de todas las facciones todas en esta misma carpeta,) Units (En esta carpeta ubicas las unidades y barcos, al igual que en "structures" todas en esta misma carpeta.) Para determinar que unidad o estructura será asignada a cada facción agregale antes del nombre por ejemplo "godos_infantry_swordsman_B" Y dentro del código XML dentro del apartado <Identity> asignas <Civ>Godos</Civ> para que la pc reconozca que esa es su facción única y exclusiva de esta. <Entity> se comienza con esto la linea que dice "parent=" Te resume la escritura en cuanto a propiedades, como ataque, bonificaciones, costo, tiempo, recolección, etc <Builder> Aquí asignaras las estructuras que este construirá O le agregas el "-" guion para que no construya esa estructura en caso no de no poseerla, si la civilización no posee estructura te aparecerá un error cada vez que selecciones la unidad <Identity> Aquí se asigna la identidad de la unidad Civilización <Civ> Grupo de selección <SelectionGroupName> Nombre genérico <GenericName> Nombre especifico <SpecificName> Historia de la unidad <History> Icono de la unidad <Icon> <Promotion> esta es la unidad (otro template como A o E) a la cual la unidad ascenderá al obtener la experiencia requerida, usualmente se maneja de forma b > básico; a > avanzado; y e > elite. pero puedes asignarle la letra o numero que prefieras. <Visual Actor> con esa línea, se indica cuar archivo XML de la carpeta anteriormente mencionada "Actors" se usara como esta unidad en el campo de juego.
    1 point
  10. Para las facciones hay una carpeta dentro de la carpeta public, en este caso tu crearas una carpeta aparte con el nombre que le deseas dar a tu mod, esta se subdivide en principalmente 2 "Actors" y "Simulation" Actors: Maneja la información de las estructuras, unidades, barcos, props, texturas y modelos Se divide en: Actors (Aquí se organiza y se crean los archivos XML que definen cual mesh o modelo en español va a utilizar, con cual textura, cuales animaciones usará y sus propiedades) Animations (En caso de que hayas animado algo para tu mod) Meshes (Modelos creados en blender u otro programa admitido por el juego exportados como objetos ".dae") Particles (Carpeta de partículas en caso de que hayas elaborado alguna) Skeletons (Aquí se crean archivos XML para determinarle al juego que cierto objeto que creaste posee un esqueleto o en blender denominado "ARMATURE" especificando cada hueso o "bone") Textures (Como el nombre lo indica, las texturas las cuales se clasifican en - Textura base - Textura normal - Textura specular - y requerida para los edificios la Textura AO [Ambient oclusión - Oclusión ambiental].)
    1 point
  11. yes, any naval map should do it. Just check that it now builds shipyards. D705 is quite small and could be included in A22 if well tested. While D654 touches too many parts and it's safer to wait for after the release.
    1 point
  12. Hey guys and gals, The following project looks interesting and could use your support in backing them. They are making a survival town builder but they focus on the start of citybuilding. You start as nomads and try to evolve your people into a culture. I backed it, I'm curious for the result. LInk below: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/uncasualgames/ancient-cities/
    1 point
  13. I've heard that it might be possible for anyone to host games on alpha 22, that solves one problem; But I hope the developers can ask the players to help create a conqueror's campaign. I highly recommend following a few historic epics; Particularly the conquests of... Cyrus and Alexander the Great. Starting with Persia and Macedonia, but perhaps remaining open to create a campaign for every faction, following the legend of one hero in particular; I'm not going to suggest any other heroes... I recommend the developers make a list of historic battles they want included in the campaign, under the heroes; With extra options for the map editor. Than they can rely on the players to create the campaign from scratch, afterwards; A battle map could look really cool. That battle map could be used for a territory campaign that includes every map and every faction, each battle could have a premade map for the area. Perhaps alternating different locations around each area in the territory. Than you could put campaign back on the task list, and just let the players do it for you; Possibility alternating the order to include only the very best in final product... By keeping an open mind to awesome scenarios some work on triggers for the map editor would help alot... But it's not even entirely necessary to make awesome 0 AD maps. So long as anyone can host and anyone can share a map; 0 AD could have one of the best campaigns ever. I expect that once decided any scenarios it will be difficult to change; But I also expect players to make Muuuuch better versions of each battle, and the developers to consider each battle as the history and requirements become more clear (or what they want in the game, following some version of a campaign).
    1 point
  14. Buenos días. La verdad que por falta de ideas que no sea. Una de tantas, es las civilizaciones visigoda y ostrogoda. De ahí me surge la idea de iniciar una basica originalmente "goda" y, a raiz de ahí, evolucionar de forma independiente a las primeras nombradas. Saludos.
    1 point
  15. This is the inner side of the gate, if someone put this side outside when you order your units to leave the garrison, they are going to be rapped be the enemy.
    1 point
  16. I'd say siege units should sink with the ship though.
    1 point
  17. Awesome! You just need to adjust the dirt decals, to make the house look unified with the fence as a single entity. Great job, I really like the 3rd one.
    1 point
  18. The fences @wackyserious proposed using the same fence of the house (the fence is a separated mesh as prop) Variants
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Incorrect mallet orentation in build animation Incorrect prop placement in one of the farm variations A few of mauryan turbans don't fit the new heads correctly as well as iberian-hair-helmet variation Slinger firing animation is just too fast to match the attack timing Maybe use run variations instead of jog on some ranged units?? (some of them move so freaking fast) Pikemen start to glide when tasked to use phalanx formation, although syntagma formation on pikemen and phalanx in hoplites works nicely. Missing testudo formation animations Missing seeding animation Chopping loop could benefit with a double "chop" on each loop to increase its speed. Meat prop on female_carry_meat is offset Leaving the list here for tracking issues myself Edited fixed stuff.
    1 point
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