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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2016-12-17 in all areas

  1. So, let's see: borg- is one of the players who you don't want to build a 2nd CC. Vercengetorix_ likes Carthage (just my assumption). Fire Ships make naval warfare exciting. And I'm just here with my popcorn and soda. Oh please keep 'em coming!
    3 points
  2. @LordGood There you go, you can try to add plants if you feel like it. art.7z
    3 points
  3. The lack of lighting in the image and the over-use of the same texture tone over the whole model makes it impossible to read its forms. I know the form it has because I've seen the concept, but seeing these renders it's so hard to know what is happening. I also think everything in the roofs is too thick.
    2 points
  4. Will do actually I made the model more in a urge to give that sketch a model it deserves more than carths the model they deserve. I'll see what i can do when I get access to a blender equipped computer. Moreover the polycount of the props is really high there is much more space to cover than for the ptol market...
    2 points
  5. 1 point
  6. Needs to be for 2 passengers, anchor for 4 horses. Just the chariot no horses. Bonus: textures for the two units in the first image: Hey! here is some help in how to create textures in Blender!
    1 point
  7. Hello. Lately one idea came to my mind about mercenaries. Its well known that they are expensive : cost iron, and cost more resourses in the total amount than its analogue(citizen) . That must be fixed and i got an idea how: let mercenaries gain 2x more exp per hit / kill. Thus, they can be promoted faster than normally wich makes them more usefull.
    1 point
  8. I would really like to have that functionality, Lion. That would be really great for mods that tie up nicely with the main game.
    1 point
  9. Yes, Lion. Or in a wider scale, for example, between Carthage and Rome. 7 scenarios that may include different battles. When 1 player chooses Rome, he plays all 7 scenarios as Rome against Carthage. The same is true if the player chooses Carthage - he plays all 7 scenarios as Carthage.
    1 point
  10. Thanks Niek, really appreciate this. I'll start working now, and will definitely let you know if something's up. Cheers!
    1 point
  11. Actually i did few test with champions trying to reduce champion infantry spearmen's attack speed and they are still effective even the modify. The reason why spearmen deserve a nerf is because if you do a 1 v 1 between sword and spear champions, they spearmen will always survive with around 20 hp most of the times, dispite the fact that ordinary warrior citizen swordmen will survive with that amount of hp in a fight vs warrior-citizen spearmen. My intent is to give more chances to sword relaied civilities such Celtics, Mauryans, Seleucids. What's the a21 problems in my thuoghts: Macedonians vs Spartans: Actually in a single unit fight, despite the Sparta historical fame and data in game, a Spartan champion infantry spearmen would survive with 1 or 2 hp. In a group fight Sparta will win the fight with no problem since their 50 bonus hp are slightly more helpful than the +1 armor and +20 hp of macedonians Silver Shield. Training Comparison: Where is the problem, then? The problem insight those 2 techs is that actually Spartan "The Agoge" tech increases the train time for spear infantry of 10% for a total of 33 seconds per champion to be trained in a special building that costs 200 stone and 200 iron per building and if, for example, you would be able to fast train spartan champions from 5 buildings you could just spend 1000 stone + 1000 iron for 5 special buildings that is equal to the cost of macedonian fortress + the Silver Shield tech. And they will still train slower than macedonians considering the macedonians techs Agema + Conscription! Heroes: Leonidas has a nice potential since he is supposed the most famous spartan hero, by the way in the game he isn't that powerful at all. Why? Leonida has a +20% attack damage for his Champion soldiers that is too low if compared to other heroes like Marcellus(Rome +5 attack damage for ALL units) Boudicca and Philip II of Macedon who grants +5 Attack Damage to his champions. Since the Leonidas aura gets stronger the more techs you unlock for your infantry units but it will grant less than +5 attack damage with both blacksmiths upgrades since 25% of 15.8 lower than 5 (it is 3,95)! it will be useful only if you take the fortress tech that is hard with a lower number of workers in late game, really late game. Conclusion: The spartan civility bonus of -10% maximum population isn't really worth it due the fact that Macedonians can do the same Sparta's job without a population penalty Sparta is supposed to have the strongest infantry in the game because they were a warborn civility, they only rely on infantry to win games. Macedonians can count on an arsenal of sieges and still have the second, if not the best, infantry champion spearmen in the game. Sword Champion based civilities (Celtics in particular): Usually people points at Britons as an Aggressive civility, by the way i really don't know why since they have swordmen champions who are weaker than champion infantry spearmen. They build faster because their buildings have lower health and they have slingers, by the way mass champion trains require the same time as any other civility as result that in a scenario where britons and another civility fight with only spearmen champions, britons would lose. They cost more iron than spearmen: +25 iron than spearmen and they are weaker. Spearmen cost +25 wood than swordmen by the way the wood is a common exchanged resource in the market. They are not effective against cavalry: Spearmen have 3x damage to cavalry units while swordmen have not. Actually i tried to modify some files nerfing the champion spearmen attack speed from 0.75 down to 0.90 attack per second and it works great because spartans will still win against sword champions such mauryan champions with their +2 attack damage tech, and it will give higher chance to Sword Champion relied civilities to win fights. Also is to notice that champion spearmen with this attack speed reduction are still effective, following logic they should perform 1 attack per second being able to win fights with hero auras benefits, by the way not all civlities with spear infantry champions have heroes with useful auras in battles, so 0.90 would be better. Pikemen: Actually pikemen are too slow in movement compared to other units. A movement speed increase would be nice for civilities that rely on ranged units to grow eco as Macedonians and Ptolemaics. Pikemen Champions move slower than normal units. Actually pikemen movement speed is 6 and pikemen champions movement speed is 7. Chasing cavalry, growing economy or getting in to the battlefield with the rest of the army requires more time than any other unit. Attached to the post are the modified files. thanks for your time. Thanks for reading and have fun. templates.patch EDIT: Persian spearmen champions will be weaker than actually they already are and it is a side effect. I'll think a solution about that.
    1 point
  12. LordGood, some good players and me agreed on this idea: let mercenaries to be hired with 2 stars. But first its need to research a special technology wich costs some resourses
    1 point
  13. Psh, why aren't Balearics level 3 champions like the Spartans' commandoes? you can only train them out of 2 buildings maximum, so they're already next to useless now I think all mercs should have veteran status at least
    1 point
  14. It's rigged, I attached the source files aswell public.7z
    1 point
  15. Nah, I prefer the drawings that Ayakashi made for RotE
    1 point
  16. I know, I do appreciate all the stuff in the conceptual art department I've seen until now,.. and I know I can do it even better. That's why I'm no hurry in steping into the 3D modeling phase. Those are my first drawings after many years. The most important thing for me now is that I'm having so much fun and it's so de-essetresing from daily matters and worries. So far you like it and can be usefull in 0AD I will be very happy do help you forward.
    1 point
  17. we can create mods that can convert into officials DLC like these guys did.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Gods wild-infernal-rage Community_Map.zip Who's next?
    1 point
  20. I have an issue when importing the stupa in blender I lose the uvs, I had to import it in a separate program and reexport
    1 point
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