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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by CodeOptimist

  1. Wildfire Games Username Colors Guide Here is a small color guide so our new members can get familiar with the various username colors used on the Wildfire Forums. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Community Team Community Administrator Administrators are assigned the dark red color. These are the people who keep the forums running smoothly, as well as managing the Community Guardians (moderators). Senior Community Guardians Senior Community Guardians (moderators) are also given the dark red color. These people make sure everyone stays on topic and within the Community Guidelines. They can moderate anywhere. Community Guardian Community Guardians (moderators) are given a dark orange color. These people make sure everyone stays on topic and within the Community Guidelines. They can only moderate the forums they are assigned to. Community Guardian Recruit Before someone becomes a full-fledged Community Guardian, they have to pass the Guardian Recruit stage. While they are in the Guardian Recruit stage, they are assigned a bright orange color, and given an italic username. Development Team Project Leader Project leaders are given a bright red color. These people are responsible for overseeing the development of Wildfire's games, 0 A.D. and The Last Alliance. Department Leader Department leaders are given the same color as Project Leaders. Department Leaders are responsible for overseeing various departments (Programming, for instance) within the projects. 0 A.D. / The Last Alliance Staff Staff members (programmers, graphic artists, game designers, and so on) are assigned a light blue color. These are the people responsible for helping make Wildfire's games a reality. Community V.I.P. Community VIPs are "Core Members" of sorts, recruited from the gaming community. They are responsible for giving valuable community feedback and input on Wildfire's projects and concepts. Also, forumers that have been long time members of the community get the VIP status to reward them and to get them some extra recognition. Other Groups Guardian of the Month The Guardian of the Month (GotM) award is given to the nominee with the most votes in a monthly poll - watch the Community News & Announcements board and vote! Member of the Month The Member of the Month of the Month (MotM) award is given to the nominee with the most votes in a monthly poll - watch the Community News & Announcements board and vote!
  2. Wouldn't that kind of "blend" with the Match-Making Corner? Other than that, sounds good to me
  3. I think that the General Chat forum is enough for this. Maybe Tim will think otherwise though
  4. Glad you could make it here Matt!! I hope you have a good time at WFG.
  5. Welcome! I hope you have a pleasant stay here
  6. LOL, nice idea It's always hilarious when someone does some math and comes up with something like this
  7. This can be fiction correct? I won't be disqualified if I miss some historical detail about Roman battles?
  8. I received a few of these e-mails, my virus scanner tagged them though Thanks for posting the heads-up Erik.. rep+
  9. I actually liked the theme akya suggested a while back... the emotions right before war. By "Tolkien-style", I mean large battles, deep, thought-provoking stores, etc
  10. I'm all for a story contest I may not be the best help choosing a theme though I prefer "Tolkien-style" fantasy
  11. Welcome, Nebula! I hope you have a good time on the Wildfire forums! Good luck with your game!
  12. Twenty-five years. (hope my math skills didn't let me down )
  13. My tasks aren't impossible, but a bit overwhelming -keeping up with WFG -trying to complete my task of finding new mods -trying to get the next Crier article done -organizing a beginner's computer class -trying to find a computer lab for said computer class -thinking about building a basic HTPC -keeping the Wildfire Legends staff busy -doing work on Wildfire Legends -troubleshooting friends' PCs -providing computer help to clients -articles looming in my mind -keeping up with school & chores -reminding myself I need to work on a tech-demo of the WFG Intranet client sometime in the next 5 years About all I can think of for now...
  14. Welcome! I hope you have a pleasant stay here!
  15. LOL - it's Tim typing for the bot Great to see the sites are coming ever closer to completion!!
  16. LOL, this is a clever poll I probably laugh like "hahaha" most.
  17. What program do you use for this, Adam? I assume it's vector art? Looks awesome as always I like the hand in Beren's Device, only a Tolkien fan would understand that little symbol
  18. I hope that some person (or a group of people) funds a private venture into mining asteroids. It'd be a great thing for space development, plus, it's a huge "treasure trove" of precious metals/minerals potentially worth trillions of dollars And yes, I think it'd be possible to do that without "commercializing" space.
  19. I've actually made some "movies" as well. I made some short "effects tests" to try my skill at digital editing first, then went to short 10-minute action movies I'd post a link, but my web host won't let me I'll post it as soon as he fixes up his bandwidth problems
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