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    • From my POV this is the great advantage of the Smart train. @Atrik Do you remember the game we played the other day where Hakunamata constantly attacked my base with cavs? I had my barracks for a long time without producing xD.  And even if I had remembered to produce in them, the vanilla production system is quite inefficient and instead of assigning units to free barracks it stacks units in the same barracks in a somewhat random way. I believe that improving the production system should be a priority in the next version of the game, similar to how it’s done in AOE 2. This way, the advantage of a macro that automatically assigns the batch size according to the available resources and instantly would be mitigated greatly. The advantage of being able to freely maneuver your units instead of having to keep watching where the heck the barracks full of stacked units are is really quite obvious. I have used the smart train several times and my production has improved a lot specially in situations like I mentioned before. Unfortunately, you are also a bit dishonest in this regard. I have rarely heard you mention it as an argument, and instead you argue about your great skill as a player and how you can overcome this difficulty. Something that, while true, somewhat avoids the point in question that, at least I and other players have pointed out to you. I don’t believe the solution is to enter a game as a spectator and start berating yourself. However, I understand the feeling of frustration. Taking extreme positions on either side hasn’t proven to be effective. And it would be nice to reach some common ground. Something that also seems unlikely.
    • Try what I just posted above with the A23 zips. I will try A23 tomorrow as well. 
    • I think this kind of comments from a leading developer is the reason why a bunch of old school players have the feeling that 0ad devs, which are almost never seen in the lobby, live a bit disconnected from reality and disregard players opinions. Here Itms says in a dismissive tone and with categorial certainty that a27 MUST be more preformant than a26 given all the performance improvements released on the latest alpha. Guess what Itms:  For a lot of players a27 performs WAY worse than a26. And devs have been degrading 0ad perceived performance over the years even as computers have been getting more powerful. You should be asking yourself why, instead of denying reality. While a handful of players reported an increase in performance, and some did not notice a change, i would say half or more feel the performance of 27 is worse in 4v4 games. Even veteran players and hosts like Said have expressed they lost a lot of motivation to play 4v4s anymore due to the extreme lag we experience in a27. Chrsgtr went out to say that he thinks this alpha is the one that will kill 0ad due to the lag. Related question: Is there any way i can install alpha23 on linux without recompiling? Any appimage or other source is available. I would love to do some tests, because i am pretty confident I will make some very interesting discoveries of how performance has evolved over the last 5 alphas. Alpha 23 was the last alpha that had 2 turns per second among other things, and the last alpha i remember ran decently well on rather older CPUs. I would appreciate if someone could point me to official executables for linux for alpha 23. I will prob not download a compilation from a random player tho probably, for security reasons. If the official executables are not available, i would also appreciate some instructions on how to compile myself. Thanks.
    • This video below shows you how to re-compile A27 and edit the engine code so that hash is removed. This is exactly what I did this afternoon: By the way welcome to my new channel !  This one is for Linux users. I will look into Windows tomorrow. 
    • I played a lot of games where @BreakfastBurrito_007 was spec and had it off. That's also why he is obviously blatantly lying to fit his narration. My game-play is exactly the same, early 2 cav scouts, often followed by cav or inf rush, high female count in late game etc, often successfully. He will just recall the fails I have even it's a minority of games and that I fail big time all the time with autotrainer at a similar rate ~35%. Basically I know that I need only very short adaptation time to get my brain to make the very interesting part of training units manually then the difference with or without is imperceptible. The limiting factor of economic development is resource balancing and build order. Units can be autoqueued (vanilla) and the efficiency of batching doesn't matter that much (There was even some posts that argued that smaller batch are more efficient, theses posts are simplifying calculation too much but that's another topic). So in any cases, the important parts of what make you successful in a game will be tactics/micro (and build order) and strategy. The small tasks of having to scroll to optimal batch size and re-click production buildings every once in a while are just unimportant frustrations of a limiting UI. It's just my opinion ofc and I respect others as long as you're not dishonest like @BreakfastBurrito_007.
    • As long as it doesn't affect balance and game mechanics, it's fine. Atrik always uses ProGUI so his level is consistent and we can balance him accordingly. We don't know his level if we take ProGUI away from him, but we can easily balance him as of now. Similarly, if you take my cube trees away from me, you will see a 1350 player struggling to put down storehouses. 
    • Y I just had a game with climax lag and 3fps using no hash. Camera and gui were still responsive thoughts. It's clearly bad to play without the oos hash check but i guess most players are desperate for improvements rn
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