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  2. I don't know if its persistent with anyone else, but I get that error consistently when running the latest AppImage of the release candidate with the mod.
  3. Today
  4. Does everyone get this error? I was able to reproduce it only once, it seems like an issue with the PNG decoder. Have you tried simply reopening the game? And pressing 'suppress' should enable you to resume the game anyway. Good point. The dropdown is an instance of the same class responsible for the civilization selection dropdowns everywhere else in the game (like above the structure tree). And actually, I intentionally hid the automatically created "Civilization:" text. I thought the dropdown was self-explanatory with the context. So, how about showing "Choose you civilization:", but only as long as no civilization is selected? I agree. And adding images inline images is already possible with the TextRenderer by using tags. Plus, I implemented a feature to add "title images" above the articles (where we could show the portraits). The only problems with it I see are: Firstly, I'm not sure where to place it on the page, there's not much free space. Secondly, we don't have images for every article and many articles do not primarily describe one unit or building, I'm afraid some portraits would fail to thematically fit with the texts themselves. Yes, I am aware of that. I tried keeping it in mind while building the page, but I'm pretty sure there will still be some issues of overlapping UI elements on smaller screen sizes. But that won't be very hard to fix. The navigation history is stored in a simple array, so it probably won't cause issues over short periods of time. But I will test it. And I suppose the best solution would probably be to to limit its length to (let's say) 20. (Meaning you can't go back more than 20 times)
  5. Ok thank you ! I only have one week left to do it, so I don't think I will follow this solution. I think I can do this, I just don't know where can I put this timer ? In what file ? Maybe these particules are only a detail, I'm hesitating, it's already working to be honest, I don't know if I will take time for this, because I have a lot of things to do :/
  6. Looking forward to it
  7. @guerringuerrin unless there are other things that should go in this version, I'd say its about a week or 2 out. I thought about doing the roman/athens reworks in the community mod, but I thought the navy should go first, since its a completely new system (so probably needs plenty of balance work).
  8. It looks great! I only made the mockup to inspire and didn't expect the finished product to completely resemble it, but you've already come really close! Again, this is only to inspire and the final layouts and features are up to you guys.
  9. You basically just have to copy all of the portraits from the folders. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset?sfp_email=&sfph_mail=&reponame=&old=27996%40ps%2Ftrunk%2Fbinaries%2Fdata%2Fmods%2Fpublic%2Fart%2Ftextures%2Fui%2Fsession%2Fportraits&new=27996%40ps%2Ftrunk%2Fbinaries%2Fdata%2Fmods%2Fpublic%2Fart%2Ftextures%2Fui%2Fsession%2Fportraits
  10. -We are creating it in phases, the first one has little left to finish.The first phase before September hopefully, whatever @Lopesssays. I hope it is completely finished this year. Sorry for the inconvenience*
  11. @real_tabasco_sauce please DM me when you have a release date for the new patch, so I can add all the modifications to the changelog. If possible, a week or more in advance =). As we talk some time ago, I'm planning to move the Latest Changes button from the Settings to the Main Menu as it will be more noticeable for players. We can re-confirm this in case some of you disagree with that. Thanks for the hard work Note: there is a typo on the button which I've already noticed. (It should say "Latest", insted of "Lastest")
  12. Yesterday
  13. This looks really cool! The featured area of text resembles ancient papyrus. Buttons provide navigation, including forward and backward like a web browser. I can see how it helped to have the mock-up that wowgetoffyourcellphone made. Improvement suggestions based on the video The drop-down box for selecting a civilization is not obvious to a first-time user. I think that it should have a label, like "Choose a civilization: ". An image in an article makes it more interesting and more likely to be read. I wouldn't say it's required to have an image in every article, but I would encourage adding an image here and there. Things to test Ensure that the layout works properly with different screen sizes Ensure that there isn't a stack overflow or other type of error if a lot of page navigation history is accumulated
  14. When do we get to try this mod?
  15. I tried it and got this error: But seriously, what you have in the video looks amazing!
  16. Good news! I have finished encyclopedia GUI page! Functionality has barely changed, but I designed the UI and layout of the page. This included creating various fonts, ornaments, and a lettering as well as multiple new looks for scrollbars, dropdowns, buttons, and much more. Here is a short showcase: screen-recording.mp4 I updated the GitHub repo if anyone's interested in the code and also created a mod for everyone to try out and use, please let me know what you think. Nothing is carved in stone; I'm open to feedback or suggestions. 0 A.D.'s Encyclopedia.zip
  17. @wowgetoffyourcellphone the branch works in a26, I just need some missing portraits, and they are mixed across different revisions, could you send me just the portraits for the naval overhaul?
  18. Buenos días o tardes; Bocetos; Epiro; Reino del Bósforo Disculpen las molestias*
  19. Well, the new one was gonna replace the old one, but I was given the request to not do that.
  20. I just noticed that there is an additional "Isthmus of Corinth" map in Alpha 27. That means we now have four different ones of these maps: Corinthian Isthmus Corinthian Isthmus (2) Corinthian Isthmus (4) Isthmus of Corinth (2) Can we somehow consolidate or rename them, so we don't have these name collisions? There are surely other Isthmen to name maps after.
  21. @wowgetoffyourcellphone it worked except for "Ship Combat Demo.pmp and .xml but this was the only case of spaces being used.
  22. Don't forget you'll need some art as well. Actors, etc. yes, I am quickly finding out how nice the git migration would be XD. I wrote a shell script to move the right files over.
  23. I don't know the state of the art for translations maybe there are options. Maybe in case of such string we could automatically update the translations if possible.
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