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  1. Indeed, I agree that the economy techs shouldn't have been paired techs, but I still don't really understand why the temple tech pairs had to be separated and the Carthaginian mercenary tech pairs had to be removed.
    2 points
  2. If only the host would calculate the data, that would mean he has to send the entire state to all other players every turn. And the gamestate can be huge. A zipped OOS log (which contains the game state and is compressed) normally has a few hundred kB, up to even MB. Since a turn in multiplayer takes 500ms, that would mean the host has to be able to send at a speed of at least 16Mbps for one opponent. And 112Mbps to support 8 players (these are way above the normal speeds for regular customers). Only to have the data arriving 500ms later at the clients than at the host, so giving the host half a second more reaction time. Next to that, it would also give the host the ability to cheat by modifying the game state. So non-synced gameplay isn't really an option. Threading would indeed help, but the simulation should always stay in one thread, to guarantee determinism. Other things (like rendering or AI) can be split off to different threads.
    1 point
  3. Just so you know it, the Han would've easily beaten the Romans if they would ever get into touch. I'm not sure if that's a fun game to play Kimball has no vote in it anymore (after all the ownership of the project was transferred to CoM and with it his vote, right?), so it would be up to CoM and WFG.
    1 point
  4. http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15796 I'm not a developer, so I can't give you more detail on how far this has progressed. Since everybody is working on this in their spare time only, it is hard to say when the problem will be solved.
    1 point
  5. But having civs that never had contact fight each other in a 'what if' scenario is incredibly fun! Kind'a like the appeal of Deadliest Warrior but more historically accurate and less 'stupid'! This is why want RoTE to be 'official', but that's up to the CoM... or is it Kimball, I guess!?
    1 point
  6. Hi Radagast, 0 B.C. looks promising! To start collaborating in the best way you may want to submit some of the 0 B.C. patches and attach them on a trac ticket. You may start to do it for patches that fix bugs or add features that should be common in both 0 B.C. and 0 A.D. (some 0 A.D. features are listed in GameplayFeatureStatus, GSOC_Ideas or other wiki pages, existings tickets or already discussed and approved on the forum). Then the patches can be reviewed and eventually merged in 0 A.D.. Some patches may take a bit of time before being reviewed and merged. This way both projects could benefit.
    1 point
  7. I need the same feature for Aristeia, and we aren't the only who need it. Millenium and the main game could be need it.For example I have two Egyptian faction in a single one. Thebans and Ramisides ( I have a pair of chain for research a 3rd phase) This can be useful to have two faction in a one like, Eastern Roman Empire and Wester Roman Empire, only some structures and units changes between both
    1 point
  8. Distinction are lost in art, aesthetic, and different starting builds and strategies. With seperate civ chance of greater variety of strategy from the very beginning of the match. Making choices when phasing up can still be implemented and give the same amount of choice that original 6-civ plan had, just no one have propose cogent system yet. Wijimaker should try to propose a phase choice system that combine with current direction instead of aggitate for old plan. Exactly the kind of choices that can still be implement. BTW, s0600204, your progress look awesome! I tried it (with some of my meddling ). It will be a delight to see Han in the Asia category and Kushites in Africa category.
    1 point
  9. In the Aristeia mod, the New Kingdom Egyptian civilisation currently presents the player with a choice when choosing the city-phase tech - to go with a Theban or a Ramesside city phase. Although not reflected fully in art yet, the two choices provide different heroes, champion units and selection of city-phase structures. My point being, the idea is not entirely lost.
    1 point
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