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    • Not sure I understand how it is "neo-racism."
    • The new voice acting choose the path of the neo-racism in vogue in mainstream media:  
    • What a wonderful game! That was my favourite RTS as a kid I played on a local server called Ombuserver with a cracked copy I still remember the CD-Key number. It was a famous one, starts with 3630.... The difficulty and learning curve of the games have eased over the years as the gaming industry has changed. This is not something exclusive to RTS games, regardless of the fact that they have always been very complex games compared to other genres. On a visual level, it must be said that the era of pre-rendered graphics has had milestones of beauty and personal style never achieved by the 100% 3D era. Good old days? Maybe.... I think one of the characteristics of 0ad is the scale of its battles, and I think this is something good to highlight and preserve. An army of 100/180 units fighting against another is something epic and remarkable about the game. I think that perhaps the "simplification" could cover other aspects such as the amount of technologies possible to research, the need to unlock units in order to produce them. Aspects that can end up resulting in the player avoiding even trying to produce a specific unit due to the resources and time that he has to dedicate to be able to enable units. Something I've been thinking about and am very curious about is how the dynamics of the game would change if the number of possible units to select were limited. The StarCraft community has always complained about this number being so small when, like 0ad in standard configuration, the maximum production limit is 200 units. However, could this limitation when selecting units substantially modify the dynamics of a huge army moving across the map? What do you think? It must be said that SC 1 had a moment of stagnation in the game's meta when in the end everything came down to massing a single unit and thus winning the game. I don't know if this has changed over time and, although at the top of the competitive field it was very common to see very innovative strategies with tech units that, thanks to their special abilities, could tip the balance to one side or the other, the truth is that at the average level the game's meta ended up being massing a unit before your enemy and overtaking them by taking advantage of the snowball effect after winning the first battle. Some of this snowball effect is also present in 0ad and that's why it's so important not to kill your army because a first defeat on the battlefield will in most cases end with the defeat of that player or the defeat of that edge, speaking of TGs. I think in AOE II this snowball effect is a bit more difficult because of its "hard counter" model, where one can choose to switch to another unit to counter the enemy's unit. In this sense, I think that what we should aim for is to "disarm" or improve the 0ad meta so that not everything is reduced to an economic race in which each player tries to get to a full army, full tech + rams faster to win the battle. I think that at an average level of play it is simpler to stick to an effective strategy than to risk trying innovative things, since, most likely, these will give worse results than the classic boom race. The "fear of failure", in such a small community, with so few hosts and game options, can also play a role in this sort of homogenization of gameplay. I think that dynamizing phases 1 and 2 to create new game meta in early and mid game is a good starting point.
    • Also, "unique" doesn't have to be gimmicky. Some special aura or ability is good, while the base usage of the unit mostly still conforms to its type. So, for instance, the Iberian champ cav still has its Jav Cav usage and stats, but also its ability to damage buildings which is unique among the Jav Cav type. Macedonian Hypaspists can be upgraded to Silver Shields. Perhaps in this mode they have a small aura that boosts nearby troops a little. In the later Macedonian kingdom, Hypaspists became administrators and officers, so this small feature could indicate that. The Macedonian Companion Cavalry could be slightly faster than other champ cavs and have a small (10%?) attack bonus vs. infantry, but costs slightly more. Persian Immortals can already switch between Spear and Bow. Maybe also give them a "Campaign Panoply" tech that upgrades their look (and stats) from palace guard robes to scale mail (this is in DE). And also give the player the ability to train either the melee or ranged version by default, so if they actually want the ranged version they don't always have to train the melee version first. The Bactrian Cataphract's attack could have some splash damage. Perhaps a feature of all Cataphracts (the other being the Seleucid Cataphract). Spartan Spartiate hoplites could give an armor boost to other hoplites nearby. I mean a very very small radius, like 3 meters, to simulate a "shield wall"/"phalanx" effect. Also, look into how DE makes the Skiritai Runner more interesting. Brythonic Chariot could have its rider jump off when the chariot is killed. He then runs at the enemy with a sword, maybe getting a kill before himself getting killed.  Seleucid Scythe Chariots could have a trample aura. This needs extra code, but has been desired for some time.    
    • I'm sure I don't. but I always thought 0ad has too much units overlap. It was me that suggested the changes to unit pushing from a25 to a26.
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