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  1. Correct, units no longer have a per-entity obstruction but rather have a "clearance" defined by their passibility class. Pathfinding-wise, that's the only thing that matters.
    3 points
  2. To cool everything down, I think that there's a lot of misunderstanding in this conversation. At first, Wraitii never said to train units individually to form a battalion, just that the engine should support three kinds of behaviours. He specifies that fact later. Then Lion phrase it's very hard to understand. IMHO, cause Lion is in favour of individual units managing, he hasn't wrote a concept that actually the others agree, so the ticket isn't really useful cause the concept is vague and lacks a really good description for someone to implement, being prone to another never-ending discussion about how implement battalions. That's maybe the cause that made Wow write "that his enthusiasm is gone". As Wraitti said, the engine can handle individual units, so no worry about that. Engine supporting "dynamic" battalions, for adding or dividing units should be nice. But the problem is that some wants that game should be based on less or more solid battalions and not mess it up in micromanagement.
    2 points
  3. Woman gives a 10% speed aura bonus (gathering speed) to citizen. This Icon is showing this bonus
    2 points
  4. This would be an interesting game mode, the fastest to 300, it seems like the path to getting there gives a good benchmark for AI and ML learning. Any thoughts?
    1 point
  5. So, what's the purpose of this ticket? The arguments already hav been repeated like 10 times now...
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. There can be a workaround. Resize your assets to be smaller, which makes the map appear bigger. Would take a lot of adjustments, like camera settings, movement rates, resize terrain textures in their xml files, etc. but could be done. A lot of work. I could see a fun type of game kind of like a real-time RISK, using gameboard pieces that you can move around the "board" attacking each other and capturing provinces.
    1 point
  8. I think, you need engine improvements, especially terrain storing & rendering, because the map size isn't limited only by CPU RAM, but by GPU RAM too. I want to improve a terrain rendering, but even it'll have CPU/GPU limits. So I could suggest to use the current biggest map and scale up map or scale down units, but it needs some changes too.
    1 point
  9. Hi, Whats mean the barrel/pail icon that appears, for example on soldiers, when a worker is close to them? Thank you.
    1 point
  10. Mercenary Camps work 100% effectively in DE. What's the issue you are having again? Do you mean in regards to multiple civs getting access to the same merc unit? Like, say, on an Egyptian-style map, every player, regardless of civ, can get an Egyptian mercenary from the camp? Yes, you are right, that is an issue i ran into when doing it in DE, so I abandoned biome-specific mercs for now until the issue you brought up is fixed. It's not as problem at all if the unit is a champion, but a builder unit runs until problems as you mention. As a workaround, biome-specific mercs can just not be builders. That could work until a proper fix is made.
    1 point
  11. Inverse auras: the hero buffs himself proportionally to the number of allies around him. This is better than simply making the hero extremely strong, because it stops the hero from being OP in hero rushes or low-population games. Immortal: +1 HP/sec hero self-healing for each ally in 60m range Destructive: +2 hero crush damage for each ally in 60m range. Best if the hero has splash (for instance, an elephant hero, if the elephant hero also had splash). Tough: +1 hero armor for each 3 allies in 60m range, to a limit of +20, and +1 pierce damage per ally in 60m range. Squad auras: the hero buffs a limited number of allies in a very short range, but buffs them a lot. Triple damage, +5 armor for all ally melee attackers within 10m 70% more damage for up to 20 ally ranged attackers within 10m Battle duration auras: the buff depends on how long combat has been going on. Ambush aura: double damage and +50% walk speed for all units within 60m, for the first five seconds of a fight. For Ambush, the fight starts the first time you deal damage to an enemy unit within 60m of the hero, and ends once all players stop dealing damage within 60m of the hero's location at the time the fight began. Determination aura: +10 all armor types for all units within 60m, once the fight has lasted twenty seconds. For Determination, the fight starts the first time an enemy unit deals damage to one of your units within 60m, and ends when no enemy units have attacked within 60m for five seconds. Teacher aura: double experience gained by citizen-soldiers within 60m.
    1 point
  12. Thanks Epic game.
    1 point
  13. Hi, I've decided to share my replays with whoever wants to see them. They can be found here. While most of the games are from a21 (comes in 5 parts), there are also some a20 and a22 (svn) games for you all to watch. I hope there are some replay fanatics out there who will jump with joy at this news These replays are also good if you want to learn the game a bit more, since I play acceptably well (most of the time) and I also play with "pro" people who each have their strategies. Good watching
    1 point
  14. Sounds neat . (Maybe you could add a mirror for the download for people who want to try it out now, without waiting for ModDB to authorise the release?) That's not a slightly different license, it's a fundamentally totally different license . The NC and ND clauses mean it's not open source (see the definition, points 1 and 3), and would prevent it being distributed by most Linux distros (who only want open source content) or e.g. magazine coverdiscs (if such things still exist) or similar channels. Also it prevents you from basing any of your mod's content on the game's CC-BY-SA content (without permission from whoever originally made the game's content), since the SA clause means any derived work must be CC-BY-SA too, as well as preventing the game from ever making use of any of your content. It's about as incompatible as it's possible to be.
    1 point
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