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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2016-09-27 in all areas

  1. Civ specific wooden towers, easy enough. They're cute aren't they? haha
    3 points
  2. I saw the new alpha had a defense tower upgrade on the wee towers. It makes me wonder if we could do a full progression like AOE had, but selectively. And perhaps make defense towers non-buildable, only an upgrade? I gotta say I miss the good ol ballista towers of the original AOE, selective upgrading sounds like it gives just enough control to make defense towers both powerful and balanced. Also selective upgrading from wood towers means we can recycle the defense tower icon. I'm all for renaming the wood tower, in any case. Sentry<guard<defense<ballista?
    2 points
  3. Watch tower might get muddied with the function of outposts
    1 point
  4. This was already the case before patrol was there. (But didn't occure that often)
    1 point
  5. Yes. Even if only one unit was carrying resources. Thanks for reporting.
    1 point
  6. I guess it just disappears, because the gui panel cannot hold that much buttons
    1 point
  7. I'm very influenced by this. but you can try with this.
    1 point
  8. Sentry Tower Upgrades to Guard tower, very like AoE Classic. can be nice buildable in neutral territory, I miss tower rush from Aok.
    1 point
  9. This weekend I spread the big pile of black A6 leaflets which two of your team members left back in Vienna when they last visited our Linux weeks event. Our local Game City fair had it's 10th anniversary and about 80,000 people visited our city hall for this event. In about 3 hours all leaflets where gone. Many instantly where excited about how awesome the game looks like. In my opinion you should use one of your beautiful screen shots as the background with only little text on it as front page. Since you actually don't need to say much if people can just see the stunning beauty of the in-game graphics. The sliced screen shots from the present flyer obviously do show more about the variation you get, but it's to much and to small for a fast glimpse. Hopefully you can experience an unusual increase of new Austrian players recently.
    1 point
  10. About #3993 (broken tech requrements in the structure tree of non-vanilla 0 A.D.): For the tech tree issue (tech requirements) there is a patch in http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3993 / https://github.com/s0600204/0ad/commits/3993_notciv, that one function is just a bit ugly (14 layers of nesting). @fatherbushido said he also has some other ugly hack that he hates if you're looking for some temporary workaround. Everytime the tech requirements logic was changed in the simulation, it broke the tech tree and the AI since these 3 places each copy the logic instead of reusing the same function. The aim of the ticket was to unify that code in the globalscripts directory. (However the proposed solution moves a bit too much structure tree specific code to globalscripts, as the AI and simulation only need a very short check). If the code is not unified, every further change to the tech requirements logic will break the AI code and the tech tree code again, as most coders are unaware of how these code mazes work (it's also not obvious that the other places have this duplication at all).
    1 point
  11. Yep, last patch I renamed the txt to .diff and apply with svn. It fix everything except structree problem, but I think that is a battle for another day unless you want to tackle that guy. For this alpha, to temporary fix the strcutree errors, I will probably just remove the pair techs from the worker elephant and I will remove the supoersedes from the paired barracks tech. Structree also show 3 different phase tech for each phase (lol), because not parse civ and notciv tags right. *Or I can release disclaimer that structree will be broken and keep the gameplay intact. EDIT: Did your patch just alllow player to upgrade more than 1 unit at a time? Is nice.
    1 point
  12. @wowgetoffyourcellphoneIf you want to try, I uploaded some patches at #4251 Edit: This thing is not fixed atm: Edit2: Now it is fixed
    1 point
  13. I still want to finish it, but well... The typical time problems. I'm currently finishing my Bachelor thesis and should have some time after this (next week). Maybe I find some time and motivation then. And it is a little bit more to do than just adding the statues. I should add the statues, fix some textures and some really ugly uv-stretching. But it's all not that difficult and can be done in one evening.
    1 point
  14. Yeah, I've seen it. You posted in this forum a video a talks about this forum. What if he makes a video about this particular thread and sees that? youtube-forum-ception.
    1 point
  15. Looks nice. Don't forget the back-lighting to help offset him from the dark bg.
    1 point
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