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  1. Hi Radagast, 0 B.C. looks promising! To start collaborating in the best way you may want to submit some of the 0 B.C. patches and attach them on a trac ticket. You may start to do it for patches that fix bugs or add features that should be common in both 0 B.C. and 0 A.D. (some 0 A.D. features are listed in GameplayFeatureStatus, GSOC_Ideas or other wiki pages, existings tickets or already discussed and approved on the forum). Then the patches can be reviewed and eventually merged in 0 A.D.. Some patches may take a bit of time before being reviewed and merged. This way both projects could benefit.
    4 points
  2. To recombine civs to generic civs would lose distinction of the civs you lose. The Athenians and Spartans are very different and would lose that difference with recombine to generic Hellenes. You would also lose access to awesome civ like Seleucid, ptolemaic egyptians, and Maurya Indians. "Original" six civ design was flawed and there is no reason why the civs in game now cannot have "choices" when upgrading phase. That aspect not lost, just not implemented. There are many forms these choices can be made or had. For instance it was mistake to remove technology pairs, a mistake I fix in my mod. These choices could be made bigger when phasing up, like in Age of Mythology. There is no shortage of good (and bad) idea, only shortage of will.
    2 points
  3. Hi everyone! I have no ideas where this would lead to but I fancy to make some sort of crowd-sourced map in which everyone can bring up design ideas, gameplay elements etc. and which could be discussed about or voted at by means of polls. Now what I initially had in mind is a Trade route map in which a trade route would desperate the teams. This trade route has some markets (that can be captured with the new mechanism in svn) (probably surrounded with a small village to make it fancy). The traders would be owned by a trigger-controlled computer player and spawn regularly. When a player captures a market he gets a share of the trading income. The trade income should probably be doubled or tripled to make it worth it. The only technical issue that should be solved in this is to let the trader walk along all markets and a proper mechanism to divide the trade income. What do you think of it? Even though the design decisions would be taken by the crowd I would prefer to have a small team that actually develops the map according to those decisions (and of course share the progress of their work+change according to feedback). So if you would like to participate, feel free to leave a comment! (I think 1~2 JS coders for triggers and 1~2 map designers would be appropriate) The map would be developed at SVN due to the capturing mechanism found there and the changed map format so that should be a requirement to participate in the actual development. Check this for information on how to set it up: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions#Windows Current poll decisions: Map size: Normal Teams: 2v2 Amount of markets: 5 Biomes: Multiple Map layout: Name: Silk Road
    1 point
  4. Know your history, zippy: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_B-29_Superfortress
    1 point
  5. In case someone here is interested : Archaeologists Discover 1000-Year-Old Viking Fortress in Denmark.
    1 point
  6. I don't think that artwork is a gigantic concern, it is always changing and evolving. It could always be used in the scenario editor, and could be changed on civ selection in game. I think the depth of strategy it would return to the game would be worth the trade off. With fewer factions, this enables greater diversity. The more factions you have, they all start to blend together in similarities - with only subtle differences. Balancing a dozen plus factions is also challenging. Red Alert had 2 factions. Star-craft had 3. The original 6 civs were chosen because they had some distinct historical differences that gave players a unique experience when they played. Mythos changed that after I left. He really liked the Greeks and was influenced by his own desires to recreate his dream game "Age of the Aegean". So, when he took over the game design of 0 A.D. some of the original vision was lost. When I say balance, what I mean is that you don't want the outcome of the game decided by a players faction selection before the game even begins. Every faction should give players an opportunity to win if played with a strategy that compliments the faction. I'm not saying that what 0 A.D. is doing today is necessarily bad. I'm just saying that it is different than what was intended and (in my opinion) removes elements of strategy and makes the game harder to balance. (An extreme version of what I'm suggesting is that you start the game without a civ selection - just a generic civilization. Everyone starts the same. The civ is then selected in play after you have had a chance to observe the behaviors of your opponent and the map.)
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Just some 0 A.D. related input on the paper: the selection size can be increased by changing the value of MAX_SELECTION_SIZE in binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/selection.js, and the game is under GPLv2+ (or any later version clause). Apart from that quite interesting read.
    1 point
  9. There's a lot of artwork that would go to waste when joining the gaul and brit civs again. There are village-phase buildings like houses and barracks made specifically for one of those two. So if they shouldn't be available as a pre-game choice, we'd miss that artwork. When I joined, the situation was actually backwards. A scenario could use the celt or hele civ, but it couldn't be selected for random maps. Of course, that created problems because the celt and hele civs were never properly tested, and were sometimes released with bugs. It's because of those bugs, and the exceptions they always needed in the code, that the generic civs were removed.
    1 point
  10. Hey! I am one of the authors of this paper. I'd be happy to answer any questions about Castle. fcxSanya is right about the general idea behind the system. The idea is to use video games to establish covert communication channels that are hard to detect. This WIRED article did a good job of explaining the ideas behind our system: http://www.wired.com/2015/04/app-hides-secret-messages-starcraft-style-games/ There's more to come from Castle! We're specifically targeting making Castle a Tor pluggable transport by the end of this year. A little note on the relationship between 0 A.D. and Castle: 0 A.D. is our go to game for demos. While we have Castle working over other big titles, we cannot release that code for legal reasons. However, we do not recommend using Castle over 0 A.D. in the real world, due to the lack of encryption and authentication of the move communication channel. The good news is, Castle is highly adaptable and can be moved over other RTS-games in about a day, if required.
    1 point
  11. Work in progress: If you'd like to try it then the following should work: (A18) https://github.com/s0600204/0ad-civselection-mod(SVN) https://github.com/s0600204/0ad-civselection-mod/tree/SVN (Note: untested)Neither is compatible with han_china or millenniumad mods, due to relocated civ json files (aristeia works). Lion: if you'd like to help, I could do with a couple of small icons, about 16x16px, as indicated by the (terribly drawn, sorry) arrows below.
    1 point
  12. According to this this Temple is to big to be in the game : As stated here Ayakashi's temple fits the description Therefore I will model this : (Unless someone has something to say against it of course)
    1 point
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