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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2016-11-03 in all areas

  1. i create first concept of construction, ideas are welcome. Please close my application and move this thread to other Forum. there is my thread for 0ad http://dragonheaven.de/Low_Poly.html german is still better for me
    3 points
  2. Make the Dahae Horse Archer a mercernary from the mercenary camp, and then you don't have to rank them up. (make all mercenaries Advanced rank, with some exceptions; this is what I did in DE).
    3 points
  3. Hey, I just watched your Timosthenes feature video and it's pretty impressive. One thing that bothered me (and bothers me about games with boats in general) is that they move more or less like cars. I was thinking of maybe getting involved and coding a patch for more realistic movement, but I wanted to check if it's something you'd actually want first. I had in mind: Acceleration and deceleration based on mass and sail area Heeling Pitching might be nice too Different points of sail with different speeds, based on some invisible global wind vector. So square sailers will be faster downwind, lateens will be faster on a reach, both will be slower upwind etc. Let me know if any of that sounds interesting.
    3 points
  4. As GunChleoc said, this is definitely something we would love to have in the game. From the programming side of things, this would need a lot of work, but if you are up to the task please propose patches! Did you already take a look at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStartedProgrammers? Don't hesitate to ask around if you need some tips. And welcome to the community!
    2 points
  5. Sounds like a great idea - there could at least be some bobbing up and down, especially for small boats. As to the rest, we'll have to consider how it might affect gameplay, e.g. targeting of ranged weapons, and how variable speed would affect gameplay.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Re: Decorations (I've read your blog at your website): that's no issue at all, small things like that make a building interesting to look at I think you can afford yourselves to decorate the walls of the main building a bit more. for example a few bricks aroud the corners like in (from memory) some seleucid buildings Nice construction concept!
    1 point
  8. More ideas: Like Rise and Fall, an embark/disembark function for ships. Basically, it just locks (or unlocks) a ship on the shore. So when units are told to board, the vessel doesnt move, and make boarding difficult. Idea two: Once necessary animations are done, perhaps we could have different rest and movement anims for different stances. Example: AoE 3 infantry. Once could tell if a unit was in defensive, standground, agressive, or patroling.
    1 point
  9. People love to have this actually. All of this is good. The movement is good as long as it is automatic. I can see techs for acceleration speed and turn speed and stuff like that. When turning right, I would like to see the right oars stop moving, and when turn left see the left oars stop rowing. Things like that too. This is way too much, IMHO. If you did do it, then base it on the wind direction already in the game (see in Atlas, wind direction change the direction of the water movement). Do not make invisible. The water movement should be a clue for the players. But like I said, this part is not good at this type of game. One step too far, just my opinion. Everything else sound great.
    1 point
  10. @The Drunken Sailor welcome to the forums! We have a few ship-movement-related items in the planned features list: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameplayFeatureStatus , this is a good place to start, since these things were suggested/discussed before and are considered desirable.
    1 point
  11. No more tickets... the team is quite silent... Is it going up? Is it going up... Will Ulysses be emerging finally? I'm honestly excited!!!
    1 point
  12. Thank you for your feedback. I've created a ticket with your suggestion here.
    1 point
  13. Reforms are the kind of pair tech that I would like to see in 0 a.d, not a thing like choose between 5% attack or 5% speed. Military colonies are better with HP and Attack? With the new models it seems so, don't you agree?
    1 point
  14. True, but I do not control vanilla. Only chocolate fudge sunday which is Delenda Est.
    1 point
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