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  1. I've started this map in parallel with the bot a few alphas ago before even thinking about triggers, nomad mode and glowing textures. Now I have to rearrange priorities and decided to give up the map. My hope is someone takes care and finishes the quest. The Story: The map is about a lost civilization and a few survivors. Aeons ago on an island deeply hidden in a vast ocean the Chulthians uncovered the secret of unlimited resources. At some point in time the gods didn't like it any longer and a massive earthquake shattered and nearly destroyed the island. After the catastrophe the island was almost split in three separate parts by a deep abyss reaching the Earth's mantle, frequently spitting lava to decimate the Chulthians back to a minimum the gods deemed acceptable. The reminiscent now forever divided accused each other of blasphemy and never reached their former level of civilization again. The gods tried to keep their failed experiment a secret, but on several occasions dauntless sailors slipped through their deadly net and eventually three ancient civilizations thriving in distant regions heard the rumors promising endless richness. Naturally each launched an expedition to exploit the resources despite the curse. They build their biggest ship equipped it with food and water, selected a dozen of their most daring fighters, a group of adventurous females and a healer. With the promise of never be forgotten on return the chosen ones started a months long journey through uncharted water and like if the gods still play their game they - unknowingly from each other - arrived at the same time at the forgotten Island... The Island: Two or three player can play the map. At start they may use the ship again and and settle somewhere else. There are three obvious places to land and three hidden ones. The players start with 1000 of each resources. There is enough place for a settlement and barracks and around 5000 wood/stone to gather, no metal. Some shipwrecks near the cliffs also provide some resources, whales and fish help too. The choice now is to either rush to the unlimited resources or attack the other players by ship or via land. The natives have about 10 units each and a powerful tower. The Strategic Dilemma: The challenge is the abyss as all player can shoot with ranged weapons at each other while gathering. However using healers and lots of cheap units the players should be able to amass a decent amount of resources to build an unbeatable army and finally conquer the other sides. The dilemma is to choose a good point in time, because the opponent may have the same idea at the same time and both leaving their home base more or less defenseless they effectively just rotate forces on the map. The Look: I planned the map to look like a beautiful mediterranean island with a touch of surrealism. The ocean is slightly tinted in red and there are a few strange artefacts. The idea was to theme the three parts towards a) female artefacts and old but usable fields and a farm with sheeps, b ) warriors with more easy stone, but also a forest with dangerous animals and c) gods with a healing temple ruin, but also a slowly shooting tower in the bay. Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/354885/0ad/abyss/theabyss.zip
    5 points
  2. I'm all in for change terrain textures to help game objects to stand out. I barely worked on terrain textures, that task was managed mainly by Mythos so I'm not very familiar with it (also I'm not into map-making yet). What I think is that we shouldn't scrap all textures because they're busy/noise, I'd rather add them in an "eyecandy" section or some sort, while the "main" terrain textures can get this improvement to stand out objects. Using this busy textures in small quantities shouldn't affect the gameplay and mapmakers can still benefit from them. Diversity is nice
    5 points
  3. 3 points
  4. Now, the short comments like this seem bizarre to me. Surely you must realize you are in no different position than anyone else here who contributes to the project... when they could be playing bf4... or watch netflix. The wording in several of your comments makes it sound like the rest of us were getting payed. I'm not saying you are not contributing anything of value, or that it seems like your posts take little effort (I'm sure they are not, though, many of the imgur images are just dead links, so it's hard to tell), I'm just saying.. we have all spent our spare time on this project. Now, about the thread; Most of us artists know how to make normal maps. It just takes more time to do so. I don't think that increasing the work load for the artists will be beneficial to the project. That's just me though (and sure, if there is some part that is super critical putting in extra work on that makes sense).
    3 points
  5. Answering Ben's post here http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19684&p=304999 This is my wishlist for the engine even if it can't be implemented finally or things to look for Part2. Ask any questions for any of the parts in the post and I'll try to clarify or go more in depth for better understanding of what is being requested. - LOD system -Up to three levels should be enough (mabe even only two). There should be a distance between the camera and the model to switch between meshes. It would be nice to be able to override the global distance to customize how close the camera has to be to the model to switch to higher detail mesh. i.e. (inside the <variant>) <LOD detail="detailedactor.xml" medium="mediumdetailactor.xml" low="lowdetailactor.xml" distance="50,100"/> (distance overrides the default) - Up to 3 UV coordinates per model.Being able to specify which UVs a texture should use specifying the number of the slot of the UVcoordinate. Example: <texture file="textures/wall.png" name="baseTex" UV="1" blend="mix" order="1" tiling="no"/> <texture file="textures/wall_damage.png" name="baseTex" UV="2" blend="mix" order="2" tiling="yes"/> - The possibility to enable tiling for a texture.(not-tiling textures is only useful right now on trees, because it extends the transparent pixels on the texture used by the branches) Or maybe make it the default and use a tag instead when we want the texture to not tile. Example: <texture file="textures/bricks.png" name="baseTex" UV="2" blend="mix" order="2" tiling="yes"/> - Up to 3 (or maybe just 3 for diffuse component, 2 for normal component) textures per shader component:For diffuse and normal. Spec and AO being the exception. Each texture should have the possibility to use different blending modes: normal(or mix), add, soft_light, overlay, multiply, screen, burn.....The texture will have the "order" value which determines wich texture is in the bottom stack and which in the top (for the blending operations).This would allow cool things like adding almost transparent textures for snow, damaged buildings, detail maps for variation... lots of possibilities. Also being able to have 2 UV coordinates for diffuse and normalmaps and use them with overlay or soft light will make possible to have awesome detail even in first person view. Example: Transparent damage texture with cracks that will show on top of the Base diffuse texture:<texture file="textures/BaseTexture.png" name="baseTex" UV="2" blend="mix" order="1" tiling="no"/> <--- Base diffuse texture<texture file="textures/DamageTexture.png" name="baseTex" UV="2" blend="mix" order="2" tiling="yes"/> Normalmap of the damage texture added on top of the basic normalmap with soft_light blending mode:<texture file="textures/BaseTextureNormal.png" name="normTex" UV="2" blend="mix" order="1" tiling="no"/><texture file="textures/DamgeTextureNormal.png" name="normTex" UV="2" blend="soft_light" order="2" tiling="yes"/> - Reflection coordinates/map.Being able to set the alpha layer of the specmap as the intensity for the reflection. (wraitii's approach seems to be in the nice direction)http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19650&p=304957 - AO factor that is calculated as multiplied mode!Right now I think it's overlayed?? The thing is that AO now needs a neutral grey where we don't want shadows, anything over mid-gray would make the model to be brighter than it should, and that's not very intuitive/useful. The common practice is to have a greyscale image, where the full white doesn't affect the texture at all, and full dark makes the texture almost black. -Being able to set the specularity intensity per-model basis.This would allow to increase/decrease the specularity intensity without having to alter the specmap and have control over objects with "full specularity" (those are objects that do not use a specmap to drive the intensity but have specular shader) - Double-sided geometry option per-model basis.This would come in handy with foliage meshes. A tag in the actor .xml would determine if it should render both sides of the triangles. Also would make possible a translucent shader. - Translucent shader.The fake and cheap (but good looking) way to fake subsurface scattering on leaves/flora. This normally uses an additional map which is normally a very bright and saturated diffuse which is shown at the opposite side of the face that is receivig direct light. This makes flora look much better when being lit and avoids hard contrast shadows when looking at non-lighted flora geometry planes (there is a nasty trick used now for farms that is make the flora to be less affected by shadows, but it looks weird in night-lighting maps) Example: <texture file="gaia/leaves_diffuse.png" name="baseTex" UV="2" blend="mix" order="2" tiling="no"/><texture file="gaia/leaves_translu.png" name="transTex" UV="2" blend="mix" order="2" tiling="no"/>
    2 points
  6. That head movement. Remembers me of this Which reference did you use to make the animation? The references I've found shows the boar moving like this: rear left - front left - rear right - front right instead of opposite back/front legs at the same time, which looks weird/cartoony. Not two legs make a front step at the same time. Also at the end of the loop, you can detect the interpolation line to "ease out" making the motion to lower its speed before starting again.. Here's an example, notice the order of the feet in the steps:
    2 points
  7. Well, they can have both simple techs and more interesting techs, just like the whole game. In my mod I give all mercs 0 pop cost, but they gather at Elite citizen-soldier rates (half the speed of Basic rank citizen). Carthage gets the most mercs of course, but Ptolemies are 2nd. Mercs could also be more intersting if capturable Merc Camp idea finally implement.
    2 points
  8. Carhage supposed to have good trading, so metal should not be in short supply if trade caravan establish. Looking at game design and knowing history, I think this is what was intended.
    2 points
  9. This is very easy to change, here is the current AO calculation in the model_common.fs shader: vec3 ao = texture2D(aoTex, v_tex2).rrr;ao = mix(vec3(1.0), ao * 2.0, effectSettings.w);ambColor *= ao;So it is interpolating between 1 and twice the AO value according to the effect parameters in the material. That result is then multiplied with the previously calculated ambient color. I think you could even open that shader in Notepad++ (even while the game is running) and experimentally modify those lines, e.g. taking out the "ao = mix(vec3(1.0), ao * 2.0, effectSettings.w);" line.
    2 points
  10. Hi guys. I don't think berry bush need recolored if terrains reworked. Here, I take stan's terrains and add more variaton and color edits and spec maps and yadda yada. I think game does not need to get rid of the highly detailed terrains, but what I think the game need to do is use those high def terrains for punches of detail, like terrain eyecandy. Most of the map or the "base" terrain would be a more muted and less contrast terrain or set of terrains as you see here. You see the "bushy" terrains still exist, but more like eye candy:
    2 points
  11. NOTE: SVN COMPATIBLE ONLY. WILL NOT WORK WITH ALPHA RELEASES. Hi guys. I am looking for some beta testers for my mod that overhauls a lot of the game. It's not a super open beta because I use some placeholder icons for techs from the Age series and other source. I also use some interesting music just for fun. Anyway, the important thing is the rebalance and almost completely new technology tree with ideas from this forum. Also, it is not yet complete to the plan because the game itself is incomplete, but it is mostly complete and playable and is a lot different from the basic version of the game. Post here or PM me for the git download. DELENDA EST: An overhaul mod for 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant OVERVIEW This is an overhaul mod for 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant. Its goal is to introduce a new balance scheme, a revamped and greatly expanded technology tree, and other customizations to the game. The mod endeavors to push the game's modding capability to the fullest and to make the gameplay as enjoyable and as rich as possible. Keep in mind: - This mod is incomplete. Not every new planned technology or gameplay change has been implemented yet. - Many of the planned changes rely upon new features being implemented into the core game or engine. - This mod can be used to encourage those new features being implemented either by modders, open-source contributors, or official WFG team. Major unimplemented Features that this document assumes will eventually be implemented: - Formations: This mod re-enables the old formations from Alpha 16 and before. Once these are reimplemented by the official WFG team, it is planned to revamp them completely for this mod. - Trample: Some cavalry are planned to be better tramplers than others, so their stats would be adjusted accordingly. So, until Trample is implemented by the team or by modders some Cavalry stats may be wonky. - Charging/Charge Bonus: Like Trample, this would affect Cavalry stats immensely, and it is hoped that this is eventually implemented in the game. - Mercenary Camps: This mod starts the process of making Mercenaries a unique class of soldier for the game. It is hoped that either the official team or modders will implement the capturable Mercenary Camp idea talked about on the forum. - Building Capturing and Unit Conversion using a "Loyalty" mechanic: Some techs in this mod cannot be implemented yet (or are implemented in a different way) because capturing and loyalty are not implemented. Hopefully this feature is implemented so this mod can add another layer of richness to the gameplay. - Tech and Aura Modifications: These new modifications need to be implemented for this mod to reach its full potential: Altering Market Bartering recovery rates, Altering technology costs and speeds, (+ others here). MAJOR OVERALL CHANGES - Completely new unit balance and countering. - A new 4th Phase: Imperial Phase, which unlocks major technologies and abilities. Requires 1000 Metal and 1 Wonder. - Civic Centers are now buildable in the 3rd Phase (City Phase). This allows the players time to build up home defenses in Town Phase, or use the stone for a push to City Phase for expansion. - Now only Civic Centers and Wonders cast territory effects. Outposts and Economic stuff like Storehouses, Farmsteads, and Fields can be built outside territory, but buildings like Houses, Barracks, etc. can only be built within the player's territory. This creates strong cores of cities and makes the countryside weak and hard to defend. Also encourages building walls. - A completely redesigned technology tree, customized for each civilization. Blacksmith and Fortress trees are especially new. - Naval gameplay revamped with a Shipyard for the non-barbarian civs. Docks are for naval economy and Shipyard for naval warfare. - New special buildings, such as the Temple of Vesta for the Romans, with new auras and features. - Wooden defense towers available in Phase I can be upgraded to stone defense towers in Phase II, complete with visual change in appearance. - Corral is much more useful. What is Broken - Celtic Rotary Mill aura for Britons and Gauls. For some reason I cannot make the aura work, even though the code is visually correct. - Units trained in batches and rally-pointed to a resource or foundation will go to the rally point and will not begin gathering or building. They will just stand there instead. This is an old bug reintroduced somehow. - Some Fortresses cannot have enough space for garrisoned units to show up on the walls. Some Fortress models may need redesigned for this purpose. - Units show up on the Fortress battlements, regardless of type (female citizens and cavalry units how up on top of Fortresses when they garrison inside). There needs to be a way in the templates to dictate what types of units show up on the VisibleGarrison points ("Infantry Ranged" for example). - Cost.BuildTime effect for auras is broken. This specifically neuters the "Delian League" team bonus for Athenians and the "Naval Architect" aura for Themistocles. - I'll add more things here as I come across them. Screenshots NEW UNIT BALANCE The unit balance has been changed. The following list gives the basic changes, including features like charging that are not yet implemented in the full game. Melee Citizen-Infantry Ranged Citizen-Infantry CITIZEN CAVALRY STATS - Penalty: Horse Cavalry 0.5x vs. Elephants and Camels - Penalty: Camel .80x Speed - Bonus: Camel 1.5x vs. Horse Cavalry - Speed (walk/run/charge): 1.5x Infantry Counterparts Melee Citizen-Cavalry Ranged Citizen-Cavalry Other Melee Units Other Ranged Units Citizen-Soldier Ranks/Promotions Champions Mercenaries CIVILIZATION BONUSES AND CHANGES The specific bonuses and changes for each civ. Changes from vanilla 0 A.D. or additions will have an asterisk (*). Athenians Team Bonuses: - "Trade Alliances": Sea Trade +33% trade profit over ‘international’ routes between allies. NOT IMPLEMENTED. Civ Bonuses: - "Trademasters": Merchant Ships available at Village Phase.- "Double Harbor": The Carthaginian Shipyard is larger and has double the health of other shipyards, but costs 50% more.- "Mercenary Army": The Carthaginians have access to 3 different structures which can train mercenaries, who cost no population room. Special Buildings:- Celtic Embassy: Train Celtic mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries.- Iberian Embassy: Train Iberian mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries.- Italiote Embassy: Train Italian mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries. Notable Technologies:- "Triple Walls of Carthage": Stone Walls 3x health, 2x build time, +50% cost.*- "Colonization": Civic Centers, Houses, and Temples -20% build time.- "Exploration": Ships and Traders +25% vision range.- "Numidian Mahouts": War Elephants +20% speed.*- "State-Issued Armor": Extra armor for temple champions.*- "Sacred Arsenal": Temple champions -20 metal cost.*Gauls Team Bonuses: - "The Silk Road": Land Traders +25% speed for allies.* NOT IMPLEMENTED. Civ Bonuses: - "A Hundred Nations": +10% Population Cap bonus (e.g., 330 instead of 300).- "Royal Road of Susa": Land Traders +25% Profitability per trip. Special Buildings:- Apadana: Train Persian heroes and Anusiya ("Immortals") champion infantry. Research additional special technologies.- Cavalry Stables: Train cavalry units and research cavalry upgrades. Notable Technologies:- "Hall of One Hundred Columns": All structures +25% health, but also +10% build time.*- "Nisean War Horses": Cavalry units +20% health, but also +10% train time.- "Immortals": Anusiya -50% train time, but also -10% health.- "Cyrus Cylinder" ("Human Rights"): Support Units -25% train time.* PLANNED: +50% Loyalty for support units and buildings.- "Equine Transports": Triremes unlock the ability to train cavalry units.- "Archery Tradition": Archer units +10% faster firing rate, train time reduced -25%, but health reduced -10%.- "Elephant Roundup": Unlocks training War Elephants at the Fortress.* PLANNED: Unlock ability to corral wild elephants. Future Wish List:- Toggle ability at the Apadana between Satrapy Tribute (a trickle of free resources) or Immortals (a stream of free Anusiya).Ptolemies Team Bonuses: - "Peloponnesian League": Allies can train Spartiate champion infantry. NOT IMPLEMENTED. Civ Bonuses: - "Othismos": Spartans can make use of the Phalanx formation without researching a technology. NOT IMPLEMENTED: TECHS UNLOCKING FORMATIONS.- "Laws of Lycurgus": Infantry rank promotion upgrades cost no resources, except time.*- "Spartan Womanhood": Spartan women cannot be captured (CAPTURING NOT IMPLEMENTED) and they can build Defense Towers and Palisades.- "Hellenization": Building a Theatron special building increases territory effect for all buildings +20%. Civ Penalties:- "A Wall of Men": Spartans cannot build Stone Walls for defense.- "Underdogs": The maximum population cap is reduced -10% for Sparta. Special Buildings:- Syssition: Train Spartan heroes and Spartiate champion infantry. Research additional military technologies.- Theatron: Build one to unleash the "Hellenization" bonus. Notable Technologies:- "Tyrtean Paeans": All units +10% walk speed.*- "The Agoge": Barracks +5 Population Cap and +1000 Health.- "Feminine Mystique": Female Citizens +50% Health, +2 Attack.* Future Wish List:- Needs some coding, but I would like to make the "Othismos"tech give Hoplites and Spartiates a minor "pushing" or "trample" effect.MISCELLANEOUS ADD-ONS
    1 point
  12. Modified Oryx model, and voila, an Auroch. I think. Fewer references than usual (as could be expected as they died out a few hundred years ago). This is the Auroch cow:
    1 point
  13. We got a name suggestion via email, so I thought I'd start up this topic already
    1 point
  14. Here is my modification of the "Survival of the Fittest"-map. I dont think its yet done especially in terms of balancing, yet I would very much appreciate you testing it and submitting your ideas here For all who do not know this map: You start with a base with no resources, and a woman in a valley in the middle, where treasures (resources) are lying around. Collect the resources, and build up your city to prepare for the soldiers, that will attack you after some time. More (and stronger) soldiers and treasures are spawned, until only one player is left standing, who will be the winner. Changelog: Have fun I will update this as soon as I commit more changes. (Updated: 17.03.2015) The zip file contains the map files, it needs to be unpacked to 0ad/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/random. You can also download it from http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3102 Regards, NiAypa SurvivalOfTheFittest_NiAypa_2.zip
    1 point
  15. Two new maps incoming for the series of Carthaginians campaign... Hope you like it map_The_Fall_Of_Trapani.zip map_The_Rebellion_Of__Mercenaries.zip
    1 point
  16. Maybe you could improve a little more the terrain, to make it more realistic, it seems like a lot of squares and linear shapes and perhaps add bushes/rocks around. Btw, it would be cool if you garrison some archers in those walls.
    1 point
  17. Would you mind coming to the chat? It's easier to explain these things live. https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.quakenet.org/0ad-dev
    1 point
  18. Siege of Syracuse (214-212 BC), lots of interesting stuff. Resulted in the death of Archimedes who built some siege weapons to defend the city.
    1 point
  19. Enrique, I think it good to get interest level from artists on each feature to see what could be potential priotiry. Because why have programmer spend time implementing XYZ Uber Mapping if no artist has interest of making art for that feature. Just an example. So it would be good if all the active aetists and modders throw their 2 rubles into the caldron and see what they are interested in working on. Take coordination too if you want good results with these new feature. AO maps going to multiply is easy like Ben B say, so that can be done super quick (but will need adjustment of the many AO maps already in game). Other things like transparent palm tree leaves seem less important in an RTS (tho still cool to have). LOD system seems far and away the most useful to have but also seem like the most hard to implement. Someone must be ambitious and implement it. With LOD some interesting changes can be made with zoom feature definitely (zoom in would pan up and zoom out can pan down, stull like that, with minimal lag time due to artwork only optimized for 1 zoom).
    1 point
  20. Lion: Could we have it so that it the x,y axis is central in the mesh, please. Because at the moment your mesh is being rendered off-centre. I'll update the obstruction values once the mesh sits in the middle of it. neiktb: We were previously using the macedonian ram and the persian stables as placeholders. The new ram is identical to the placeholder but with different shield props. (If you'd already worked this out, then my apologies for telling you something you already knew )
    1 point
  21. Well, if I hadn't of pointed out to Mythos_Ruler that limiting the embassies to one greatly favored the train time reduction techs, then it just would have been the other way around. Of course, I favor train the time reduction techs instead of the metal cost reduction techs, because as long as I have health metal production, metal cost reduction is less important.
    1 point
  22. That looks quite nice! It really helps the game objects to stand out. I'd love to hear what Enrique, Pureon, and others think of it. Also would a side-by-side comparison be possible?
    1 point
  23. I would like to receive suggestions, even if the suggestions is the name of the map. Those maps are a WIP. Why im creating a post with unfinished maps? - I want more suggestions. i'll be nice if someone does. - If you like my maps and you want to suggest a map, post it! - I already know i have placed a lot( but a lot!) of objects, i will remove them, and i have a lot of work to do with terrain colors to replace it. Fjords.zip Hills fort.zip
    1 point
  24. Actually that 'market' you see in the images are just some Persian tents that I placed around. I'm glad it looks so good that you all mistook it for a real building
    1 point
  25. Hello Kicking_Bird, It's great all this theory of design, we'll put it in good use. However, the part that you seem to be missing it's the global picture, I'll explain: This project started among people who loved history. And one of its big focus was unsurprisingly, historical accuracy. While not focusing on selling a game to the masses, they designed the game that they wanted to play based on their design points (which were more than historical accuracy ofc) the fact that it is liked by many and have several fans is a plus and consecuence that they had a nice idea. Some will like it for their historical accuracy, some for the gameplay, etc. While it is very easy to find things to improve upon a specific model look, it is harder to find a solution which encompass the historical point of design in it. Let's take as example as you did the persian civilization. Have you researched how the buildings looked? have you tried to absorb which were their main characteristics to make an accurate model? Guess what, they were quite blocky: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b5/Persepolis_vue_d'oiseau_Chipiez.jpg (copy and paste on the browser or it doesn't show in chrome) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/2009-11-24_Persepolis_02.jpg http://www.cais-soas.com/CAIS/Images2/Achaemenid/Persepolis/PersepolisWallCollapsing4.JPG http://www.tourismplaceinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Persepolis-Iran-Attraction.jpg What you see on the current structure designs is based on the artists efforts to make a close representation of how the civilization would look. Sure it is easy to say, hey look! forgetting about history you can make the game follow better the principles of design!. While maintaining the game's design points and improve its visual read is a much harder task. Also, based on the game's design is the task of making each civilization to show traits of uniqueness between its set of structures, reflecting that they're part of a culture, which is unique to the rest of them in the game. Persians have blocky buildings, romans have a more delicate architectural feeling, mauryans had they curved roofing, etc. While we're looking for a different feeling for each civilization that reflect it's culture, we want to have similar layouts for the different type of buildings in the game. So the players know the function of the structure regardless of the civ they're playing. This improves readability a lot, and helps the artist to balance this with silhouette's readability. (And if I may add, your house design silhouette does not improve the problem you were pointing about current silhouettes, but I know it's a wip I'll wait until final) So yeah, we're not scrapping one of the design pillars of 0AD just because one (or 100 tbh) person think it's boring and we'll welcome anyone who wants to improve the game following its theme. TL;DR: Easy to make cooler models that the ones in the game if you scrap several game's design choices, Harder to make them following the game's design.
    1 point
  26. Thanks Lion we will talk on PM. Giotto I send you link. Some other things I have recently added: Farmland, still work in progress (and it is a hack). Takes time to add to all skirmish maps. Can test it out easily on Sandbox-Romans map and in a match on Greek Acropolis and Siwa Oasis. Build farm field on farmland terrain to get 2x gather rate. Civic Center and Temple have a farming penalty aura too "Civic Spaces".City Walls aura around civic center: Walls get 2x health if built within aura of civic center, are much weaker when not in aura.Build wooden defense towers in village phase and upgrade them to stone tower in town phase.Upgade Roman army camp to a civic center in Imperial Phase - Colonia Romanorum.Upgrade Ptolemy and Selucids military colonies to civic centers in Imperial Phase - Katoikia (ptol), Tetrapolis (sele).Since particle is now fixed, I might experiment with sand storm reducing vision range and attack range of unit. I might also make an experiment with Celts and Iberians getting battle bonus within trees.
    1 point
  27. Definitely wish the official game would have as many techs as this.
    1 point
  28. Thanks for the color variation suggestion Wijitmaker , I thought about multitexture before, but this way is efficient too (it's not player color, but object color). So I kept those colours variations for the male auroch : <group> <variant name="chocolate"> <colour>98 83 78</colour> </variant> <variant name="roan"> <colour>242 219 164</colour> </variant> <variant name="liver"> <colour>172 117 98</colour> </variant> </group> It's quite subtle once in game (compared to cow which are only brown at this time) How the textures look like : I also encoutered a seam problem with the UVs, but since I feel to lazy to unwrap it again , I googled and found this awesome technique : http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/1800/completely_eliminate_texture_seams_.php PS: I just find the tail a bit too thick, even seen from top view, but it's not significant.
    1 point
  29. Hehe, I was working on the same civ too!
    1 point
  30. I have added the Thebans to my mod for those with the link and who wish to try them out. They are about 98% done. All I need to do is change the hero actors to be more unique, make a rally flag texture, edit some of the unit actors (change helmets, shields, etcc) and hmm, maybe a few more unique technologies (I am taking suggestions here). They have a siege workshop like the Macedonians, but unlike the Macks they have the fire raiser siege weapon I found in the game. I changed it a bit to work better too, kind of like a iberians fireship. Thebans get the Sacred band hoplite and Thespian black cloaks already in the game. The one unique tech I have for them so far is "Boeotarch" which greatly improves hero health. After I complete the Thebans I will try to add prop placements for the rest of the Fortresses. I may call for help in scripting to make only range infantry show up when garrisoned.
    1 point
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