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  1. The first late medieval house for the Japanese way of life. Pour mon Druide de Galois.
    2 points
  2. Not sure if it should go here or with the ROTE threads but here goes anyways... This topic is just to lump in all the art shizzle that needed to be done to help finish this mod. I'll help as much as I can with the concept art department, and if anybody want me to draw anything, gimme a shout! I suppose we still need (correct me if I'm wrong or missing anything): Stable Gate Fortress* Blacksmith Wonder Any possible special buildings Champion Units? More Cavalry? And here I got the Storehouse to get things started: (tried to keep it consistent with existing structures but dunno if I done a good job of it lol) EDIT: A couple of references that might help with modelling:
    1 point
  3. The army of Heraclius' time wasn't much different than the army of Justinian. The difference came when Heraclius established the Theme system in the last year of his reign.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. That'd be great I agree with you Lion. For someone like me it's hard to understand without visuals
    1 point
  6. I would suggest making Petra the default bot in A17. Aegis hasn't been really updated in A16, and Petra seems to me like the most resilient and efficient bot at this point.
    1 point
  7. Well you know, that's fast, just download InnoSetup, find an icon, and the right command to direct to 0AD install directory and you're good.
    1 point
  8. Yeah, it's supposed to represent the evolution of the Roman Skoutatos. The one on the left is 6th century, the one in the middle is 8th century, and the one on the right is 10th century. The shield pattern on the right is actually applicable to all three unit models, but the patterns on the left are not. They all have trousers called Feminalia, which were tight fitting linen trousers (but not like, "tights" tight fitting). The 6th century guy is wearing Braccae, which were looser. I didn't put leg armor (Greaves) on any of them. And chainmail is actually the heaviest of the armors shown. The one in the middle is thick quilted linen (probably at least an inch thick) and the one on the right is Lamellar.
    1 point
  9. Here is a PSD with the effects I use for portraits. sele_infantry_spearman.psd
    1 point
  10. It could be a building to train the champions, like Athens has the gymnasium.
    1 point
  11. i have not decided yet
    1 point
  12. i was noob. It's very common issue the first time.http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18474&p=288481 May be need a visual tutorial, the problem is the programmer believe the instructions are enough but Some of us are more visual.
    1 point
  13. As you can have hundreds of moving units at once (say 300 for both players combined), and a pathfinding calculation can easily take up 20ms (rough estimate). If you want to recalculate the path every half second of game time. Your half second would have a 6 seconds lag. You'd only be able to move 10 units more or less fluently with this. So I don't think this is a viable approach. Instead, we work with a long and a short range pathfinder. The long range calculates the general path. Only taking account of more-or-less static obstructions (a building can always be demolished by the time you pass there, but there's a big chance the obstruction won't have changed). Then we have a short range pathfinder that takes account of the moving obstacles too, and just routes you to the nearest point it gets from the long range pathfinder. Again this is a fixed path, but over a short distance. So even moving units aren't expected to move a lot. If it hits an obstacle, a new path is calculated though. The two pathfinders solution is also a drawback though. The long range pathfinder has to be faster, as it needs to calculate long paths (possibly to the other side of the map). So it's tile based, with quite big tiles. Every tile is marked as passable or not-passable. And it finds it way like that. But that also means the pathfinder doesn't take the obstruction size of the unit it wants to move into account. So sometimes, a tile is marked as passable, but a unit (like a siege ram or ship) can't get there because it's too big. As the short-range pathfinder is ultra precise (doesn't have a grid, and compares and huge amount of possible paths). The short range pathfinder notices the unit doesn't fit through that gap. So the path it calculates becomes a very long path, around that big obstruction. Sometimes so long that the short range pathfinder just gives up (to not cause even more lag), and the units stop. There are solutions to that, by letting both pathfinders use the same grid (more precise than the current long range pathfinder), and they do the compatible passability checks. The short range pathfinder should still be the only one to mind about moving obstructions. It should also be made in a way that units "communicate". I.e. friendly units should let each other pass by going out of the way. As such, the short range pathfinder shouldn't get stuck again. You can always read this pdf to have a more precise overview of our plans for the pathfinder: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/export/15216/ps/trunk/docs/pathfinder.pdf
    1 point
  14. The GUI scripting reference might be helpful. The only feasible way to do a graph with the current system would be by using the <repeat> element with some size manipulations similar to what options.js does during initialization. That said; at best the graph drawing code would be a mess. The best solution would be a C++ extension, but if you aren't familiar with C++ this might work in the mean time.
    1 point
  15. Cavalry skirmishers are only a problem early in the game, then are easily countered. Would you like to make some changes, decrease the attack from 25 to 20, would remove automatic indentation when the enemy comes near, and enhance the lives of 75 women, they are dying for them easily. Sorry my English. And maybe slightly decrease Their speed racing
    1 point
  16. Here's a proposal for the civic center. I also tried to draw a Shinto temple, but it looked @#&#036;%. It should be something like this, but smaller and with a torii in the front : http://www.houseofjapan.com/travel/historic-ise-jingu-gears-up-for-vicennial-big-move
    1 point
  17. Some more sketches: HOUSES: -Model 2 would be the most common (it's also a completly symetrical building), whereas model 1 would be the rarest, since it's a little more complex ( the roof of this one could be of tiles instead of straw, what do you think?). 2 and 3 have straw roof. GUARD TOWER: -Looks like a little castle. TORII -Three cohexisting models.
    1 point
  18. A new major upgrade of Petra AI has just been commited in svn. It features a first version of naval support, as well as some bug fixes. Tests (specially that no regression were introducedfor land maps) would be very usefull. In case of errors, please provide the commands.txt file and the version of your svn build. Concerning naval maps, there are a few known issues - ship combat is not yet implemented (ship are mainly used for transport of armies in oversea attacks) - path finding issues with ships blocking themselves - the placement of defensive structure (tower and fortress) is not adapted for small islands, so the AI rarely built them - carthage does not yet use shipyard, so does not have war ships - trade is quite broken in naval maps - the reaction of the AI to its ennemies actions is still quite dumb Finally, if anybody want to help and improve this AI, all these issues are a good way to start. I can point you to the right file and piece of code if needed.
    1 point
  19. Don't know if they'll be usabe, but here are the concepts for the castle and dojo. Hephaestion, what do you mean about the Chinese civ? The Japanese would work in quite a unique way, though. Is there a plan for Chinese faction(s)?
    1 point
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