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I was meaning a subforum of HoI.
How about a history forum? It could be combined with the Hall of Intellectuals.
In case any of you havent noticed I havent been around for the last few weeks. This is because I moved to a new apartment and I'm sure many of you have gone through what I went through. Well for about the week before the actual move I was packing and bring some of the small stuff to my new place. The night before the move (I was staying in the same city so it wasnt that big of a deal) I realized that I still had to pack much more than I could do in a couple hours so I decided to pull an all-nighter which, long story short, was a bad idea (never mix exhaustion with sleepiness and beer) and I ended up falling asleep while cleaning the shower. The next morning, in a panic, I shoved just about everything that wasnt packed into garbage bags and boxes which resulted in several fragile items being broken. So the movers come, load the truck, and get it over to my new place while I stayed behind to clean. I finaly get over there about 7pm and find out that while they were unloading the truck, one of the movers put the kitchen table on the apartment balcony and it (by some freak of nature I am to believe the outrageous story they gave me) ended up plunging 5 stories onto a car in the parking lot below, so now tired and exhausted again, I have a little old woman screaming at me to pay for her ancient rusty bucket-of-bolts to be repaired. The cable company was late (3 weeks late) connecting my internet and cable so, when it is entirely not my fault, I have to pay a reconnection fee! My phone still hasnt been hooked up, and the building manager is continously bugging me to move a broken table from the parking lot (which, by my story, I know nothing about). I suppose it could have been worse though Anyway, feel free to share your own experiences with good/bad moves.
Another member of HG has joined WFG Word spreads
I suppose one must consider whether it is better to have more civs, but some sharing building sets and maybe even units, or to have a low number of civs with each being unique. I would go with the latter. Although RTW managed to get in a fair number of civs, each being unique except that a few share some units. BTW, welcome
Welcome to WFG
I have one year left of high school, and I really want to move back to Austria so I can go to university there. Good luck Argalius, but I would have suggested studying in Canada over the US.
I put down Romans since my great (by how many times I'm not sure) grandfather was an Italian merchant from Rome who moved to Austria in the 1400s. My family tree goes back almost 700 years! As he and just about all my ancestors before him came from Rome, that gives me the blood of the Romans . I suppose I would also have some Celtic and Germanic blood since my family became Austrian.
I would just like to know, what are the major challenges that WFG faces in making 0ad?
I'm currently learning programming, but its hard . I'm really only fit to do history, but the history dept. is full.
I think WFG got into another magazine years ago when they made the Rome at War mod for AoK.
The final episode was good, besides the utter lack of historical accuracy. I thought this show was supposed to be about Octavius's rise to power and the founding of the Roman Empire, but Octavius didnt really take charge until he had returned to Rome after defeating Antony and Cleopatra, but they didnt show that.
I have watched all the episodes except the first one. Its a very good series, but not very historicaly accurate.
Will we be able to get 0ad on a CD, rather than download it?
I suppose my biggest concern about a map editor is user-friendliness. An in game tutorial would be very helpfull as well as a ful and detailed list of the triggers and what they do. Perhaps a guide mode inside the editor would be a handy tool for newbies. Whatever you do, please, please do not let you editor be anything like the AoK editor!
How about puting in options to turn on/off the effects, then you can satisfy those who like good effects and those with the minimum requirements?
Congratulations for getting 0ad in a magazine . This should get WFG more support and members. Can anyone send me a copy, I dont live in the UK
How easily will it be to create modpacks and will there be a specific modpack program for 0ad like Modpack Studio for AoK?
I think the Clibanarii were created by Hadrian to be the Roman version of the Persian Kataphractoi, and they carried a number of weapons, but I am possibly mistaken about the bow. At any rate the Romans did not use cavalry archers to any great extent. The list I gave covers most of the Roman Republican era, and with a Legionary as the infantry super-unit you would also cover the Marian reforms.
I believe Clibanarii were sort of the Roman versions of the Persian Kataphractoi, armed with a sword, mace and bow. Just an idea. Good point. I just got it from AoE, but I thought the same thing. Maybe a list like Bireme, Trireme, and Quinquereme would be better? If you really wanted to be as historicaly accurate as possible, then you would use the actualy Latin names rather than the english versions.