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  1. borg, Grugnas, Hannibal and me have played a test match on african plains and the map is even better than I expected :-) The next one I would recommend to add is Polar Sea: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D156 . Feedback welcome! Players start in a cold polar region barren of vegetation. In the sea fish and whales abound, while the fragile icy land teems with huntable walruses and deadly wolves. These wolves, made ravenous by the harsh and forbidding climate, drawn by the scent of prey, have started appearing in terrifying numbers. A wise and strong ruler will not only achieve victory over his enemies, but also keep the number of these beasts at bay, lest they undermine his economy and cause his downfall. Warning: It is inadvisable to disable treasures, since there is no gatherable wood. Wolves keep reappearing. Players start with an initial market and wooden treasure, as there are no trees:
    3 points
  2. Attached here is a patch with few proposed changes which include: Cavalry Spear attack rate reduced from 3,5 sec to 3 sec Cavalry Spear has now a 1,25x bonus against cavalry units Cavalry Spear Walk Speed reduced from 22 to 20 Cavalry Sword Wak Speed increased from 20 to 21 Infantry Pikemen Walk Speed increased from 6 to 7 Infantry Pikemen hack and pierce damage increased by 0.5 Champion Infantry Pikemen hack and pierce damage increased by 1 Champion Infantry Pikemen Walk Speed increased from 7 to 10 Wardog hack damage increased from 7 to 10 Chamion Infantry Spearman attack rate increased from 0.75 to 0.90 sec War Elephant Health Points reduced from 750 to 700 Mauryan Archer Elephant Health Points increased by 100 Mauryan Archer Elephant Cost Increased by 50 food (now it costs 150f 50w) Hero Infantry Spearman attack rate fixed to fit the new attack rate Hero Spearman Cavalry fixed to fit the new changes Hero Sword Cavalry attack rate reduced from 1 sec to 0,75 sec balance.patch
    2 points
  3. The repository can be found here: https://github.com/0ADMods/terra_magna The ModDB page of Rise of the East will be altered for the Terra Magna. Rise of the East's subforum will also be altered. Yet, for a proper transformation I need some things like a logo (which is in progress) and a few showcasing screenshots (there is a showcase scenario being made). As soon as I have everything I need I will perform the official transition from Rise of the East to Terra Magna with an announcement and everything (I want to introduce the transformation properly)
    2 points
  4. Ram is just a generic term for a male of any of the many sheep breeds. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  5. I suggest adjust lighting setting for the polar one. All the ground texture are blown out. Try lighting more like Howe Sound. Just a suggestion to stop the blow out effect.
    1 point
  6. I don't think what I proposed is all that complicated, just different from what the other civs do. I like the M250 temple. Could call it Temple of Victory and make it Wonder.
    1 point
  7. Does the newest description make a present difference to the player's understanding of the map? The word 'inadvisable' is clear enough, yet it doesn't explain in which way it ca be played... I think I would mention the market in stead of 'not recommended for inexperienced players'. Such as: Warning: It is inadvisable to disable treasures, since there is no gatherable wood. The players start with a market that can be used for bartering and trading. Edit: okay, the second sentence is not entirely connected to the first but I'm sure you get the idea. Edit2: as a sidenote, I find the water rather ugly atm, I advise to copy the environmental settings from Howe Sound
    1 point
  8. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Sounds a little complicated. Why not just 1 pyramid for town phase, 2 pyramids for city phase? And territory bonus for the civic center where the pyramid/pyramids are built. Temple Meroe 250 fig. 121 Another interesting structure (eligible for wonder or special building) from Meroe is the temple "Meroe 250" (M250). It is colloquially, yet erroneously known as the Sun Temple. Possibly a commemorative temple to victory (it's walls were covered in reliefs of military scenes, triumphant soldiers and bound captives). Some more images of temples to Amun fig. 122 Taharqa's temple to Amun at Kawa fig. 123 The almost identical temple to Amun at Sanam, on the left. On the right is a ram statue (representing Amun, protecting a smaller image of Taharqa, from the processional entrance road to the Amun temple at Kawa. fig. 124 & 125 The Amun Temple at Naqa (Naga) @balduin "Additionally, the metal production technology bonus could be developed in the temple [to Amun]." I agree with this.. @balduin I don't know exactly how to describe the market other than colorful and chaotic. They would have made use of modest brick columns , wooden poles and sticks, palm branches and textiles. I searched for some slightly less generic contemporary Nubian marketplaces from Aswan: fig. 126, 127, 128
    1 point
  9. That's just one more reason to get the gamesetup rewrite done.
    1 point
  10. Re Disabled treasures: In that case you should alter the warning about disabling treasures since now it sounds like the treasures are really needed for the match to work (since you can't tell from the map preview that you get a market too at start)
    1 point
  11. Sublime text is a good option too or vim with steroids Or there is this one https://code.visualstudio.com/docs but i havent used it yet
    1 point
  12. 'Chu talkin 'bout? 0 AD does have a unit experience system that levels units up to veteran and elite ranks as they fight.
    1 point
  13. @Sundiata Nice, that you moved successfully back to Belgium. About the marketplace. Since you kind of agree with me, but you have some issues could you provide an updated description how the marketplace could have looked like. I would like to place the description in the specification. You could also write the description directly into the specification.tex file. Additionally, a picture or two would be nice too. Regarding the Nubian archers and feathers. I like the idea, that the units get feathers based on experience. However, 0 A.D. does not have an experience system. The alternative in 0 A.D. could be to have three technology archer training level. Every time, we research a new training level all Nubian archer get one more feather. Getting a feather means an increase in damage, accuracy and fire rate. What can the player develop / train in the temple (of Amun)? Till now the player would be able to train: priests and “warriors of Amun”, a champion unit. Additionally, the metal production technology bonus could be developed in the temple.
    1 point
  14. I do agree that the vanilla Elephant Archers are strange indeed. They should be slower than other cav archer obviously (half as fast) and higher health (maybe double health, exact number is unimportant in alpha). It's an elephant, not a horse, make it unique some way. Just get it close for alpha, fine tune in beta. I like Lion's idea of making the priests have other abilities too. I'd make the abilities unlock with tech. Maybe use some old school tech names like "Fanaticism" for conversion.
    1 point
  15. Hi again, this time I decided to open a thread that will regroup all sieges discussions in order to keep the subforum clean and avoiding multiple threads that basically could share some stuff into. I'll start with talking about Siege Tower and Ram garrison/ungarrison possibility. Historically those 2 sieges are meant to transport units by garrisoning them through an entrance in the back of those sieges, letting units protect the engine. In game, the siege will unload units from its front preventing the siege to move and blocking its way to the target. Actually this is very annoying because in order to protect the ram, the units will block the siege, expecially if it is already near to hit an enemy building, making it vulnerable from behind anyway, with the result that the ram can be still be reached and destroyed without the possibility that the ram could actually do any damage at all. For the siege tower, the main issue is that its damage is low and it is preferable to garrison it with melee units in order to prevent nearby enemy units to hit the siege tower because garrisoning the siege with ranged units wouldn't be effective as using those units when ungarrisoned. So, in order to maximize the damage, since the units garrisoned inside are melee, retiring the tower and ungarrison units when the enemy is close to it seems reasonable, by the way, since the siege tower unload units in its front, the result is that the unloaded units will just block the siege tower. You can find a replay attached where you can see what I'm talking about. 16:XX min i train the siege towers 18:XX units prevent the retreat, 20:XX this time is even more evedent. Enjoy the video Siege Tower: the siege tower is aviable only for Ptolems and Macedonians. The siege tower is a siege (really??) that should be able to capture buildings or, at least, being able to crush buildings as any siege out there. Where are the issues? The cost doesn't fit its performance. Projectile Limit: the tower benefits from 10 garrisoned units only of a 20 units limit, it means that a siege tower is easier to capture if a player wants to optimize the number of units in the battlefield. It can't capture buildings: it could be able to capture building since it was historically used to open a way into the enemy walls when there were no more Suicidal Uruk'hai Berserker aviable . Low Damage: this needs a bit more explaination. The siege tower actually has only 2.5 crush damage per projectile shooted every 2 seconds. There is a tech aviable into the fortress which is supposed to increase the crush damage by 25% for all the sieges, tech that IMHO doesn't give any rilevant advantage to boolt shooters and siege towers (25% of 2,5 isn't really a big deal). 20 slingers can actually outdamage a siege tower, expecially because of the 10 projectiles limit, and they could even capture buildings, eventually. The only way to use that siege in a very effective way is/was to use the Macedonian hero Demetrios who increases the crush damage of sieges by +10 globally, without any range constraint, Aura that will be changed to +15% crush damage (if i remember right) in the alpha 22 and, as you can imagine, 15% of 2,5 isn't a big deal. The funny thing is that Demetrios can boost the damage of the siege tower from 2,5 crush damage to 12,5, privilege not aviable for ptolemaics (didn't test siege towers with Cleopatra aura yet). As you can notice in the attached replay, Catapults have 5 sec attack rate, so slow that a siege tower with Demetrios aura can outdamage them by far (even rams out damage catapults easly) and how a siege tower boosted by that aura are able crush briton buildings really easy, maybe too easy, if compared to their base damage. Ram: [blank] Catapult: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/21631-a21-catapults/Boolt Shooter: [blank] 2017-01-30_0011.rar
    1 point
  16. If it is Carthaginian coast, then why not the sea on the north and the land on the south? Maybe call it Libyan Coast or something. In generally, the names could have more historical and geographical flavor. African Plains -> Savanna or Serengeti would work. Extinct Volcano -> Maybe always put the volcano to one side of the map riather than always in the middle. This make the gameplay more distinct. India -> What part of India is this? Maybe rename to Gedrosia or Arachosia. Ravines -> Maybe rename to Petraea or Arabian Wadi. Also, make starting flat areas bigger please for the players.
    1 point
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