Hey guys, thanks to sanderd and leper, even a computer noob like me could make his own mod. The mod focuses around the gameplay aspect of the game, trying to make decision making and strategic abilities a central part of the game, doing a few tweaks to structures role and some units stats and cost. To have a better view of the project, check this topic http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19828 I make this topic not just to gather eventual testers, wich would help in the near future, but also because i have some questions: How do i share my mod? How do i make the mod less heavy? all the "public" files are in the mod folder right now, should it work if I only put the modded file in it or is there some stricter rules to follow to make it run? i once tried to only put the "simulation" folder, but didnt work for some reason. Thanks in advance! Mario.