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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. using the background wallpaper cataphract as reference, did 2 colour variants of the sele blanket:
  2. This guy needs to use the no shield variant "pers/_cavalry_swordsman_b" @stanislas69
  3. while i was making some new variants for every civs i got the idea of mix all variants on one single file per civ: It worked as this, making a group for every animation variant: so i can highly reduce the number of files if it works whitout errors while testing.
  4. Missing texture on the gladius or.. maybe is a hello kitty unique cheat texture!
  5. pers/chariot_archer_b_h1 and h2 had a wrong "/" position in that group just noticed today in the last uploaded zip.
  6. I agree with @Sundiata wouldn't harm hold a month or two if it can be done, at least stables will fit extremely good with the horses/camels/elephants units update, and siege workshops with the siege infantry animations.
  7. Have to add some effects, fix the triangle's sizes to match and also add the animal if its possible, but just starting: For the trader had in mind something simple like stripes, and make it different for every civ, including their usually patterns. but again, just have started today and have in mind make some quite enough blankets for leave the horse carry only the simple props like straps and decorations, so maybe in a future we can work on a new horses textures for the coming alphas and change the UV.
  8. Updated with the heroes and using some variants, i'll be doing some textures for the blanket to make a difference between cavalry and trader blanket references could help. Horse_new_armor_used.7z
  9. Question, there are units who use only iron textures and other who use only bronze ? for example this two guys, i imagine using iron texture on the peytral of the right guy will be wrong IMO because he have only bronze shield + helmet, and same goes for the left only having bronze helmet while they are others like the sele cavalry archer E wich has bronze helmet but full iron scales armor. If any unit having peytrals or back armor can use both iron&bronze textures i can reduce their actor files and just using the variants bronze and iron, but if they are some units who can't use both then i'll leave as it is now having specific iron and bronze actors.
  10. finally understood why its deleting props in the root when running and death animation that props in the root attachpoint replace anything that uses the same attachpoint so thats why blankets/petrals/armors dissapear when death/runing could be fixed adding the props of the cavalry in the run/death variant props
  11. This guys have no shield or have wrong variant. sele_cavalry_merc and this guy i think didn't have the update of the e_m for mounted actors
  12. if i made a lorica with shoulder decorations (if he use) then it become easier for you
  13. the peytral variants have textures and other have animations, should i made them same as the horse like this variants organization?: Death Gallop Trot Gather_ Carry_ Attack_melee_sword Attack_melee_spear Attack_ranged_bow Attack_ranged_javelin Promotion Attack_capture Trader
  14. @Lion.Kanzen you can use this to paint the marcus roman hero icon ? i could give an armature to give facial expresions and use a helmet (if my pc don't become a hell) but at least with this you can have the base head to start making the painting.
  15. Any use can be given to this ? i was thinking on make a wallpaper but maybe can be rendered into something else, tried to make the guy down there. http://www.romehistory.co.uk/men/menofrome.html
  16. heres updated with the changes of the units actors, including sele chariot armors: Horse_new_armor.7z
  17. this is the greek quiver. files: Greek,Pers quiver.7z
  18. i've made this about a week ago and forgot it:
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