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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2016-05-29 in all areas

  1. Following a recent staff meeting and being available as a self-employed software developer ('Freiberufler'), I hereby offer to do paid development to work beyond the duty of my staff member status. As such, I would plan the features for upcoming releases, be available on IRC to discuss pending tasks of the team and contributors, implement features and rewrite existing code to be more maintainable, review the proposed code of contibutors, write weekly progress reports and take miscellaneous incurring responsabilities, like balancing, testing, producing video trailers or server administration. My previous expertise covers both the scripted part of the game (graphical user interface, simulation, random-map-scripts), but also the core engine (GUI, network, lobby, serialization, pathfinder). As seen on trac, there are still more than 800 unsolved tasks, of which I could fix many directly or in cooperation with new contributors. Here an examplary list of features I envision to solve: Further responsibilities could include project managing: Recommending tasks to team members and new contributors Organizing staff meetings in case the project leader is busy Video editing / promotional trailer Web-Development and server administration Writing release announcements
    7 points
  2. Here is my two cents, and it's similar to @wowgetoffyourcellphone, is that this is an amazing idea, but this scale of this game doesnt lend itself well to the idea of being able to defend structures that realistically. Look at the Stronghold series for example. That game was able to use that scale because you are defending one castle. In 0 A.D., you can expect to possibly be defending two fortresses at the same time, and this level of micromanaging might be stressful on players (adding to the stress of being doubleteamed. ) In short, I think visually garrissoning units is a fabulous idea, only if it is used for aesthetic purposes only. No added mechanics, work just the same as it does now. Thats my opinion at least.
    3 points
  3. Introduction Basics Beginner Advanced Expert Changelog
    2 points
  4. Hello everyone, first time posting here. First of all, congratulations for this marvellous project. Here is my first contribution, hope you like it, it is my first rig/animation in blender though, so probably it needs a lot of tweaking. I would like to see how the wings are renderer in the engine as it may have problems with back-faces shadows at the wings. If you want to see it in real time and with its animations just follow this link: https://sketchfab.com/models/ed6c4ea1a4464b77a1e14891b897879e Regards! EDIT: Can we use alpha for the textures? The wings and tale would look much better with feather shapes :/ parrot.zip
    1 point
  5. Civilian and military spy and thief units. Civillian spy- female If i make a spy female unit and task her on the fields of my enemy, he will not notice as the woman will appear to him in his own team colour and also take up his population slot and work for him that is add food to his stocks. But her line of sight will be visible to me. This can be used by any enemy civilization as the unit is simple generic female. Also this will be available from village stage. And can be trained from civic centre. Millitary spy - Normal military spies (Baracks) These Millitary units will appear as his own units to the enemy based on team colour. They will follow all his orders to arrange themselves in formations and march upto a designated point as he wishes. But when he orders them to attack my own units by right click they will just march up to the target and do nothing. Also millitary spy units can be used by me to attack his own units but when i do so the unit will change it's colour to my team . Champion level military spies - (from fortress only) These spies will be similar to normal military spies except that they will have additional bonus against heroes and champion units. And they will be enemy civilization specific. That is one can not train just a generic champion spy. It has to be specific like spy vishkanya swordswoman against mauryans. All spy units will be invisible in neutral land. And spies in your territory can be revealed if you press a button with some cost in your cicic centre. All spy units have extra 50 metal cost.
    1 point
  6. We call this type units support units. Is time to do something like that.
    1 point
  7. - For the first part, herding is not implemented. - For the second part, indeed, only the support elephant (as Support) and the archer ones (as Cavalry) are in the garrison list of the elephant stables. It's kinda logical to add the Champion elephant to that list. EDIT : the archer ones are not garrisonable too as they have not anymore Cavalry class.
    1 point
  8. Ok, will do Eagle and Falcon before create the Indian parrot. (I think I will get those quicker) Here is the parrot using texture with alpha though. Also, you can see it here: https://sketchfab.com/models/ed6c4ea1a4464b77a1e14891b897879e Cheers! parrot.zip
    1 point
  9. the game needs work adding feature buttons for the Minimap. -Toggle off terrain -Show ally enemy and Neutral at same color (ignoring player colors) -show Resource color/ toggle of units buildings and terrain -show Military units units Toggle off the rest.
    1 point
  10. actually the first screenshot is done. the second is mostly done.
    1 point
  11. The public mod (the main game) is spread with the installer exe, but it's not part of the runnable pyrogenesis.exe. Pyrogenesis is only the engine, it doesn't include any mods in the exe, and won't run if it can't find mods (the gui is also completely defined in the mods). Buy I guess you can make pyro find the correct mods on the stick. Maybe you'll find it easier to start from our SVN repo, as when you copy the entire repo over to somewhere, it should run fine.
    1 point
  12. I have been use propped units on fortresses for a while in my mod. The problems with unit AI can be fixed, so I don't think that would be a problem. I think ranged units should auto-attack the propped defenders while the melee units auto-focus on the building itself. Seems like easy change to the unit AI. Of course, the player can manually focus his archer onto the building if she wants to. About cycling, guys, think of ease of use first. Make the feature easy to use and not complicated. You are adding a new combat feature, so keep it simple and direct. Here's what I think about siege unit propping. Right now no one uses the bolt shooters. Why use bolt shooter right now? They're not unique enough. Let's make bolt shooters the siege that shows up propped when garrisoned. Rock throwers don't show up when garrison. So, now these two siege weapons have different uses and abilities. Garrison a bolt shooter on a ship and it show up on deck. A rock thrower is "too big" and is disassembled below deck for transport. Some kind of logic like this. (Maybe have extra late-game tech to allow rock throwers to show up propped.) Unit scalling when propped. No, don't do this. This will look dummber than if you just keep it way it is (although scaling as engine feature would be nice for many other purposes like FleXor said! Especially for trees, rocks, etc.). Instead, the towers on ships should be scaled up a little bit so the archer on top doesn't look dumb. It would be better to upscale the ship's tower than to have to scale all the propped units down (this is just example). Remember that the scale of soldier to structures is RTS scale. The "barracks" is about the size of my flat, haha, so scale is way off anyway. You guys have to think in RTS scale. For example, when I advocate battalions, I don't think in realistic scales, I think in RTS scales ("battalion" is 24 dudes, not 1000). So, when scale doesn't look "realistic" you have to remember that this is RTS game. As long as these scales are cohenrent in design a good aesthetic is achieved. Think of thing in aesthetics and authenticity, not realism and accuracy. There is my rant for the day. Achievement unlocked. Two more tier to my final form.
    1 point
  13. @Lion.Kanzen In theory it is. I know @sanderd17 managed to do it somehow but ran into graphical trouble. Still I guess It would be nice to have that patch maybe there's an easy fix.
    1 point
  14. IMO this concept is not ready to be voted on (or even beeing discussed as such) since there are several questions that come to my mind immediately that aren't mentioned at all: - Would garrisoned units not visible still add arrows (and/or damage/attack speed) to the structure itself? - Do the visible units help against capture? - Can the visible units be targeted? - Can the visible units be selected? - Can the visible units be replaced with non-visible garrisoned units? If so how (GUI wise)? All that questions and the chosen answer have a potentially very bad impact on gameplay, the need of micro-management, the clumsiness of the unit AI and the balance of such structures/ships. Note that this list is quite likely not at all complete.
    1 point
  15. For ships, yes. For the buildings not so much.
    1 point
  16. The scale is real problem there.
    1 point
  17. I actually wouldn't mind seeing a kind of mobile drop site for stone, wood and metal. Yeah the elephant does do that for the Mauryans, but I'm thinking of a slightly faster unit, which obviously costs more. The idea behind a mobile drop-site is that you could use that to gather resources on the map outside of your frontiers, with infantry. In this manner one could be aggressive with infantry but still gather resources during the down time. The favorite thing age of empires players like to say about 0 AD is that defender's advantage is too strong in this game since infantry gather resources. I don't agree with this at all but introducing this mobile drop-site would be a great way to both make the naysayers shut up while adding something potentially interesting to the game. Just a random thought I had, might as well share it. I don't think mobile drop-sites are a priority at all but it's nice to talk about. It would certainly help players who have lost their CC stage a comeback.
    1 point
  18. Build a dock is the only building that don't need a CC included in all factions.
    1 point
  19. Yeah when I saw your reply I was ready to say something like "I don't want to distract one of the major contributors from 0 AD to my project, I prefer to see 0 AD finished anyway, even if I see it selfishly it will allow for better ancient era mapmaking:)". So this mostly goes to people here familiar with Warcraft III but not contributing to 0AD, unless someone becomes totally interested in my project which I doubt. The map has 8 planed Civs, some of which might change (each of them has several unique mechanics and bonuses, which I'm not describing now to avoid length). Mostly done: -Romans -Celts -Scythians -Macedonians (which can become Antigonids, Seleucids or Ptolemaics with a city phase choice) To be done: -Carthaginians -Spartans -Athenians (might merge with the previous in Greeks or something) -Persians (might become Pathians if I deside to settle for only hellenistic age) -Other civs are considered as well The core gameplay is mostly influenced by Age of Empires (and 0AD with paired techs and other details). Some differences include: -Soldiers rank up to rank 5 (each rank increases their evasion and critical strike chance) -Towns are built on fixed settlements, somewhat Age of Mythology like -There are 2 gatherable resources, Gold and Lumber (an annoying WCIII limmit) -Most factions require to capture elephants or horses in the wild, or import them at the market in order to build stables. -Similarly, herdables can be captured or trained at the farm. These increase the pop cap and are slightly cheaper than farms in doing so, but they will require some extra micro and protection. -WCIII naval system is limmited, but I've come up with a working solution. You can capture "Greek Colonies" along the shore, train ships there and use them to capture fishing regions (which increase your pop cap) and sea trade routes, which grant gold income. -At fixed locations across the map, randomized mercenary camps appear, changing the options available for each game. I'm also thinking to add structure "resources" as well at those slots, which will be required to be held in order to research top tier upgrades (like iron for top tier weaponforging). There's much more, that's just some things on top of my head. I've posted many of the techs and other ideas I use in the technologies part of the forum as suggestions for 0AD.
    1 point
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