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  1. I attached the files, texture is included. white_rhino.zip
    4 points
  2. What I got fiddling around: It's kind of a hack right now but if you like the effect I can make it work better and put it in-game after A18 is released. Current system can tint the skybox so it looks perhaps more realistic (could probably be made to only color rays that look towards the ground). I also use an optional fresnel so you can make it fully chrome or only reflective at sharper angles. Edit: yup. Can probably look right on maps where terrain won't change color much.
    3 points
  3. Hmm, I think we set off on the wrong foot, mostly due to language, which is a pity, since the things pointed out seem to be correct (though I'm a true programmer and have no artist eye at all). kicking_bird, I think it would be best to convince us by creating a mod with some modified textures. Either replacing/modifying existing textures (if they fit in the same context), or making new textures that can be used on new maps. If you want more help on how to create a mod, please join the #0ad-dev chatroom on quakenet: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.quakenet.org/0ad-dev It's easy to merge mod stuff into the main game, so it's not because you're starting as a mod that it won't get included in the main game. Mods are just a good way to showcase new things.
    2 points
  4. Can everybody chill out ? Making this a flame war is not going to help, at worst we will make a good artist, might is opinions be a bit too clear, leave. And that's not what we want. @wow I bet licking_bird is a typo ? So lets make it constructive. Please. I submitted four textures. Let's take everybody advice into account (not flat, no big noise, not too light) and make something good.
    2 points
  5. Yup. I wasn't expecting any of this to be easy, and (unfortunately) I am suggesting there is a lot of work to do (and re-do). I will advise against working in a vacuum; Upload the mesh screenshots as soon as that is finished. Or even better, upload it when you feel you have the basic shapes down. I believe we are quite good at giving out constructive critisicm in this forum (think of it as tough love). Tweaking the model based on feedback early and there would have been very little to do, and now, ouch. I can't help but to feel like a as$hole to suggest changing something, because I know it was a lot of work at this point. As for polycount, yes. I make my models of higher polycount than what the typical zoom-level in gameplay calls for, for several reasons: 1. It's a bit of future-proofing. Mid-poly today? Low poly tomorrow! 2. If there is ever any LOD support or anything like that, It's a lot easier to collapse nodes (I made a small test of collapsing some edges, and I got it down to 350 triangles: ) without noticeable loss of detail (at this zoom-level) 3. In the end, the difference in polycount (300 triangles or so) is probably less to that of a single palm-tree in the background. Unless there is a rhino stampede (which would be awesome), there is not really any impact on the game. 4. A bit of eye-candy doesn't hurt when you zoom in!
    2 points
  6. I'd like to write a single player campaign set between the first and the second Punic War, with historically accurate missions and geographically accurate maps, I'm working on a demo map to represent the battle of Hannibal Barca in the city of Sagunt in Spain... It may be a good Idea to have a little introduction in form of comic to every mission I can write the script for it. It would be a great way to learn history! what you think about it? how can I share the map when i finish? is there someone who wants to cooperate?
    1 point
  7. Hey there, congrats in advance for the next release! I've been following the work done and I find it impressive already. Now, that's funny. I'm sure you already thought about it, but isn't it possible to simply push to another branch instead of waiting a week or two? Especially on SVN, where conflicts can be harder to deal with AFAIK. Just pointing this out, in case it may help about earning some time and pain here. Best regards,
    1 point
  8. Let´s wait for the weeken ´d we ´ll have a nice surprise Ibelieve.
    1 point
  9. Ok i see. Thanks for the criticism i'm still a beginner so criticism like this helps me improve alot. But i don't know how much i wanna redo i have already spend so many hours on this rhinoceros. :/
    1 point
  10. As fabio said, I had to add ETC2 texture compression, because 0 A.D.s uncompressed textures are way too big and they don't fit in memory (my devices have 2gb of ram). GLES 3 is mandatory only for Android (because ETC2 is mandatory in GLES3), but if you use Android you can still use GLES2. Actually if you are using KTX (check my repo, ktx branch) instead of DDS you can compress the textures using any compression your device supports. You just need to provide a simple script that compress the textures and put them in a KTX container. The beauty of using KTX is that the KTX header contains everything the engine needs to use textures, so you don't need to change a single line in the engine . It can, but somebody needs to find a workaround for OES_mapbuffer I hope after alpha 18 will be shipped, developers will have more time to focus on GLES/Android.
    1 point
  11. Wowgetoffyourcellphone: just because programming needs doing doesn't mean that other improvements cannot be made at the same time. If you don't know how to program but do know how to make good art then it seems a no-brainer to wait for a while.
    1 point
  12. Actually it was ready to release at the end of last week but we had to fix two last-last minute bugs that made us repackage the game twice (and packaging takes hours, plus we have to coordinate the packaging to be able to upload the RCs, in a word it takes days). Currently the RC3 is available here: http://releases.wildfiregames.com/rc/0.0.18-rc3/ If nobody finds a bug in it we can release, everything else is ready. We're really sorry for the time it takes, we're also a bit tired of waiting because we can't push modifications to the game during the meantime!
    1 point
  13. Here is quick mod I make tonight. http://www.filedropper.com/terrestrium It include 5 edited alpine grass texture and new XMLs and a couple of material. Include also is map for that screenshot. Mod is called Terrestrium in mod select.
    1 point
  14. @Gusseb, What if I textured/UVmapped the rhino ? @Micket hey, nice, how did you collapsed it ? If I make the texture for the high poly, and collapse it I'll have two textured models.
    1 point
  15. http://youtu.be/kLwBJqBC5bs
    1 point
  16. Hey Licking_bird! How about you take my advice in your other thread and actually make some textures and a mod folder to show people what can be achieve? If you don't do that, then you just sound like a jerk. I sound like a jerk a lot but at least I am active in trying to mod the game and give alternative. What have you done excep make asss of yourself? This here is very bad example if you want people follow your lead. The texture you made is atrocious and bland like Stalin's living room carpet. At least the texture you criticisze has character. This game is not The Sims. The problem in the game's texture is too much contrast. Yours is blur like snot.
    1 point
  17. The game is very near the release. The theoretical release date is when there is a freeze in adding more features, then there is a testing phase. This one has been longer to adjust some of the things encountered during the tests. But the game is very near the release. You can expect it this week or next week. Please be patient, this is free software, after all, nobody is paid to do anything, so sometimes, life happens. The common expression is "it will be released when it's ready", and I'm sure everybody wants is as good as possible for the release, so... just a few more days ;-)
    1 point
  18. I like the idea of having a configurable "cooldown" period for sounds, a delay before the sound can be played again, that should cover this bug. It's better handled in the engine because it knows how long the sound will play, but exposing an API for that in scripts would be needlessly messy IMO - or a hack to workaround current behavior. Battle sounds would be more involved, either a limit on how many instances can play simultaneously and/or switching to a different sound set for heated battle (to some extent, playing individual sounds over and over doesn't give the same dramatic impression as well-crafted battle sounds).
    1 point
  19. You're right that terrain Blending in 0 A.D. is an issue, and generally our terrain is not the nicest part of the game. But it turns out that changing it sensibly is not really the easiest thing either, sadly. Our units are slightly difficult to distinguish. This comes sometimes from old models, old textures, similar animations, small props, and also the fact that textures can become quite blurry at a regular zoom level.
    1 point
  20. There is another dimension to this noise topic: Without "noise" the maps don't look natural or organic. Surely a hand trimmed English lawn looks perfect to the eye, but doesn't fit into the game's overall realism. When the goal is to create textures which always work visually a set of low noise textures is good. If the goal is to allow beautiful and realistic scenarios noise or better organic structures are essential. To my eyes the AoE shots above (both) look like cheap plastic. If you carefully work every single tile in a 0AD map, the result looks real and tiling is not an issue. So, I think, the issue is not noise versus no noise, but having textures which look good with maps build in a day and having textures for maps designed in a month.
    1 point
  21. A quick pointer: if you have to preface your argument with "I don't mean to offend anyone", it's because you know very well that you're being rude and offensive. In which situation the sensible thing to do is to calm down and write your thoughts down in a concise, efficient, argumentative manner. People will not take you seriously otherwise. Indeed I have no idea what you are trying to say with this post except perhaps "this game is ugly and you guys suck" which I am quite certain is not constructive.
    1 point
  22. Hooray I got it to glow, it looks like postproc = true was the culprit. Thank you very much for helping me figure that out:
    1 point
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