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Everything posted by Caesar

  1. Heres some ideas for the Romans: Infantry Spearman- Triarius Infantry Swordsman- Hastatus Infantry Javelineer- Velite Infantry Archer- Longbowman Infantry Slinger- Slinger Cavalry Spearman- Lancearii Cavalry Swordsman- Cataphract Cavalry Javelineer- ? Cavalry Archer- Clibanarii Infantry Super Unit- Legionary Cavalry Super Unit- Equite Big Ship- Juggernaught Medium Ship- Trireme Small Ship- Galley Siege for Units- Ballista Siege for Buildings- Siege Tower Ram Priest Female Worker Trader I'll post some more civ ideas later.
  2. So this document is basicaly the master plan of 0ad, every aspect of the game is described and listed in this file? Sounds pretty important, I can see why you would want to keep it confidential, at least for the time being. However, is there any chance we can see a list of units for each civ like in AoK or AoM?
  3. On this day in 1867 the British North America Act came into effect uniting the first four provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick into the Dominion of Canada. I'd like to wish all of you (even all you yankees ) a Happy Canada Day!!!
  4. I unfortunatly missed it for pool-related reasons, but I hope to see the second episode next week. Can anyone give me the sypnosis of the pilot episode?
  5. I also wanted to know if there are plans for any special units like standard bearers, bodyguards, shield bearers ect. ? I am also interested in whether or not siege weapons will be considered units, or objects that can be manned by units? @Paul, in case you havent yet, can you please post my first article before I send you the next one?
  6. Is there any plans for special units like standard-bears, centurions, gladiators ect.? I also have an idea for mercenaries: As specified in the FAQ, the map will be divided into provinces. How having an option where the player can hire mercenaries based on the province in which they are based in (ie. in North and Western Europe you can hire celtic units; in the western Med. Roman units; in Greece and the Balkans, Hellenic units; in Africa Carthaginians; in Asia, Persians; and in the Iberian Peninsula, Iberians). A player would be able to hire, lets say, 10 units based on what province they are based in, and then have the units apear at the town center and only be available for a specified period of time. Hiring mercenaries would be more expensive than creating units, but much faster. What do you all think? @Paul, you can post my first article now in you want. I should have the next one ready by friday.
  7. Will there be any Cavalry Archers? If so, why not give allow them to fire while moving, unlile the AoK Cav Archers who had to fire while stationary.
  8. What I was suggesting was that archers can fire for several minutes, with a bar under their icon that grudualy gets lower. After a fe minutes they "run out of arrows" and cannot fire again for another few minutes. Archer technologies can lengthen the time they can fire, and/or shorten the reloading time. @Paul, I sent you the first part for my Rise of Christianity article, so you can post it if there are no problems. There has been a delay with the Part Two, so you should get that sometime next week. Sorry for the delay.
  9. Speaking of archers, I would just like to bring up an interesting point that I brought up a while ago- How about restricting the amount of arrows that an archer can fire, before they have to 'reload'?
  10. Dont worry, I am trying to be as secular as I can on this article. Just so you you know I am Roman Catholic, but I will make this as unbiased as I can. Christianity played a major role in the the late Roman empire, so it only makes sense that an article on Christianity be in the WFG history archives. Just so you know, the article will have three parts- Part One will be the Life of Christ, and Part Two is the Begining of Christian ity under the Apostles (the death of Christ in 32 AD to the Cruxcifiction of Peter in 67 AD), and Part Three will be the Early Church until Constantine. I have Part One done, and it is about 1000 words.
  11. Thanks! I'm currently researching an article on the rise of Christianity. The first part will be about the life of Jesus and the second part will be about the early church.
  12. How would I go about submitting a history article?
  13. In respect to the Roman units, will there be any Imperial/Marian Legions in the first half of 0ad? Although the Punic-style soldiers would exist through most of the period covered by the first installment of 0ad, the famous Marian legions would exist for the last 100-150 years of the game, and as Imperial legions for the last 30 years of 0ad. Maybe the Marian-style soldiers could be the final upgrade for the Roman units, since it seems sort of important that events like the rebellion of Spartacus, and the campaigns of Julius Caesar should played with their historical units. Another thing about the Roman units- since 0ad will have spearmen, swordsmen, and ranged infantry as separate units, how will you compensate for the fact that the Marian Legions carried Pila that could be used as either a spear or a javelin, and a gladius sword- 3 units rolled into one (this question probably wont be applicable for the first installation of 0ad, but I'm just curius).
  14. I just have one word for the screenshots- WOW (they remind me of Nemises of the Roman Empire)! For a freeware game where the developers work for nothing, I am amazed at the amount of effort that has gone into 0ad, and the truly astounding work that has been done. I would have expected something half as good as this from a proffesional studio. I cant wait for the beta to come out!
  15. The abandoned fortess idea would work very weel for 0ad, and add some extra challenge. It will keep players from building unnecessary fortresses, if you cant control it, dont build it. Another idea that could go with this is that abondoned fortresses will gradualy fall into disrepair if no one controls it- eg. lose hitpoints periodicaly when no units are inside, and the next player to take control has to repair the fortress.
  16. I really liked the RaW mod. It had much better graphics then ARLTR. I was planning on usin RaW in my AoK TC mod, Clash of Empires, but since I resigned as leader of CoE I think it isnt going to be finished.
  17. Are there any positions open to help with 0ad? I am currently learning C++, but is there anything besides programing?
  18. How about allowing fortresses and towers to be abandoned if there are no units garrisoned inside? For example, in order for a player to keep a fortress in their possession they must garrison one or more units inside or else any other player can take the fortress by moving their own units inside.
  19. Is it possible to build roads in 0ad, or will they just be a terrain type? I ask this because many civilizations, especialy the Romans, relied on road building to secure their empire and hasten the movement of armies. If roads are not able to be built, I suggest giving them a terrain bonus for speed.
  20. Ok, thanks for clearing that up By the way, 0ad will have the pre-punic Romans, right?
  21. I like the idea of random shields for some civs like the Hellenes and Celts, but I dont think it would work too well for civs like the Romans. I like the way of identifying units by weapons though.
  22. What can 0ad modders expect regarding units? Will unit modding be similar to AoK? I asume that unit modding will be much harder in 0ad due to camera angles and differant textures, but does anyone have an idea of how many frames each unit will have?
  23. This may have been asked already, but in the scenario editor, can the names of units and heroes be changed? I am also working on an article about the rise of christianity.
  24. I really like the fact that the 0ad units will show a lot of detail because of their size then the AoE and AoK units, although it may present more of a challenge to modders. What are you planning for the dying animations in the area of realism- i.e. will it be really bloody like the real ancient battles, or will you be toning it down (I did have an idea for severed body parts, but that might be too gruesome)?
  25. Each civ could have their own unique formations: Romans- Maniple, Hellenes-Phalanx, ect.
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