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31 minutes ago, ffffffff said:

how about vote mechanism? map type, map name, map size, res, pop limit, nomad, treasures, maybe for all options? could be also vote team configuration 1v1..2v2...etc.

maybe also in player dropdown gray out a player that enter spec command. or player that set play command or play slot 1 (1-8) command as yellow in color in appropriate slot player dropdown.

Too many edge cases and looks like would make hosting more diffcult instead :/

27 minutes ago, ffffffff said:

lol omg also vote kick ban possible xd im not sure if mute possible. maybe only locally



 how about ready command

local shadow mute sounds nice

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version 0.1.2


  • can recognize more civ name variants and  typical typos


  • terminator bot with the most memorable Terminator's 2  quotes 


/nub for nub bot

/noproblemo for terminator bot

(only host can activate bot)

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version 0.2.0


  • Mute option for lobby
  • Mute option for gamesetup/ingame  ( another separated from lobby )

How does it work?


/mute playername     : adds player to your mute list
/unmute playername   :deletes player from your mute list
/muteclear    :deletes all mutes
/mutelist       :shows the list of muted players

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version 0.2.2


  • Custom starting resources
  • Custom population cap

How does it work?


/population  number   : set the population cap

/resources   number  : set the starting resources ( the same  quantity for each type)

/help   : to see all commands  possible

Edited by nani
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version 0.2.3


  • Custom map size

How does it work?

/mapsize number : set map size

** minimum map size is 1,  minimum recommended is 50  if less than 128 is possible  starting cc wont appear)

** size maps refence:   tiny=126  normal=256  gigant=512   

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version 0.2.6


  • Link opener for the lobby (only)

How does it work?

/linklist: shows the links that did detect in lobby messages, will show a list with a number (index) for each link

/link index: will open the link with the index specified, if no index is set will open link index = 0 (the more recent if no links then gives error message) 

** Each time it detects a new link it will add it to the list. The link list will be chronologically sorted from newest (index 0) to oldest.

Edited by nani
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  • 2 weeks later...

version 0.2.10


  • Now works for host with different language (will auto-assign civ in the language the host has set).
  • Will also work with custom civs names (no vanilla civs) if most JavaScript code is compatible/unchanged.
  • Bug fix : start word won't set civ as "spartan". @thankforpie
  • ???
  • Profit.
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On 11/28/2018 at 6:17 PM, nani said:

version 0.2.10


  • Now works for host with different language (will auto-assign civ in the language the host has set).
  • Will also work with custom civs names (no vanilla civs) if most JavaScript code is compatible/unchanged.
  • Bug fix : start word won't set civ as "spartan". @thankforpie
  • ???
  • Profit.

see we did good job together

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On 7/19/2018 at 2:37 AM, nani said:

Hi, this mod is a collection of modifications that makes hosting easier (plus some random stuff I make).


This mod main objective is to read what people write in the chat and if it detects that someone wrote for example "romans", "gauls" set them that civilization.
Has some others features as muting a player or setting custom population cap, resources, map size.


Download the mod with the link below (autociv is not in mod.io)

Install in MacOS
: Thanks @HMS-Surprise

Install in Linux/Windows:
Short answer: Install autociv opening the downloaded file from above with 0 A.D [or pyrogenesis.exe] (E.g. double click the file / right click open with 0ad [or pyrogenesis.exe] )
Long answer: Install autociv the same way the fgod mod is installed in this post explanation down below (good explanation): 



The mod is compatible with vanilla 0 A. D. and most light modified mods (including the last fgod mod version @ffffffff).
Remember to set the fgod first if you use both at the same time (image below of example mod page settings):



For more info just read the whole thread where I post new "features".


You don't understand how it works? Feeling confused? Just wanna comment? Ask and post.

Add this mod to mod list for linux. This install sucks.

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