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    • I have received reports of Feldmap generating maps with the same seed. I also observed the issue myself. I investigated it, and I believe this is a bug of A27, unrelated with feldmap. I wrote a report here https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/issues/7632 If you have this issue, as a temporary fix, it should be enough to delete your `matchsettings.mp.json`. See here to find where this file is located: https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/GameDataPaths and follow "For user config and logs" (example: ~/.config/0ad/config) If you see lyx in the lobby, please tell him that he can also fix his issue (Survival of the Fittest script in unrelated maps) by deleting his `matchsettings.mp.json`. The problem will appear again after starting a multiplayer saved game as a host. So after doing that, you should delete that file again. I may eventually write a (potentially hacky) fix, in a separate mod, but no guarrantee.
    • Ah I thought pretty much all pikeman didnt carry shield?  they were two handed weapons? I guess they could kinda of have a smaller one on their forearm or something.
    • Thebes and the Boeotian League, from Britannica: Boeotia and Boeotian Confederacy, free article on the Oxford Classical Dictionary: Other sources on their history: Boeotia, on Livius: https://www.livius.org/articles/place/boeotia/ Thebes and Boeotia in the Fourth Century B.C. by S. C. Bakhuizen, on JSTOR : https://www.jstor.org/stable/1192571 Subdivisions of the Boeotian Confederacy after 379 BC by J. Rzepka, on academia: https://www.academia.edu/download/61549003/Rzepka_Subdivisions_of_Boeotian_Confederacy.pdf The military policy of the Hellenistic Boiotian League by Ruben Post, on McGill University: https://escholarship.mcgill.ca/concern/theses/z316q5029 Thebes, the Boeotian League, and central Greece: political and military development and interaction in the fourth century BC by M.S. Furman, on St Andrews university: https://research-repository.st-andrews.ac.uk/handle/10023/12254 A history of Boeotia by R.J. Buck, a 220 pages book.   The flamethrower of the Boeotians (5th c. B.C.) It was the first flamethrower in history and was first used by the Boeotians in the Peloponnesian War for the burning of the Dilion/Delium walls. It consisted of a scooped out iron-bound beam (ripped at length and reconnected) that had a bellow at the user’s end and a cauldron hung from chains at the other end. A bent pipe from the airtight orifice of the beam went down into the cauldron which contained lit coal, sulphur and pitch (tar). With the operation of the bellow, enormous flames were created that burned the wooden walls and removed their defenders. Later it was used for the offence of stone fortifications causing cracks in the stones because of the high temperature and the parallel infusion of vinegar, urine or other erosive substances in them. Thucydides, 4, 100: [1] The Boeotians presently sent for darters and slingers from [the towns on] the Melian gulf; and with these, and with two thousand men of arms of Corinth, and with the Peloponnesian garrison that was put out of Nisaea, and with the Megareans, all which arrived after the battle, they marched forthwith to Delium and assaulted the wall. And when they had attempted the same many other ways, at length they brought to it an engine, wherewith they also took it, made in this manner: [2] Having slit in two a great mast, they made hollow both the sides, and curiously set them together again in the form of a pipe. At the end of it in chains they hung a cauldron; and into the cauldron from the end of the mast they conveyed a snout of iron, having with iron also armed a great part of the rest of the wood. [3] They carried it to the wall, being far off, in carts, to that part where it was most made up with the matter of the vineyard and with wood. [4] And when it was to, they applied a pair of great bellows to the end next themselves, and blew. The blast, passing narrowly through into the cauldron, in which were coals of fire, brimstone, and pitch, raised an exceeding great flame, and set the wall on fire, so that no man being able to stand any longer on it, but abandoning the same and betaking themselves to flight, the wall was by that means taken. [5] Of the defendants, some were slain and two hundred taken prisoners; the rest of the number recovered their galleys and got home. More details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Delium https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Boeotian_flame_thrower,_5th_century_BC,_Greece_(model).jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Boeotian_Flamethrower.png The Boeotian League is also known to have implemented military reform during the Hellenistic period. One of the source supporting this is the Great Stele of Thespiai, from which there are mentions of peltophorai (phalangites), an Agema (elite troops unit inspired from the Macedonian army), epilektoi (elite troops, either hoplite like or peltast like), pharetritai (archers), sphendonatai (slingers). In addition we need to add thyreaphoroi/thureophoroi and traditional hoplitai who are mentioned in other sources. It is also very important to highlight how the Boeotian League and Thebes implemented a lot of training for their troops, from their confrontation with Sparta which also inspired them and their imitation of Athens which developed the Ephebeia. The institutions of Ephebeia and Gymnastikós (gymnastics) were promoted, amplified and strengthened. Xenophon tells us that “all Boiotians exercised under arms” and Plutarch that the Boiotians became famous for “the attention they paid to exercise”. Diodorus also said, when Alexander the Great’s Makedonian troops attacked the Thebans during their revolt in 335, they were still “superior in bodily strength on account of their constant training in the gymnasium”. Boiotians seem to have been more successful than Athens in making the Ephebeia mandatory. Not only do epheboi and neaniskoi train to fight in formation with a shield, they also train with a bow and javelin and in skirmishing techniques. The young men were assessed during a festival called Pamboiotia, which enabled the troops to demonstrate their individual and collective skills.
    • Checkboxes... that do what? (So players can enter the tutorial from different levels of experience?)
    • I've mentioned this in the past somewhere already, but I fully agree with that. I get the point that citizen soldiers all need to have the more or less the same stats, so that players know what they get when they e.g. train a "Swordsman". (Even though I believe the issue here only lies in not being able to communicate differences in stats to the player very well) But especially for champions there's huge potential for differentiation. I really like, for example, that the Han pikemen have less resistance but deal more damage than Macedonian pikemen - since they don't even carry a shield.
    • Awesome documentary about the Etruscans, check for subtitles and dubbed versions on Arte's website: https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/101362-000-A/les-etrusques-une-civilisation-mysterieuse-de-mediterranee/  
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