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  1. Well, i'm starting to make new animations for every type of unit in the game. It's a slow work so i'll be uploading every progress on the animation proposal. if something doesn't look good or can be improved please tell me, that's why i made this topic. FEMALE CITIZEN
    5 points
  2. Looks really good so far, your work is great!
    2 points
  3. Also don't forget the fishing ship anim (Ptolemies) Keep it up. As Enrique said glad someone is working on anims. keep it up
    2 points
  4. Agree on wow. Nowhere in history are rams effective against infantry. They are not tanks.
    2 points
  5. I don't see a good reason for rams to attack soldiers at all.
    2 points
  6. Se ven geniales. El de minerĂ­a se le nota el esfuerzo al levantar la pica(Me parece realista) y el de sembrado esta perfecto. Pero el de walk ready y run ready se ven como algo roboticos, los brazos deberian verse mas relajados, no?
    1 point
  7. I think roman scorpion is overpowered. It has too much attack and range. It looks a World War I machine gun.
    1 point
  8. Seeing as the question asked in this topic has been answered, and because this topic has brought a lot of unnecessary stuff I'm closing it. Please try and use a nicer tone in the future, and that goes for everyone.
    1 point
  9. No need to start brawling, Brad, no need to. I'm not really eager to invest my precious time if you're acting like that... (Just saying) Anyway, if you just had looked up in the Ubuntu Software Center you'll notice a dropdown by the version number:
    1 point
  10. Where are the walk ready and run ready anims for? I can't remember them being used...
    1 point
  11. I recommend you look at videos of peoiple doing these things.
    1 point
  12. I made a horse animation sometime, but every animal has their own moves and references. It's a little bit dificult, depends on the animal but nothing that i can't learn in a couple of days And yes, maybe the walk move it's too much exagerated. But that's why i made this topic, any advice will be apreciated
    1 point
  13. I've played against Lord with this build, I saw Lord with this build, it's a very good one ! Very original and agressive way to play, it will surprise many players.
    1 point
  14. The only thing I could see is making it garisonnable, and therefore allowing units as turrets to attack melee/ranged.
    1 point
  15. I have a few suggestions myself. First, it would be good to have walls be cheaper since they are rarely effective at the moment. If players would like their wall turrets firing arrows and potentially ballista shots later, that should be an upgrade. Having walls cost hundreds of stone is ridiculous balance-wise and Age of Kings recognised this problem. Next, archers generally should not be as effective as they are. Historically they were actually nothing that decisive in most battles and their role should most likely be limited to supporting infantry. Persia also is depicted having very good archers, but I see no historical basis for that. If there is any bonus they should have, it should be in rapid deployment. Third, blacksmith upgrades should not be generalised with melee infantry upgrades being with ranged as it makes little logical sense. For that matter, having them cost food seems obscure to say the least. With food there may as well be stone added.
    1 point
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