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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2016-02-06 in all areas

  1. Hi all! I heard about 0AD through zero-K/spring, which is similar but differently themed. I'd like to do some work on graphics and optimizing graphics (deferred shading, etc) because it interests me and I haven't done a lot with it yet. I have experience in mapmaking (like raw stuff using blender and world machine), AI (I've been working on a fairly advanced AI in java for about half a year now) and a little bit of graphics, and so far I like most of what I've seen in 0AD. I have some ridiculous ideas but I always prioritize simple things first. On the other hand I wish you'd use git. SVN doesn't let you search source content (that I've seen) which makes finding things difficult, and git's fork-and-pull-request process makes it easier to contribute (integrated issue tracking is nice too).
    3 points
  2. Hi aeonios and welcome! feneur already answered about how to start contributing, so that's less work for me. It would be awesome to have you working on graphics: currently there is nobody really working on that. We're absolutely interested in any proposal you can make (the things you listed above sound really promizing)! Chatting on IRC really is the easiest way to get in touch with us developers, and we can answer questions you can have about the codebase. Thanks for your interest!
    2 points
  3. Welcome, and thanks for your interest. There are two links which should be the first things to check out: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStartedProgrammers for more information on programming for 0 A.D. and http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=0ad-dev where you can talk to the other programmers (and other developers as well, but mostly frequented by programmers). You are most likely to find someone there during evenings/early night European time, but many check the logs/stay logged in all time and will get back to you when they are online, so don't worry if you don't get a reply immediately.
    2 points
  4. BTW there is a github mirror of the svn repo and most of the active code team haunts the IRC channel so you can get some response for your more technical questions there. Enjoy the Choice
    2 points
  5. First I want to improve water rendering. The distortion for refractions is too large and looks unnatural, and it isn't correctly interpolating between the refract color and the water fog color (it ends up increasing the fog color when it shouldn't). It also seems to be possible to eliminate a rendering step and a texture when blending the refract color and reflect colors together, which should make rendering a bit cheaper. Adding support for combining more than one normal map for waves is something I want to look into after that. (not that waves look bad now, but why not)
    2 points
  6. Well, honestly I haven't learned every detail of the game as of yet, but I've been able to beat petra on a variety of maps. I also neglected to add links to all of the things that I mentioned previously, which I should correct. Zero-K Spring RTS Engine Zero-K Graph Based AI (does not cheat) Shine 2D, an openGL (fixed pipeline, because reasons) 2D graphics library for java Some things I would like to see implemented for 0AD: -Make refractive water less derpy and balance reflections/refractions to make water look more like water. -Dynamic clouds (with map settings) -Dynamic sun/moon with day/night cycles and color points for e.g. sunsets and sunrises, etc. -Precipitation, with related cloud settings (although not necessarily having the precipitation come from clouds, just changing their appearance during) There are plenty of other minor things (and a few major ones) that could be tuned or improved either to improve performance or improve the aesthetics and increase the sense of realism, but I don't really want to get ahead of myself. I don't really want to touch gameplay or balance for as long as humanly possible, although I may offer suggestions from time to time. I'm not fundamentally opposed to doing AI/unit AI type of work (and 0AD could certainly use it), but I am a bit burned out on that.
    2 points
  7. Accurate sources... Please, we don't now their primary sources, in EB mod I see all kind Anachronisms.
    1 point
  8. Not sure about the Theow in the list...(as they were slaves and these are generally not allowed to bear weapons, let alone take part in a battle) Also I would give them a sort of Scout Cavalry. For the same reasons as the TW:Atilla mod adds them:
    1 point
  9. Based on what I've read, there were lesser and greater thegn(s) (Ones who serve nobles or ealdormans, and the ones who directly serve the king) Cynges Thegn or Royal Thanes are more generously gifted, meaning they are more well equiped This Total War: Attila mod depicted them as cavalry http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?705421-Anglo-Saxons-Karling-TW- (The mod also has a good unit roster for the Anglo-Saxons) What I have in mind, plus the things you pointed out, (see design document [WIP] for more details later) Fyrd = City phase tech that allows training of advanced or elite rank units in Burhs (Fortress) Citizen-Soldier Ceorl (Infantry) = infantry_spearman (light to moderately armored) Thegn = infantry_swordsman ( moderate to heavily armored) Theow = infantry_slinger (unarmored) Ceorl (Skirmisher infantry) = infantry_javelinist (unarmored to lightly armored) Champion Cynges Thegn = champion_infantry_melee (heavily armored)
    1 point
  10. Yes indeed , that at was one comes in my mind. i can create a similar and add to round shape... but not now... iI read a lot of Scythians in an article published by natgeo magazine ( Historia) for latinoamericans countries.
    1 point
  11. The Island Stronghold map has been committed in r17734. Happy playing
    1 point
  12. Ateas Scythian Hero 2: Ateas (ca. 429 BC – 339 BC) was described in Greek and Roman sources as the most powerful king of Scythia. Ateas ruled over the majority of the North Pontic barbarians. Ateas conquered many lands but was eventually defeated by Philip 2 of Macedon in 339 BC, he lived for 90 years. I couldn't find any exact photo on Ateas like Idanthyrsus, but here is one from Civ 5, I'm pretty sure it's quite accurate.
    1 point
  13. Yes I'm not happy with my latest gameplay. These maps are where was few food resource. I'm not sure si 3 sources formula works, even if technology works.
    1 point
  14. Maybe. But I think it more interesting if maybe all unit are only 2 resource cost, but maybe add a resource cost based on a tech effect. So, if you give "Sidearms" (knives, swords, etc.) to infantry, you add attack amount but also add +5 metal cost (so now the spearman also cost 5 metal). Just example.
    1 point
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