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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by CodeOptimist

  1. At our house, we have one doorframe for "measuring". Once in a while we stand up next to it and my Dad marks off our height with a pencil, including the date. That way, we can see how much we grew since a certain date!
  2. You can verify this Paul, but I believe that a little while after Jesus' death the Romans banned crucifixion because it was so brutal. Mel Gibson stated he wanted the movie to be very brutal to accurately depict the brutality of this type of death.
  3. I think I'm 5'8 or maybe 5'9 now. Just passed up my Dad He kept saying, "Ahh, I've still got 1/8th of an inch on him!" but now I'm definetly taller than he is
  4. Ah, I see At least you can pause to get some popcorn when you rent it
  5. Yes, don't know why anyone would want to buy that
  6. My parents are going to see it on Spring Break and then I will go see it. That's interesting Black Op, but what about all the great movies without sequels?
  7. Mel Gibson's The Passion of The Christ opened in theaters (USA at least) a few days ago, anyone gone and seen it yet? My friend did and he liked it... I haven't seen it yet though. Please do not start a religious debate here LOL! Go to the HOI for that!
  8. A big emblem or something would be good A big WFG logo is also a must
  9. I try to keep mine simple but clever I agree, Randy's is hilarious
  10. I try to keep mine simple but clever I agree, Randy's is hilarious
  11. LOL, that'd be great for 10 or 20 WFG'ers to show up Seriously though, try to comfort your Mom as best you can, and keep in touch with that lawyer. I like the suggestion about someone else keeping "meeting minutes" for extra proof.
  12. I think that a "Hall of Fame" web page would work better than a forum.
  13. I think that small helmets similar to the WFG pips would look good. (or is that what you've been describing all a long?) I'm a bit confused
  14. If I remember right, I gave Empires some good votes
  15. You mean mail? Or e-mail? Sounds great, interesting thing to put on a resume Go for it!
  16. I'm all for this, I've always liked the PAoM pips The only thing is... ours probably need to be smaller to fit with the forum style.
  17. Hooray! LoTR did well in this as well Thanks for taking the time to put this together and manage it, Shane!
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