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Made a lot of buildings from this game to M&B : Warband, you can see all of them on my youtube channel. Don't know if historically accurate, but beautiful indeed.

Share the link and we can see what can do with them. Im thinking in see some movies and series with high historic accurate. May be a documental like Roman Empire a fall of an Empire. They have a chapter about Grachus war. I see what kind of stuff we seen and if are accurate.

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attachicon.gifScreenshot from 2014-01-23 18:18:42.png

I gave the African minifaction a try. This would allow people to place small village that don't participate in the actual game (i.e. they are not there to fight) (maybe add a marketplace? that way you could trade with them...)

There was a game with the same idea and i liked it. only dont know what game it was

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I watching a building with a Bullseye, you know that things are used as target for Archery.

And in Greek mythology are some example specially with Heracles and Eurytus.

But I had no evidence how can be looks like. So I find this

Apollodorus says one day Eurytus promised Iole to whoever could beat him and his sons in an archery contest. Eurytus was an expert archer and taught his sons his knowledge of the bow and arrow. The sons of the king shot their arrows and hit their targets. In fact, they shot so well that they beat all the others from the kingdom. Heracles heard of the prize and eagerly entered the contest for he very much wanted Iole. Heracles shot and hit the bullseye and even beat Eurytus's scores. The irony is Eurytus years earlier had taught Heracles to become an archer.[1]


Over here I up some ideas, obviusly for Artist inspiration.



Other concept than traditional



You now in many RTS have Archery range stuff.

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Scythian stuff. (Buildings)


A watchtower or defensive.


Now this is interesting Wagon.

The development of equipage in the late 2nd millennium BC led to the emergence and expansion of the so-called Scythian culture, which ranged from Europe to the Altai and from Siberia to Iran. By 750 BC Saka nomads belonging to the Massagetae confederation migrated into the Khorezm oasis from the north, the Kuyasay culture in the Sarykamysh delta and the Apasiaks in the marshlands to the east of the Aral Sea. Over four hundred years later Alexander encountered similar nomadic Saka and Massagetae warriors along the Syr Darya.

Herodotus wrote about the Massagetae nomads living to the east of the Caspian, noting that their way of living was like the Scythians and, while the men were great horsemen, their women travelled in ox-drawn wagons. Later he described the Scythian way of life in more detail:

"A people without fortified towns, living ... in wagons which they take with them wherever they go, accustomed, one and all, to fight on horseback with bows and arrows, and dependant for their food not upon agriculture but upon their cattle..."


Clay models of Scythian covered wagons recovered from archaeological sites in the Crimea.

Dated about 600 BC. From "Die Welt der Skythen" by Renate Rolle, 1980.

A description of these carts was given by Hippocrates:

"The smallest of these wagons have four wheels, but some have six; they are covered in with felt, and they are constructed in the manner of houses, some having but a single apartment, but some having three... The wagons are drawn by yokes of oxen, some of two and others of three... In these wagons the women live, but the men are carried about on horses..."

while Aeschylus described them as: "...basketwork huts, high up on wheels, like waggons."

However it is clear that portable tents were also in use for specific purposes, although not as mainstream dwellings. Herodotus mentions a Scythian burial rite in which the mourners bathed in the smoke of burning hemp seeds inside a tent made from a tripod of three poles covered with woollen felts. He also describes the bald Scythian Argippae as living under a tree, covered in the winter with waterproof white felt. Some have interpreted this as some form of yurt-like structure, while others have supposed its occupants may have been a local religious cult.

The Sarmatians too travelled with their women and children in wagons, which in this case were covered with hides. During the 2nd century BC they displaced the Saka nomads in the Khorezm region. In 378 AD the Roman General Ammianus Marcellinus wrote of one of the later Sarmatian tribes known as the Alans:

"For they have no huts ... and dwell in wagons, which they cover with rounded canopies of bark and drive over the boundless wastes. And when they come to a place rich in grass, they place their carts in a circle and feed like wild beasts. As soon as the fodder is used up, they place their cities, as we might call them, on the wagons and so convey them: in the wagons the males have intercourse with the women, and in the wagons their babes are born and reared; wagons form their permanent dwellings, and wherever they come , that place they look upon as their natural home."

The first Mongol-like migrants to reach Khorezm were the Huns in the 4th century. Like the Saka, who arrived one millennium before them, they were nomads who lived on horseback and travelled with their families in covered wagons. Marcellinus left us a disparaging description of their dwellings as well:

"They are all without fixed abode, without hearth, or law, or settled mode of life, and keep roaming from place to pace, like fugatives, accompanied by the wagons in which they live; in wagons their wives weave for them their hideous garments, in wagons they cohabit with their husbands, bear children, and rear them to the age of puberty."

Although Chinese reports show that the Hsiung-nu had both carts and felt-covered tents, it is not clear whether the Huns had pitched tents as well.

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That should be Bullseye not Eyebull Lion and and lole is not an English word at all ;) good find though.

Enjoy the Choice :)

sorry in Spanish it's diana is very hard to find. Because is a female name too. Thank you. It's was fixed.

With iodine it's not Spanish neither , I was only copy and paste from Wikipedia. First I find the article in Spanish and then I find the English version so I read both , if have same info.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Thanks Torphin for this

the Tower of Winds


The Tower of the Winds is an octagonal Pentelic marble clocktower in the Roman Agora in Athens that functioned as a horologion or "timepiece". The structure features a combination of sundials, a water clock, and a wind vane.[1] It was supposedly built by Andronicus of Cyrrhus around 50 BC, but according to other sources, might have been constructed in the 2nd century BC before the rest of the forum.

Can be nice building with big LOS and great stuff for City Designers.

celtic Camp


May can have Mercenary Camp Attributes for scenarios

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Olympia site had great religious significance and was the location which Alexander's father Philip II chose to begin building a temple-like structure called the Philippeion as a votive offering to the gods after his victory at the battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC. Inside, located on semi-circular plinths, were placed gold and ivory statues of the Macedonian royal family including Alexander (materials usually reserved for the gods) in honour of the dynasty of Macedonian kings. The building was reportedly completed by Alexander.

The Philippeion was a circular structure of stone and marble which featured a colonnade of 18 Ionic columns around the porch or peristyle and an inner colonnade of 9 Corinthian half-columns around the wall and a roof of carved marble tiles and crowned with a bronze poppyhead.

So anyone honoring the statue of Zeus in his temple had only to walk a very short distance in order to also gaze upon the figure of Alexander.



This web have a variety of resources


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The Slave Market


Location of the Slave Market in Rome

The location of the first Slave Market in Ancient Rome was situated in the area called the Graecostadium behind the Basilica Julia in the Roman Forum. The market was huge and extremely popular with the Romans. The trade in slaves was highly lucrative. The best slaves were to be found in the saepta (built by Septimius Severus near the forum) which was the market and meeting place of the wealthy Romans, where the best shops were.

Slave Market in Rome - The Graecostadium

The name Graecostadium means 'market for Greek slaves. Some of the first large numbers of Roman slaves came from Greece. Many Greeks were brought to Rome as slaves. Aemilius Paulus, the victor of the Battle of Pydna in Greece in 168 BC is said to have taken the profit from selling 150,000 Greeks to Rome. Trade at the Graecostadium was extremely brisk during this period.

Roman Slave Market - the Sale of Slaves

The sale of slaves at the Slave Market was conducted in many ways in the exactly the same way as other goods and wares. The sellers would emphasize the features and benefits and any unique selling points. Slaves for sale would sometimes be stood almost naked on revolving stands so the buyers could see exactly what they were purchasing. New arrivals brought from abroad were put on display with one foot whitened with chalk. Roman law demanded that dealers disclosed the ethnic origin (natio) of the slaves they were selling. So placards (tituli) were hung from the necks of the slaves for sale detailing their nationality, origin, abilities, their good and, less frequently, their bad points. If the dealer was not able to offer any guarantees the slave was made to wear a special cap called a pillei on his head.

The entire empire was a working ground for the slave trade business. Slaves were shipped to provinces and sold at the local slave markets, with some of the providers working also as tax collectors.

Often times if a family couldnt pay off their tax, they were taken into slavery, until they pay-off their debt. It is in these markets that the slaves were bought and re-sold to the wealthy slave masters, after the new property was shipped via ship or a caravan to their destinations. One of the bigger slave markets was situated on the Greek island of Delos, with the capacity to hold up to 10,000 slaves.

The most common source of slaves were the prisoners of war, criminals which were sentenced to slavery for their crimes also know as Servi poanae. The children born into slavery sanguinolenti - had no rights, just as their parents.

A mainstream of slaves followed Romes path of conquest and their ethnicity depending on winch part of the Mediterranean the Empire would expand in. Among the enslaved were people from Northern Italy, Greece, Iberia, Gallia, The Balkans, Egypt, Northern Africa, Britain, Dacia, Parthia.

Finding references...

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Basilica ( no the church of course) related withb Slave market and court.


Very similar to our Roman Cívic Centre.

Basilica Aemilia was a civil basilica in the Roman forum, in Rome, Italy. Today only the plan and some rebuilt elements can be seen. The Basilica was 100 meters (328 ft) long and about 30 meters (98 ft) wide. Along the sides were two orders of 16 arches, and it was accessed through one of three entrances.[1][/spolier]

The Roman basilica was a large public building where business or legal matters could be transacted. The first basilicas had no religious function at all. As early as the time of Augustus, a public basilica for transacting business had been part of any settlement that considered itself a city, used in the same way as the late medieval covered market houses of northern Europe, where the meeting room, for lack of urban space, was set above the arcades, however. Although their form was variable, basilicas often contained interior colonnades that divided the space, giving aisles or arcaded spaces on one or both sides, with an apse at one end (or less often at each end), where the magistrates sat, often on a slightly raised dais. The central aisle tended to be wide and was higher than the flanking aisles, so that light could penetrate through the clerestory windows.

The oldest known basilica, the Basilica Porcia, was built in Rome in 184 BC by Cato the Elder during the time he was Censor. Other early examples include the basilica at Pompeii (late 2nd century BC).

Probably the most splendid Roman basilica (see below) is the one begun for traditional purposes during the reign of the pagan emperor Maxentius and finished by Constantine I after 313 AD.


Athens Royal Stoa


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