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  1. Fog of war inside areas enclosed by walls. (Quite the opposite of what the Ptolemaic Lighthouse does) -This is how a siege works, the besieger has no idea what is happening inside unless a spy is present inside the settlement. -Makes sallying as a possible strategy, an enemy will never know if you are planning to make a maneuver against them. I suggested three days in a row. I hope that I am not causing any inconvenience to you guys, I'm sorry.
    4 points
  2. Cool. Fun factoid from the past - this is the last video I can remember that was made using the cinematic camera: I think it is the has the highest number of views of any 0 A.D. video because it was on slashdot. http://games.slashdot.org/story/09/07/15/170217/0-ad-goes-open-source It would be cool to get a nifty video using this for the next alpha release. *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*
    3 points
  3. I've given this some more thoughts, and I'm convinced that a good way forward would be to scale everything up, including time. It'd play out more like SimCity, with some basic actions taken and then a lot of fast-forwarding. With support for some sort of supply lines and seasons. With seasons things can get really interesting strategically, and it helps make the game not too boring at any time. A gameplay that's more automatic, like some sort of huge-scale Caesar game, but where you can give a lot of input on a lot of things if you want. Basically make it a game about supply lines with real season support and things will get interesting. But really I'm also quite convinced that it's nowhere near being possible with the speed of current computers. It would require too much dialing down.
    2 points
  4. And another tiny update: Improved prow, improved stern and more accurate ventilation openings at the top of the ship.
    1 point
  5. I changed PrepareTime in local mod to 1000 for all range units and it works good! A19 should do this. Stutter at beginning of attack is eliminated in most case. Capturing: Just like when unit try to destroy building, when unit try to capture building they should still respond to attacks made on them. Right now they do not and is easy to exploit especially vs. AI. Ctrl+Alt to force attack is clumsy. I think change it to only Alt. makes more sense. I really belief that there should be policies or stances that can change behavior of all your units automatically and globally between destroy/kill and capture/convert. I propose special buttons for this either in top UI or along the sides or somthing. Of course, using Alt micro commands can override these macro global commands. I agree. Double health of regular cav unit, but obviously slower and take longer to train.
    1 point
  6. Wow, awesome! It must have taken a lot of work
    1 point
  7. Well all those things can be balanced for the best result and new mechanic,s and features added to make it work with 0.A.D, I think it would be awesome when you fight on a big map and have small skirmishes and small/big battles to build up your forces to lay siege to your opponent. I love long games and big maps and if 0.a.d goes for that with ofcource some game host options to set up the game like they want then i think you would have some awesome games in the future even if they take longer then a normal RTS match i bet you won't even know you played that long because you are having fun! I dont agree with that Naval battle,s sould get a real battle system and function. When every thing got a role and function you can do so mutch more. So that sould not be keep it simple to keep it right, No it sould be give everything a role and function to get it right:P And have some Awesome naval battles and beach landings!
    1 point
  8. In fact, most old school RTS and their successors can be said "time-management" games. Multiplayer in AOE was about who was the fastest (all other things being equal). Same deal in Starcraft, same deal in most RTS in fact (there's this quote by a dev of Command and Conquer: "A player controls hundreds of units, dozens of buildings and many different events that are all happening simultaneously. There is only one player, and he can only pay attention to one thing at a time. Expert players can quickly flip between many different tasks, while casual gamers have more problems with this.” The only way to make an RTS that's not a clickfest is to remove this need for time management, which is probably why a lot of the more strategy-focused games are turn by turn to some extent. My only idea on how to do it in a game like 0 A.D. right now is to upscale the map by a factor of 50.
    1 point
  9. Sounds good, but just a few things I've noticed. Games that go from micro to full on macro tend to become games about rushing. There becomes this general formula for winning, build A, B and C then attack with X, Y and Z. What I like about 0ad is the diverse number of ways in which you can play the game, you have to ajust your plans when someone gets a little in front of you. "Bad" RTS games often kill diversity by advancing to macro too fast. Secondly LAG (fairly self explanatory). Finally games can get really monotonous at the end as time drags on. When an opponent puts up 4+ fortresses it adds another hour to the game and ends up being a competition to see who can run out of resources first. I just don't believe it's viable to go from a micro management game to a full on macro game. AOE succeeded because the number of troops did not get out of control and it still mattered which troops you got at the end of the game.
    1 point
  10. Hi wraitii. One way to integrate both the macro game and micro game is to have layers of gameplay, like levels of detail. Perhaps 3 layer.
    1 point
  11. I like that idea! Need to pass it along to trompetin17, who is working on a variety of Atlas improvements.
    1 point
  12. Whenever I try to place the dock, unless almost the entirety of it is on land, it physically won't place. I'll try again, but same thing with the walls-whenever it was red, it wouldn't place it. EDIt: You are absolutely correct, I feel so stupid. Thank you!
    1 point
  13. Reduce PrepareTime of skirmishers. With the same time as RepeatTime they fake-throw a javelin (even with sound) before actually throwing one, making hit'n-run pain in the @#$%. 300 or 600 could be fine, as they can prepare their javelin while running, throw it instantly and have a reload time to take an other one. Too short value will make them throw it from the back when hit'n running (throwing before turning back is completed). Same for archers but a longer PrepareTime, 1000 seems to be fine.
    1 point
  14. Today I tested the latest SVN16665, the problem still exists.
    1 point
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