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  1. The challenge then is to differentiate the civilisations. Right now with the exception of a few elephants and the celts naked guy, all the armies are a little too similar and in some cases the AI owns you before you have time to do anything interesting with the blacksmith anyway. Diversity is the mother of complexity. You can't get one without risking the other; ie. over complexity. PS I'm most of the way though the art and modelling guides. Nice writing.
    2 points
  2. I really like both of those ideas. Especially the auto phasing based on building count. It never really made sense to spend resources to advance in phase. Going from a village to a town should just be based on how many or what kind of structures that you have. I think it was just a holdover of the ages from AoK. The blacksmith levels sound very interesting.
    2 points
  3. I've tried to implement two changes in farms, which are available as a mod. 1) the first one is rather cosmetics, it gives to the farm the same ownership as the terrain on which it is. This doesn't change the gameplay as units can already gather from any fields. But this has 3 advantages: - there was no reason for enemy farms in our territory to not switch ownership after we have expanded territory - idle soldiers will no more try to destroy these farms which we could use - that will ease the job of the AI, which currently only tries to gather its own fields 2) the second change tries to make early rushes more efficient in destroying the enemy economics. Currently, an easy defense is to garrison its gatherers in the cc with a few arrows, and wait for it to kill the attackers. As units does not make significant damages to fields, the economy is usually not really affected. The proposed changes is that fields loose health when not worked on, and only regain health (very slowly) when having workers (i.e. they are no more directly repairable). Thus during a rush, if we succeed to kill all gatherers (or make them flee), the field will be severely damaged and eventually destroyed if the attack is long enough. As the goal is really to help rushes in early game, I've also added a tech (irrigation, thus fields need less maintenance) only available in town phase which decreases the health decay when not worked on (there is a temporary icon for it, but if anybody could provide a good irrigation icon, that would be great). Any feedback welcome. newFarms.zip
    1 point
  4. Enrique es jefe de departamento, yo soy colaborador. Aquí todos entramos bajo eso. Cada quien con sus razones. yo por qué quiero ayudar a finalizar este juego. Rara vez se le paga a alguien por mantener el juego en constante desarrollo. Pero no es mucho.
    1 point
  5. You're stating perfecly why cavalry/combat units in general shouldn't be buildable from the freaking Civic Center from the start: - Cavalry can gather huntables everywhere on the map at high speed early on -> no economic drawback of cavalry rush even if you can't harm the enemy economy for some reason - other faction has no time to prepare against cavalry rushing there is no such thing as a "buildorder" that allows foreseeing cavalry rush (compare to a militia/drush in AoE or Late Hero/mass hunts or a ghoul rush in warcraft to put up an example). - compared to unit training times buildings require too long to build up Corrals as requirement would certainly help a bit, but still there is stuff like the gathering on them which breaks the aspect of "rushing" really.
    1 point
  6. The point is that if we talk about 1v1 games and in particular about small maps, you can notice that smaller the map size is, the lower amount of wood is avaiable. Building wooden walls or building towers won't prevent cavalry from rushing. Walls are too expensive and building rate is too low for walling the civic center and protect the food production, at least. This doesn't help against Spear Cavalry rush. Sentry Towers in phase 1 don't deal enough damage for protecting gatherers from Skirmisher Cavalry rush. The sentry tower deals the same damage of an archer and it is pretty easy to destroy or just damage and capture. Garrisoning it isn't worth it because women wouldn't have any soldier protecting them. Probably yes, cavalry could train with an higher time size or just requiring a previously built structure like Corrals.
    1 point
  7. Hola Lion ok vayamos por partes. que puedo hacer con el modelo para ayudarte a que puedas texturizarlo mas facil? Mejor que unirlo todo me pareció (considerando que elo modelo es facil) volver a hacerlo todo en una sola pieza puse el modelo a escala, 0AD usa una escala super diminuta para 3ds max, yo hice las cosas a escala pero a escala real. Lo achique hasta que quedara un poco mas grande que una persona como para que la cubra y sirva como escudo realmente... pero si tiene que ser mas chica vos me decis. te paso una foto Te paso el archivo original en max, uno en 3DS y otro en DAE (no se que hago mal con DAE porque sigo sin poder ver los archivos DAE, sin embargo los archivos 3DS los veo perfecto) cuando decis " En blender que es dónde me defiendo mejor me va dar mucha guerra esta cosa. " te referis puntualmente a alguna parte del escudo? escudo_unido_escalado.3DS escudo_unido_escalado.DAE escudo_unido_escalado.max
    1 point
  8. Today, I tested the latest SVN10307, when I was in the game to allow workers to build a house, the sudden emergence of this error message: ERROR: Error in timer on entity 1, IID89, function DoAction: ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable rand Trigger.prototype.SpawnAndAttack@maps/skirmishes/Gallic Fields (3).js:32:9 Trigger.prototype.DoAction@simulation/components/Trigger.js:297:3 Timer.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/Timer.js:120:4
    1 point
  9. Thanks for reporting it here and in #4510! Fixed, keep on testing!
    1 point
  10. The difference between alpha 20 and 21 was the fact that attackers aren't hurt anymore when the CC / tower arrows miss, which is a good change, but the balancing effect should be reviewed. Raids are very effective right now
    1 point
  11. Actually cavalry rush is already a popular, if not a must in 1v1 games for earning an economy superiority. The idea is interesting but the grainfield is the only non-random generated food income aviable and reducing the intial food amout would result in a game where the players are more dipendent from huntable gaia (considering that even corral usage require enough amount of food). You might want also consider that in order to have a decent amount of food income, women required will be more and they will be harder to protect by garrisoning houses (reason why i proposed a house tech that increases garrisonable units in the houses). Actually spear cavalry (roman and macedonian) rush is the most efficient tactic, and looks like with this grainfield income change it will be even more effective.
    1 point
  12. Yes currently, Class are used for changed limit. Techs are used as limit remover. In fact, using a tech as a limit changer could (perhaps) be replaced by enabling techs to modify entity limits perhaps. Currently it's not yet implemented iirc. See http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/TechModifications (and also http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Technology_Templates and http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Aura_Templates)
    1 point
  13. You need also to add a TrainingRestrictions / BuildRestrictions Category to the limited unit (The one you will use in EntityLimits). That http://svn.wildfiregames.com/entity-docs/ will help you. (not up to date).
    1 point
  14. "only". Search for subtype in r18964 and enjoy. That patch took months to unify these copies of copies of copies of copies of resource definitions. Adding a subtype is considerably less effort than adding an entirely new resource to alpha 21 though.
    1 point
  15. When capturing was introduced by sanderd17, units had no animations at all and were looking like they were idling. The pitchforks was a placeholder used in a later release and then our artists came back
    1 point
  16. I'm still messing around with setting up the economy system - resources, their respective roles and how they interact with each other... Haven't found a way to keep them all while not overcomplicating stuff. It's really hard to do. Many thoughts but nothing that really "combines" them into something unique. I was actually considering to have "earlygame" and lategame resources split up (which would be something like earlygame: food wood iron" and lategame "stone silver" ... But not sure yet. As of unique teching ways: I'm preparing a document launch on the military outline of Greek civs, if you have suggestions I'll gladly pick them up as I'm not 100% sure how to deal with everything yet aswell. Might become something like "best-of-all"...
    1 point
  17. I agree that weapon techs shouldn't be paired with city progression. Instead, unit training should revolve around training levels, similar to like you suggested. Basic, advanced, elite etc. to fit that larger cities were able to field higher qualitiy trained troops. However, There could be additional techs, that don't increase the unit's combat efficiency directly, but makes training them more economic by reducing metal/iron costs for certain unit types. Those could be tied to "advancing" the blacksmith itself. I have something in mind like "capacity increase" or "metallurgy" improvements which allowed in ancient times to produce metal/weapons faster. Additionally, some civs could feature unique techs that allow them to research weapon types that were iconic for the civ, like "Sarissa" for Mace civ to name an example. Or certain types of special steel or whatever.
    1 point
  18. 0 A.D. features each civilization at it's prime.
    1 point
  19. I have been playing rts since AoE1. I knew about the mod in those days. Rediscovered the project last year. And have read through a lot on the forum and that page you linked. I just want to help this game reach its potential faster. but i dont have any necessary skills to aid.
    1 point
  20. I like when terrain is very important and I have to plan how to exploit it best. One thing 0AD does not have that I enjoy is units with unique names that upgrade with experience to become legendary soldiers. Yes, units can gain two levels of proficiency but I would like to see them promoted further and have names so I can keep track of them and build a story around them.
    1 point
  21. The barracks has more units, has techs (perhaps will have more in future). You can build many of them (regarding cost and territory restriction). (And at least the game is still alpha so the barracks could have some other futures). I hope I help answering some of your questions. EDIT: @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded else you can also check at least two mods where only female and spearmen are trained in the cc. It's also an interesting idea.
    1 point
  22. Just for the record, farms were finite prior to Alpha 14 and many players found it a bother to have to replace them (and the indication that the farms had run out was usually that they couldn't train any more units due to lack of food - trust me, that was not a good feeling to have :P).
    1 point
  23. Yeah, it can certainly be done. I'm just saying that in my opinion it doesn't add enough to warrant adding another "building", and that we might want to be careful about adding more buildings in general since there is quite a few without that much difference already.
    1 point
  24. Done! DE = Delenda Est (not a completely serious proposal, just something what inevitable comes to mind, maybe even was already posted somewhere)
    1 point
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